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20 Фев 2014 в 20:43|Это спам|Ответить

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"One stair up" by Campbell Nairne.

The text under consideration is a fragment from book by Campbell Nairne One stair up(1932) . Campbell Narine, a Scottish novelist. Aside from One stair up, he wrote a book,which is called Story Ground(1934). One stair up deals with the life of an Edinburgh working-class family and is characterized by realism, a fine style and a sense of humour.

The plot of the story is concerned with the visiting to the Broadway cinema of young people. Their names are Andrew and Rosa. Events of the story described in the third person. We can hear the thoughts of the main characters. In addition, along with the characters we feel their surroundings. We can say that the reader is going through events with Andrew and Rosa.

  Reading the fragment of the book, each time we realize that only Andrew like the film. Moreover, he gets the pleasure of watching a movie and that is why he laughing loudly. Unlike Rose, who in turn does not understand Andrew. He begins to annoy Rosa. Together with a description of the way Andrew sees the film and its characters, Rosa's feelings, the narrator makes the reader laugh. There is a certain proportion of sarcasm in the text. For Andrew this movie is rather just a comedy, which he can laugh heartily. For instance: He had now a pleasant feeling that he was going to enjoy himself. There was some rare fun in this picture. That fat man with the beard  you had to laugh!  First of all you saw a shelf with a basket of eggs on it..  The text can be divided into four parts: going to the cinema, then sitting in the circle, watching the film and final part, when Rose says what she thinks about the movie: I don't see anything funny in that.  Complication begins with the Rosa's question:  This is a comedy?. The author reveals the nature of  characters through action items, dialogues, their thoughts. The narrator uses internal monologues to show the thinking of both characters.

The author uses different stylistic devices, epithets such as: shadowy faces , looped curtain, hardest hearts. Epithets make the speech more interesting. Also there are similes: yielded like springing turf , a hard-worked dog, for you saw it, or another like it, in dozens of these comic films. The main device that the author uses is irony and parody, when the author describes the announcement  of the Mothers of Broadway movie. No doubt, the story is very interesting and the way the author describes it. Reading the text, it seems to us that the events occur in our minds realistic. We are such these characters see and feel everything as Andrew and Rosa. We have access to their thoughts and judgments.

Such situations in this story we can find in our life. This is quite natural. Because there are many and many people in the world. And they are all different. People are not the same in everything with each other. Therefore, the main idea of the story is that, for somebody something may be normal, as totally unacceptable to others. Taste are different. So, in the end of the story we can see how different Rosa and Andrew are.

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