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I. C. Practise the dialogues

a) - Is there a post office near here?

- Yes, there is.

- Is it far?

- No, it isn’t very far. First right, second left.

- Thank you very much.

- That’s all right.

b) - Excuse me, where are the toilets, please?

- Upstairs on the first floor. First door on

the left.

- Thank you very much.

- Not at all.

c) - Where’s the museum?

- Turn left. It’s next to the hotel.

New Street is first right.

Long Street is third left.

d) - Where's the Grand Hotel?

- Its next to the post office.

- It’s opposite the bank.

- It’s on the corner of Market Street and North Street.

II. A. And / But

We study mathematics and physics. Мы изучаем математику ифизику.

Metals conduct heat but wood doesn’t. Металлы проводят тепло,а дерево – нет.

War brings nothing but death and ruin. Война не приносит ничего,кроме смерти и разрушений.

II. B. Complete the sentences with “and” or “but”

1. I often go shopping at the supermarket … I’m going there now. 2. He smokes 10 cigarettes a day … he’s smoking a cigar at the moment. 3. She walks to work … this week she’s taking a bus. 4. They usually eat at home … today they are having dinner in a restaurant. 5. She likes music … she is going to the concert now. 6. This city has got many museums …it has got a sports stadium 7. The city has got many small food shops … it has got a lot of bars

II. C. Make up sentences with and and but about the city you know

e. g. Architecture is interesting but the streets are dirty.

1. small city / full of history 2. two theatres / no cathedrals 3. very beautiful city / expensive city to live in 4. excellent restaurants / expensive restaurants 5. no cars and lorries / lots of tourists 6. modern and lively / not quiet 7. modern transport system / no swimming pool 8. some beautiful beaches / lots of tourists

II. D. Translate the sentences

1. Этот город не очень большой, но в нем много музеев и исторических памятников. 2. В городе много магазинов и много баров. 3. Она ходит на работу пешком, а сегодня она поехала на автобусе. 4. В городе 2 театра, но нет собора. 5. В городе много превосходных, но дорогих ресторанов.

III. A. Study new words

cat [kæt] кошка

guide [gaid] гид

be all right быть в порядке, чувствовать себя хорошо

sightseeing [′sait,si:iŋ] осмотр достопримечательностей

castle [′kα:sl] замок

dog [dɔg] собака

toy [′tɔi] игрушка

tree [tri:] дерево

butter [′bʌtə] масло

close [klous] близко

ticket [′tikit] билет

tram [træm] трамвай

guide book путеводитель

map (of) [mæp] карта

purpose [′pə:pəs] цель

type [taip] печатать, тип

bus station автовокзал

how long как долго

pocket [′pɔkit] карман

ugly [′ʌgli] безобразный

bike [baik] = bicycle [′baisikl] велосипед

preliminary [pri′liminəri] предварительный

trip [trip] поездка, короткое путешествие

underground[′ʌndəgraund] метрополитен

business trip командировка

concert hall концертный зал

home town родной город

mistake [mis′teik] ошибка

wallet [′wɔlit] бумажник

only [′ounli] только, единственный

participation [pα:,tisi′peiən] участие

refrigerator [ri′fridʒəreitə] холодильник

translation [træns′leiən] перевод

writing [′raitiŋ] для письма, письменный

copybook [′kɔpibuk] тетрадь

distance [′distəns] расстояние

envelope [′enviloup] конверт

intend [in′tend] намереваться

everywhere [evriwεə] повсюду

fortnight [′fɔ:tnait] две недели

expert [ekspə:t] эксперт, знаток

shopping centre торговый центр

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