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V. B. Study new words

clay [klei] глина

lead [led] свинец

tin [tin] олово, банка

wool [wul] шерсть

severe [si′viə] суровый

silver [′silvə] серебро

mud [mʌd] грязь

sand [sænd] песок

characterize [′kæriktəraiz] характеризовать, изображать

saw [sɔ:] – sawed [sɔ:d] – sawed, sawn [sɔ:n] пилить

copper [′kɔpə] медь

humanities [hju(:)′mænitiz] гуманитарные науки

at the customs на таможне

cut [kʌt]cutcut резать

sawn [sɔ:n] распиленный

be of importance [im′pɔ:təns] иметь значение

building materials строительные материалы

suitable [′sju:təbl] подходящий, пригодный

customsofficer таможенник

gold [gould] золото, золотой

tungsten[′tʌŋstən] вольфрам

working [′wə:kiŋ] обработка

fluor-spar [′fluəspa:] плавиковый шпат

forestry [fɔristry] лесное хозяйство

medicine [′medsin] лекарство, медицина

region [′ri:dʒən] край, область, район

customs[′kʌstəmz] таможня

metal-cutting резка металлов

per cent (%) [pə′sent] процент

precious [′preəs] драгоценный

timber [′timbə] лесоматериал

anything [eniθiŋ] что-нибудь, все

metal-working обработка металла

mountainous ['mauntinəs] гористый

peak [pi:k] пик, горная вершина

produce [prə′dju:s] производить

declare[di′klεə] объявлять, предъявлять вещи, облагаемые пошлиной (на таможне)

V. C. a) At the customs

Customs officer: Good morning. Can I see your passport?

Man: Certainly. Here it is.

Customs officer: Yes, that's all right.

What’s the purpose of your visit here?

Man: A business trip. Participation in the International Ecological Symposium.

Customs officer: How long do you intend to stay?

Man: For a fortnight.

Customs officer: Have you got anything to declare?

Man: Yes, I have.

Customs officer: What have you got?

Man: I've got some whisky and some cigarettes.

Customs officer: How much whisky have you got?

Man: A litre.

Customs officer: That's all right. And how many cigarettes have you got?

Man: Two hundred.

Customs officer: Fine. What about perfume?

Man: Er... . No, I haven't.

Customs officer: Good. Open your case, please. Open it now. Oh, dear. Look at these. You've got three bottles of whisky, four hundred cigarettes and a lot of perfume.

b) Make up sentences according to the model

  1. Has he got any wine?

2. How much wine has he got?

3. Has he got any cameras?

4. How many cameras has he got?

1. ... perfume...? 2. ... watches...?

3. ... money...? 4. ... cigarettes...?

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