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Тема 23 причастные обороты

  1. зависимый причастный оборот

  2. независимый причастный оборот

for you swim. 5. I like people tell the truth. 6. A.C. Doyle is known be a popular writer. 7. The weather appears to improving. 8. It is necessary your grandfather consult the doctor. 9. The goods unlikely to arrive in time. 10. This ship said to be the largest in the UK.

Задание 7. Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребив соответствующий инфинитивный оборот.

1. Он был первым, кто ответил на мой вопрос. 2. Было видно, как падали звезды. 3. Известно, что Бай­кал - самое глубокое озеро в мире. 4. Я не хочу, чтобы дети гуляли на улице. 5. Маловероятно, что телеграмма придет сегодня. 6. Ваш сын оказался надежным партне­ром. 7. Вот задание, которое студентам нужно выполнить самостоятельно. 8. Отец хотел, чтобы сын стал врачом. 9. Мне было поздно ехать к родителям. 10. Учитель смот­рел, как студенты выполняли упражнение. 11. Ребенку необходимо поехать к морю. 12. Вам легко говорить это. 13. Ты хочешь, чтобы я представил тебя? 14. Текст был слишком трудным, чтобы мы перевели его хорошо. 15. Мы думаем, что иностранная делегация приедет в суб­боту. 16. Сестра, конечно, навестит вас. 17. Вы бы хоте­ли, чтобы вас пригласили на концерт? 18. Вашим специ­алистам необходимо приехать как можно скорее.

Задание 1. Определите тип причастного оборота. А.


1. The street was full of singing and

laughing people.

2. It being Sunday the library was


3. The weather being fine, we went.

for a walk.

4. Having read the book I returned it

to my friend.

5. While reading a book she made

some notes.

6. Are the boys standing near that

window your friends? 7..The signal given, our train started.

8. The man came in carrying a big


9. Last lesson the students wrote tests.

all having different variants.

  1. When asked my son answered all questions.

  2. We want this letter to be sent today.

  3. The ship couldn't enter the dock, its length exceeding the norm.

  4. Having done the task the operators left the lab.

  5. New technology developed by our specialists proved to be rather effective.

  6. The experiment being over, you may discuss the results.



1. Did you see him running after some dog? 2. It being very cold, they couldn't start the motor. 3. Where are those children playing in the yard from? 4. Having seen our father off we returned home. 5. You can improve your knowledge by reading much. 6. She was seen waiting for Peter. 7. The agreement between both countries was translated into Russian and English, both variants being done well. 8. Did you see the children crossing the street? 9. Knowing English rather well my brother could easily translate this article. 10. The sun having risen, we continued our way. 11. Having lost the key we couldn't open the door. 12. My brother being ill, I had to stay at home. 13. New machines delivered to our office were made in Italy. 14. On the table there was an umbrella left by our teacher. 15. Both partners left the room discussing their contract.

Задание 2. Выберите адекватный вариант перевода.

1. The details having been discussed, the partnerssigned the agreement.

а) Детали обсуждались до того, как партнеры подписали соглашение.

в) После того, как детали были обсуждены, партнеры подписали соглашение.

2. There are many large industrial enterprises in our citywith the Rostselmash included.

а) В нашем городе много крупных промыш­ленных предприятий, включая Ростсельмаш. в) В нашем городе много крупных промышлен­ных предприятий, Ростсельмаш - одно из них.

3. Having written their tests the students gave them tothe teacher.

а) Письменные работы студентов были сданы учителю.

в) Написав контрольные работы, студенты сдали их учителю.

4. Advanced technologies widely used at our planthelped to increase productivity.

а) Передовые технологии, широко применяе­мые на нашем заводе, помогли повысить про­изводительность.

в) Передовые технологии были широко исполь­зованы на нашем заводе, помогая повысить производительность.

5. The boy was running quickly, his dog following him.

а) Мальчик бежал быстро, следуя за своей со­бакой.

в) Мальчик бежал быстро, собака следовала за ним.

6. I heard his name mentioned several times.

а) Я слышал, как его имя упомянули несколько раз.

в) Я слышал, как он упомянул это имя несколь­ко раз.

7. It being very cold, the children couldn't swim in the river.

а) Бывает очень холодно, поэтому дети не мо­гут плавать в реке.

в) Так как было очень холодно, дети не могли

поплавать в реке. 8. The books read by you in summer will help you in your studies.

а) Книги нужно прочитать летом, это поможет

вам в учебе. .

в) Книги, которые вы прочли летом, помогут

вам в учебе. 9. The artist showed us some pictures, nobody having seen them yet.

а) Художник показал нам несколько картин,

причем, их еще никто не видел.



