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I. B. Articles

Часто неопределенный артикль a/anставится вместо словаone:

It seemed more like an hour. Это выглядело дольше, чем час.

Обратите внимание на комплименты:

Whata nicering! = That’s a nicering! Какое красивое кольцо!

What nice rings! = Those are nice rings! Какие красивые кольца!

Неопределенный артикль a/an употребляется с некоторыми абстрактными неисчисляемыми существительными, когда перед ними стоит определение:

a passing anger мимолетный гнев

a certain charm некое обаяние

I. C. А) Translate the sentences. B) Make up sentences according to the models in a)

a) 1. What a lovely day! 2. What a nice street! 3. How funny! 4. What fine weather! 5. How beautiful she is! 6. What an interesting film! 7. Those are funny glasses! 8. What a splendid dress! 9. What a comfortable armchair! 10. What pretty girls! 11.That’s a nice room! 12. Those are wonderful dresses. 13. What lovely jeans! 14. What a lovely necklace!

b) 1) nice, good, funny, interesting, lovely, beautiful, splendid, pretty

2) vases, present, case, monument, glasses, dress, symphony, ring, ear-rings, jeans, shoes, boots, girl, man, bracelet, armchair, city, weather, books, chain

II. A. Make up dialogues according to the models in a) using the word combinations in b)

a) A: What’s the matter?

B: I’m tired.

A:Go to bed then.

b) A: What’s the matter?

B: I’m bored.

A: Why don’t you read a book?

B: / to be thirsty / to be late for work / to be bored / to be hungry / to be cold / to be hot / to be tired / to be unhappy

A: to read a book / to have a sandwich / to go to bed / to go for a walk / to have a drink / to have a rest / to take a holiday / to hurry up / to leave a party / to watch TV / to take a taxi / to drink a cup of coffee / to go to a restaurant / to have a shower / a bath


SO может употребляться с глаголами: hope, expect, think, suppose, to be afraid, etc.

Is she Spanish? - I don’t think so. Она испанка? – Я так не думаю.

Is she American? - I think so. / I suppose so. Она американка? – Думаю, что да. / Полагаю, что да.

II. C. Translate the sentences

1. Is he waiting for you? - I suppose so. 2. Is it going to rain tomorrow? - I hope so. 3. Will Tom come? - I expect so. 4. Is it going to snow? - I hope not. / I doubt it. 5. Can you go there with me? - I’m afraid not.

II. D. Answer with I think so, I suppose not etc.

e.g. Is it going to rain? - I hope not.

1. Do you think you’ll get a pay increase soon? - (hope) 2. Is Jill married? - (think) 3. Can you lend me some money? - (afraid) 4. Is Mark going to pass his exams? - (expect) 5. Is Ann working tomorrow? - (suppose)

II. E. Express your attitude using: That’s very likely. / I expect so. / I think so. / I hope so. / I think so. / I suppose so. – Полагаю, что да.

I don’t think so. / I doubt it. – Я так не думаю. / Сомневаюсь.

1. TV will ultimately oust the cinema. 2. The oceans will dry up. 3. Man will live on the moon. 4. Humans will land on Mars. 5. The USA will win the next Olympics. 6. English will become a world language. 7. The climate will be much warmer. 8. Man will conquer disease one day.

II. F. Translate the sentences: 1. Я думаю, уже поздно идти туда. 2. Полагаю, он поедет в Америку. 3. Не думаю, что он прав. 4. Сомневаюсь, что он сдаст экзамен. 5. Надеюсь, он придёт вовремя. 6. Боюсь, я не могу помочь тебе. 7. Ты можешь одолжить мне деньги? - Боюсь, что нет. 8. Надеюсь, он ждёт меня.

III. A. Translate the following international words: calendar [′kælində]

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