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V. C. Цепочка определений. Существительное в функции определения

Если между определителем и существительным, к которому он относится стоит несколько существительных, они образуют цепочку определений, а последнее существительное является по отношению к ним опорным. С него рекомендуется начинать перевод цепочки определений.

busstopавтобуснаяостановка (остановкаавтобуса)

water supply system development сооружение системы водоснабжения

First year students study Mathematics, Physics and other subjects. Студенты первого курса изучают математику, физику и другие предметы.

V. D. Translate the following word combinations

bus stop, reading hall, car park, laboratory work, laboratory equipment, laboratory research, computer centre, lecture room, study room, study time, study process, university program, management program, research program results, research work, research institute, laboratory test, transport systems, mining department

V. E. Translate the sentences

1. The bus stop is not very far from the university. 2. The students spend a lot of study time at the university. 3. We often do laboratory work with the help of computers. 4. Our university has new modern computer technologies. 5. Our new computer programmes are very interesting but not very easy. 6. The study process is very important. 7. Our new university program is very difficult. 8. There is a Computer Centre with a Free Internet Access Center at the University.

V. F. Переведите словосочетания

Автобусная остановка, проблемы экологии, факультет строительства и экологии, компьютерный центр, кухонный стол, летний месяц, школьный сад, осенний цветок, номер телефона, коробка для карандашей, семестровый экзамен, комнатное окно, институт искусств, зимние каникулы, летняя сессия

V. G. Translate the following word combinations: get higher education, to be founded in 1974, the head of the university, the number of students, to last 4 - 5 years, occupy several buildings, a computer centre, well - equipped labs, to be equipped with TV sets and computers, attend lectures, carry out laboratory tests, train highly skilled professionals, leave the University with the Degree of Bachelor of Science, Engineering, the graduates of our university, work at the plants and research Institutes

VI. A. A) Read the text Our University

There are several higher schools in Chita where young people can get higher education.

We are students of Zabaikalsky State University. It is quite large, but not very old. Our University was founded in 1974. The head of the university is Rector. At present the number of students at the University is about 11,000 persons.

The complete course of studies usually lasts 4 - 5 years. The University occupies several buildings. At the University there are reading halls and a library where we can take the necessary books as well as books for reading; lecture rooms, many classrooms and well - equipped labs, gyms, a canteen, etc. There is a Computer Centre with a Free Internet Access Center at the University which contributes to the formation of a single informational and educational area.

Study rooms and laboratories are now equipped with TV sets, computers, etc. The students attend lectures, carry out laboratory tests and do practical work.

There are several specialized faculties / departments at our University. They are: the Faculty of Construction and Ecology, the Faculty of Economy and Management, the Faculty of Socio-Political Systems, the Faculty of Technological and Transport Systems and others. Each faculty is headed by a dean.

The University trains highly skilled professionals for various industries: mining, mechanical engineering, construction, management and law. The graduates leave with the Degree of Bachelor of Science, Engineering, etc. The graduates of our university work at the plants and research Institutes.

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