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4 Мар 2014 в 15:09|Это спам|Ответить

Алексей Григорьев▼

And here begins the real climax with its growing tense. The author uses repetitions: anaphoras (“they… they”, “sometimes… sometimes”), morphological (“they looked, they inspected, they climbed”). After the main heroes’ reasoning in direct speech, their proceeded searching for a house looks like a repetition, too. Yet, the author uses an antonomasia here, calling Roger an angel (though we know he is not – an irony).

Their further reasoning in the direct speech appears to be the climax (“do you want to marry me or do you not?”). Roger kept standing on his position (epithets “assiduous and gallant”). Their letters are the denouement, happy for Roger.

Roger appeared to be very smart and sly person. He appeared quite cute to predict Ruth’s following actions. When he got the hang of Ruth, he pretended he was still in love very gallantly, until she got the hang of him, and I should say it was a more civilized way of jilting a woman than just to leave her.

So, I think the message of the story is that a woman can be sly and scheming, but a man can make it his way also.

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4 Мар 2014 в 15:12|Это спам|Ответить

Елена Крылова▼

“The Escape” is written by a well-known English writer, William Somerset Maugham. The story is focused on a couple that seemed to be a happy one, but line by line the author reveals to the readers the problem that occurs in front of sweethearts. In this sense the title of the story carries a key-moment.

The main characters of the story are Roger Charing and Ruth Barlow. Roger fell in love with Ruth (a woman that was twice a widow) and they decide to get marry. And here begins the conflict of the story: he fell out of love. But Roger was too well bred that he could not afford himself to say Ruth that he does not love her any more. And they made up their minds that they would not be married until they find a perfect house for themselves. During two years they were looking at houses but no one suited them until Ruth understood that Roger fell out of love. She found another man to become marry. Conclusion is two letters which explain everything.

The author of the text depicts characters mainly by describing their behavior. And here Maugham uses And only several words make a schematic picture of their appearances: “Roger was a prudent, hetty fellow with worldy wisdom” , Ruth “had splendid dark eyes”, “pathos was her gift”. From the description of narrator it is clear, that Roger is dependent on opinion of society and regardless of his “common sense, his prudence” behaves himself treacherously towards to woman. At the same time Ruth made up intention to become married with Roger, though she did not love him. Although the narrator negatively describes Ruth (“he saw with clearness the sort of woman he had to deal with”), we should not forget the times (in a story: the 20th century) when woman was dependent on man and the one thing that counted as an aim of life of a woman is to take care about a man.

The author uses a neutral language (usage of repetitions, metaphors, for instant: “sometimes they were…” , “swore a solemn oath” and etc.); the readers are released from difficult words of poetic style. That helps us to feel the atmosphere of main actions, without long and boring descriptions of every movement of feelings or descriptions of places and clothes. The sentences are predominantly short; there is no place for the attitude to the characters of the author itself.

Even though the author does not mention about setting and time, the story is read very well and gives a great opportunity to draw your own world.

The story based on actual problems of modern society: dependence on opinion of people, misunderstanding, cowardice, too fast decision-making, and marriage without love.

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4 мар 2014 в 23:58|Это спам|Ответить

Саша Пономарёва▼

Analysis on the “Escape”

The author’s name is William Somerset Maugham. He’s famous English writer. His other works include “Liza of Lambeth”, “Lady Frederic”, “Of Human Bondage”, etc.

The plot is about a two people, who are involved in the serious relationship with each other. But he doesn’t want to get married, and keeps his single status, in the prejudice of her.

The theme of the passage is clear, it tells us that avoiding the truth and open dialogs is only a waste of time, and it leads to nothing but broken relationships. Also there is a nice portrait of the type of man, who tends to be scared of marriage for some unknown reasons. Author actually gives the readers some kind of the reveal of the mystery. If it is not the reveal, then it is at least a hint.

The actions in the text are taking place in England. The time is approximately the beginning of 20th century. The setting helps us to recreate the atmosphere of that time; it helps to learn more about the culture of that period, morals and manners of the people of that time. But in my opinion, the setting in the text isn’t of such great importance towards the story, because the same kind of story can happen even nowadays, but of course with our own nowadays elements.

In the text there is an open external conflict, between Roger and Ruth, and between Roger and society. We cannot tell whether there is an internal conflict, because Roger’s thoughts are closed to us, for the narration of friend of his. To my mind the chief episode is the very end of the story, where there are the letters of the characters, because that episode is the resolution of the conflict. The text can be divided into several parts: exposition, complication, climax, and denouement.

The text is written in very light and humorous way. There are several stylistic devises:

Simile: “He went down like a row of ninepins”;

Irony: “She never had a little lamb, but it was sure to die”;

Methaphor: “the gift of pathos”; etc.

The main character is Roger Charing. And we refer to him as to the protagonist of the story, because by the way of narration of his friend, Roger from the beginning of the story appears the center of attention. The minor characters are Roger’s friends; unnamed person, who appears only in the beginning of the text, for whom the head-strong lady was waiting for in the port, and another unnamed person from Ruth’s latter. To my mind Ruth Barlow isn’t the main character, and neither the minor, because she is obviously the protagonist of the story. She has been bravely resisting Roger’s unwillingness to marry her, but as soon as she got tired if it, and had dropped her position of the protagonist in the story.

The main idea of the story is that sometimes people cannot be honest with each other, because of the different factors. It can be the pressure of society or friends, somebody’s influence, or simply the fear, and that dishonesty in relationship can lead to nothing but disappointment.

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