в) Художник показал нам несколько картин, которые еще никто не видел. 10. The crop being rich, the farmers had to buy new combines, а) Урожаи бывают богатые и фермерам нужно покупать новые комбайны, в) Так как урожай был богатый, фермерам при­шлось покупать новые комбайны. В.

1. После того, как задание было выполнено, опера­тор выключил компьютер.

  1. The task having been done, the operator switched off the computer.

  2. While doing the task the operator switched off the computer

2. Вчера студенты работали в лаборатории, осна­щенной новым оборудованием.

  1. Yesterday the students worked in the lab, it being fitted up with new equipment.

  2. Yesterday the students worked in the lab fitted up with new equipment.

3. Мы не могли увидеть солнце, так как оно былозакрыто облаками.

  1. We couldn't see the sun, it being covered by clouds.

  2. We couldn't see the sun covered by clouds.

4. Пройдя большое расстояние, путешественникиустали.

  1. While covering a long distance the travellers were tired.

  2. Having covered a long distance the travelers were tired.

5. Книга, которую показывают нам сейчас, написана моим другом.

a) The book which is shown by us now is written

by my friend.


b) The book being shown to us now has been written by my friend.

6. После испытаний новую модель рекомендовали кпроизводству.

a) Having been tested new model wasrecommended for production.

b) After tests one should recommend new modelfor production.

7. Тая, снег сохраняет одну и ту же температуру.

a) The melting snow keeps the same temperature.

b) While melting snow keeps the sametemperature.

8. Ей пришлось продать книги, так как не было дру­гого выхода.

  1. She sold the books because there was no way out.

  2. She had to sell the books, there being no other way out.

9. Игрушки, выпускаемые вашим заводом, пользу­ются большим спросом.

  1. The toys made by your plant are in great demand.

  2. The toys are made by your plant according to great demand.

10. Поскольку эксперимент был начат вовремя, онпрошел успешно.

  1. Being started in time the experiment was a success.

  2. The experiment was started in time, it being a success.

Задание З. Заполните пропуски нужной формой причастия. Переведите предложения на русский язык. А.

1. Nobody could answer the questions ... by you.


  1. asked

  2. asking

  3. being asked

  4. having asked

  5. having been asked

2. ... a lot of questions the

detective left the room.

3. You are to answer the questions

... by me before.

  1. The boys followed the famous sportsman ... many questions.

  2. When ... he usually answered at once.

The questions were difficult. The question her answer.

by the teacher , we waited for

  1. doing

  2. done

  3. being done

  4. having done

  5. having been


The work ... by you now is rather interesting. My son was in the garden ... something.

... this hard work he could have a rest.

The task ... before, they had not

to do it again.

All exercises ... by the students

will help them to write the tests

well. Done , While ... this operation be very

careful. . ... all work about the house

mother went shopping.


1. (Talked/talking) loudly the assistants left the lab. 2. The car stopped before the (being shut/shut) door. 3. It was the castle (being built/built) some centuries ago. 4. Th


instruction (being/been) in German, we couldn't translate it.

  1. The picture (bought/buying) by Ann was very beautiful.

  2. She went out of the room (leaving/left) the door open.

7. (Been/being) fond of music we often go to various concerts.

8. (Having seen/seeing) this film before I didn't go to thecinema with him. 9. The travelers couldn't see the sun(covered/covering) by clouds. 10. (Having discussed/discussing) the details we signed the contract. 11. Tell usabout the country (visited/visiting) by you in summer.12. (Entered/entering) the classroom the teacher greeted thestudents. 13. The captain didn't see the little dog (sat/sitting)beside him. 14. My friend wrote many interesting books, thelast one(been/being) the best. 15. The sun (being risen/havingrisen), we began working.

Задание 4. Выберите нужную форму причастия. Переведи­те предложения на русский язык.

1. Who saw him (being left/leaving) for Kiev last evening? 2. New combines (produced/producing) by the Rostselmash will be exported to many countries. 3. It (being rained/raining) cats and dogs, we had to stay at home. 4. (Having signed/signing) the contract the partners left the office. 5. Nobody knew the man (sat/sitting) on the bench. 6. He didn't see the train (being left/leaving) the station slowly. 7. The girls (introduced/introducing) by our teacher were twins. 8. (Building/having built) a new house we moved to it in autumn. 9. The captain sat on the shore, his eyes (being followed/following) the boat. 10. It (been/being) too late, he had to return to the village. 11. While (made/making) an experiment the lab assistant registered the device readings into his note book. 12. (Having read/reading) a new text the students used dictionaries.

Задание 5. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.

1. In the evening I heard sing her a song. 2. Having

