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Тема 20



Задание 1. Укажите предложения, содержащие герундий.

1. Speaking good English is my dream. 2. Our writing machine is made in Germany. 3. That building is not so high as this one. 4. Speaking the friends left the room. 5. M. Lomonosov was an outstanding person. 6. Are you sure of having read this book? 7. She likes being asked difficult questions. 8. The device reading is wrong. 9. The boys playing in the yard are my younger brothers. 10. Building is a very old profession. 11. Your car needs repairing. 12. They are writing compositions at the moment. 13. He was ashamed of himself for having left them.

ное герундием.

одновремен­ное с действи­ем сказуемого предшест­вующее дей­ствию сказуе­мого

Задание 2. Определите действие, выражен

1. Little children like being read

interesting books. 1.

2. I don't remember having met you


3. There was no way of solving this 2.


  1. Do you like figure skating?

  2. Thank you for meeting us at the


6. We know of her having been

taught business abroad.

7. They like inviting guests to their


8. Her dress needs washing.

9. The stranger left the room

without saying good -bye.

10. Nobody was sure of his havingleft our country.

11. I am awfully sorry for having

interrupted you. 12. What about the idea of going

for a walk?

Задание 3.

Выберите адекватный вариант перевода ге­рундия.


1. At last she finished reading this








2. Reading is a very interesting


  1. We learn much by learning.

  2. Do you remember having read

this newspaper?

5. After reading the telegram he

hurried up to the station.

6. Are they fond of reading?

7. We had the pleasure of reading

in the local paper of your success.

8. Is he sure of having read his own



  1. приглашать

  2. пригласил

  3. приглашение

1. I think of inviting your friends to

the cinema. 2. Thank you for inviting me to

your birthday party.




  1. пригласить

  2. пригласим

3. The old man came without being


4. We like inviting guests to our


5. I don't remember having invited

those people here.

6. But they are sure of their having

been invited.

7. Do you like the idea of inviting

our relatives to spend this summer with us?

Задание 4. Определите функцию герундия в следующих



  1. подлежащее

  2. часть состав­ного глаголь­ного сказуе­мого

  3. часть состав­ного именно­го

  1. дополнение

  2. определение

  3. обстоятель­ство

1. What is the best season for


2. The little girl was fond of


3. Do you remember having met

this man before?

4. His duty is sorting the parts in


5. She likes being invited to the


6. One can get much information by


  1. Travelling by sea is the best rest.

  2. I am sure of having been shown

the photo recently.

9. His method of calculating is


  1. The director spoke of organizing some concerts for children.

  2. The computer сказуемого function is processing various data.

  3. Do you mind going for a walk?

  4. Before coming here I visited my parents.

  5. Here are the places for sitting.

  6. The teacher started checking up their papers.

  7. Studying is the way to knowledge.

  8. Don't speak of her being ill.

  9. Is there any reason for your leaving?

19. After having read his letter Idecided to visit his sister.

  1. He thanked me for helping him.

  2. The detective left the room without saying a word.

  3. Little children like being played with.

  4. Are they fond of travelling?

  5. The assistants kept on making new experiments.


1. My parents think of buying a little house in the country -side. 2. Their machine needs repairing. 3. We enjoyed listening to his singing. 4. Do you like the idea of going to the South? 5. I am proud of being his friend. 6. Are you sure of having seen this film already? 7. On going home I



met a friend of mine. 8. It continued raining. 9. My greatest pleasure is listening to music. 10. His younger brother is fond of reading detective stories. 11. After reading a letter I returned it to my mother. 12. They know about his having been awarded a Doctor degree. 13. He insisted on our going to the seaside. 14. Ann was not surprised at hearing the news. 15. We do not object to your taking part in our conference tomorrow. 16. Swimming is very useful for your health. 17. The boys entered the room without being noticed. 18. I got tired of waiting for them. 19. Our old house wanted painting. 20. Would you mind my smoking?

Задание 5. Замените русские фразы соответствующей формой герундия. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Children like (когда им читают — read) fairy -tales. 2. Are you fond of (танцевать — dance)? 3. (Поднимать — lift) such weights is not easy. 4. You can open this door by (толкая от себя — push) it. 5. (Чтение — read) books helped me in my work. 6. They should think of (поездке — go) to the South. 7. Why did your sister leave without (не проща­ясь — say good bye)? 8. The teacher began (проверять — check up) our tests. 9. (Обсуждение — discuss) the work in details is the best way of (выполнить -do ) it well. 10. We sat on the shore (молча - without speak). 11. Please, stop (раз­говаривать — talk) at the lesson. 12. And what about the idea of (навестить — visit ) our parents? 13. It is no use (ждать -wait) for them. 14. When will you start (искать — look for) a new flat? 15. She prefers (тратить- spend) money on travelling. 16. Would he mind my (приеду — come) home on Monday? 17. Does this car need (ремонт — repair)? 18. The doctor advised your friend to give up (курить — smoke).


Задание 6. Употребите нужную форму герундия.

1. Do you remember (having shown / having been shown) this picture to her already? 2. My son is very sorry for (being interrupted / having interrupted) you. 3. Does she like (inviting/ being invited) to our place? 4. Would you mind his (helping/ being helped) us? 5. Little children are fond of (being read / reading) interesting books. 6. How do you like the idea of (being cooked / cooking) a good dinner for our guests?

  1. I felt better for (doing/ having done) the work myself.

  2. New plan needs (improving/ having improved). 9. Are you sure of (being sent/ having sent) them a telegram? 10. There was no way of (avoiding/being avoided) this visit. 11. After (being read/ reading) the book I returned it to the library. 12. The girls kept on (having talked/ talking). 13. The delegation left without (being visited/visiting) the old fortress. 14. Is there any chance for your daughter of (studying/having studied) abroad? 15. Ann, stop (being cried/crying), please.

16. Do you see the way of (having solved/solving) this problem?

17. He is afraid of (being failed/failing) at the exams. 18. Ican't explain why she left without (being said/saying) good­bye. 19. She didn't like (criticizing/being criticized) by others.20.The students began (having written/writing) their tests at9 o'clock.

Задание 7. Образуйте от данных глаголов нужную фор­му герундия и дополните следующие предло­жения.

1. Is this film worth ....? 1. bring up

2.1 don't mind your ...

3. This girl had no chance of ... to our 2. come


  1. Do you prefer ... on foot? 3. cook

  2. What is his reason for... so early?

5. Практическая граммат. англ. яз.


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