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1 Мар 2014 в 23:02|Это спам|Ответить

Туяра-Егор Андреевы▼

Analysis of the fragment of “One stair up”

The text is under the analysis is the extract from novel “One stair up” by Campbell Nairne- Scottish novelist. It was written in 1932. “One stair up” is about couple, which goes to cinema. But it looks like only at first sight. Actually, it is story about the wrong choice of partner, misalliance and about feelings. Events of the “One stair up’ took place in the 1930, Scotland. We see one-evening story, Rosa and Andrew went to the cinema, where she realized how different they are– Rosa and Andrew.

“One Stair Up “begins with the description of the hall of the cinema theatre. It takes one paragraph and it is exposition .Author gave us a detailed description of theatre, to make feel readers a solemn atmosphere. (…rich carpet of some green material that yielded like springing turf, and moved across a salon hung everywhere with the coloured and signed portraits of film stars; back in this dim region of luxury). Being plunged in this atmosphere, we see how irrelevant and ridiculous Andrew is. Also we notice that Rosa is a little bored. She looked round to try find some of her acquaintances. At this moment, it becomes clear that Rosa agreed to go to the cinema with Andrew because of boredom and desire to be seen in the dress circle, even with Andrew.

Complication starts with the second paragraph. Andrew said something about film. Rosa didn’t support this conservation and just nodded. Further author gave us a description of their typical film watching -time. Andrew always irritates Rosa with his remarks. Then actions rising– readers are given an announcement of film “Mothers of Broadway”, film begins and it is so funny that Andrew cannot control himself and behaves like cheerful puppy, which saw the sweet bone. Rosa thinks whether her man is so stupid or not?

Crisis is their dialogue in the end of story, when Rosa said that she has not his sense of humour.

There are no falling actions and resolution in the text. Probably, a reason of it is that fact that this text is a fragment of the story.

Both main characters are round, readers can not judge them because of lack of information. Author did not give us any background; moreover, Campbell did not show his attitude to Andrew and Rosa. He used two methods of characterization: through the dialogue and through actions. Readers see lively, simple- minded Andrew and bored, arrogant Rosa. Author showed differences in Rosa’s and Andrew’s thoughts in their inner monologues. “Haha! There was the fat man with a black eye, no beard, half a collar, and no trousers. Oh, this was good! Rosa must be liking this”- Andrew thought. “What a baby he is, Rosa was thinking. You can't really be angry with him. He doesn't seem to have grown up at all. Talk about Peter Pan.6 He's just a big hulking kid. Faintly contemptuous, she watched his blunt nose and chin silhouetted in the darkness. Is he really so stupid, she wondered. Yes, I suppose he is. Oh, for heaven's sake stop that cackling!” Andrew is sincere and naïve, he does not know that his spouse considers him stupid.

Language of the story is simple, but has that degree of easiness, which makes text light and easy-to-read and saves a richness of literal language at the same time. Text is full of stylistic devices, particularly, epithets: his blunt nose and chin silhouetted in the darkness; It was a rapid-fire drama. It was a heart-searing tale of studio parties, million-dollar prize fights, and supercharged automobiles. There is syntax parallelism- it does/is in description of film. “It then burst into the letters "All Next Week", which in turn dissolved and announced a film called "Mothers of Broadway" as a forthcoming attraction.4 The film seemed to have smashed all records. It drew tears from the hardest hearts. It sent thrills down the spine. It was a rapid-fire drama. It was a heart-searing tale of studio parties, million-dollar prize fights, and supercharged automobiles. It was, according to other statements that rushed o

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