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11 Янв 2014 в 22:46|Это спам|Ответить

Айсена Александрова▼

«menacingly» show us fear and trembling of such men. They don’t know and don’t respect women, the epithet “fickle” confirms it, that why they are afraid of difficulties of the marriage. But he was happy to live the life of an unmarried man: the epithets «sufficient experience», «careful» give the direct description of his lifestyle. The epithets “splendid dark eyes”, “the most moving eyes”, “big and lovely eyes” and the repetition of the word “eyes” make us pay our attention to this peculiarity. On the semantic level we find vocabulary related to marriage and courtship ( to announce a marriage, love letter clichés like « Your news shatters me», «I shall never get over the blow»), pet names («poor dear»), as well as some vocabulary related to estate ( «chambers», «furnished rooms», «residences», «estate agents»), parts of the house like basement, attic, roof, stairs, kitchen. The author also uses a question periphrasis (or should I call it a quality?). He also gives a direct description of Ruth’s eyes using the epithets (splendid, moving, big and lovely), a detached epithet (poor dear) – all in the ironic way. He also passes to second-person and then to first person narration in characterizing Roger’s attitude towards Ruth, this was made to make the reader feel that the situation of falling in love with Ruth was inevitable for Roger. Especially ironically sounds the metaphoric allusion «she never had a lamb». The author also uses repetition of the words «pathetic» in the description of this woman. Roger, from these passages, seems to a reader a «strong and hefty» fellow who is noble enough to sympathize with a poor little woman in trouble and to «stand between the hazards of life and this helpless little thing» but in the same time he looks a bit foolish on the background of the narrators irony. The author uses repetitions: anaphors («they… they», «sometimes… sometimes»), morphological («they looked, they inspected, they climbed»). After the main heroes’ reasoning in direct speech, their proceeded searching for a house looks like a repetition, too. Yet, the author uses an antonomasia here, calling Roger an angel (though we know he is not – an irony).

Firstly I took Roger’s side, because I consider that each person should have a right for free choice, but then I was sorry for Ruth, Roger tired her out, she didn’t understand what was happening. The epithet “exhausted” demonstrates her state brightly. Roger appeared to be very smart and sly person. He appeared quite cute to predict Ruth’s following actions. When he got the hang of Ruth, he pretended he was still in love very gallantly, until she got the hang of him, and I should say it was a more civilized way of loving a woman than just to leave her.

The story was intrigue and kept reading me well, we thought that Ruth manipulates Roger, but in the end it turned out the opposite.

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11 Янв 2014 в 22:48|Это спам|Ответить

Александр Чудиновских▼

Analysis of “The Escape” by Somerset Maugham

Alex Chudinovskih ED-512

The story under the title “The Escape” was written by one of the outstanding English writers – William Somerset Maugham. William Somerset Maugham is one of the best known English writers of the 20th century. He was not only a novelist, but also a one of the most successful dramatist and short-story writers. Maugham wants the readers to draw their own conclusion about the characters and events described in his novels. His reputation as a novelist is based on the following prominent books: “Of Human Bondage”; “The Moon and Sixpence”; and “The Razor's Edge”.

Though Maugham doesn’t write about the contemporary social order, he is critical of the morals and the narrow-mindedness. Realistic portrayal of life, keen character observation, and interesting plots coupled with beautiful, expressive language, a simple, clear style, place Somerset Maugham on a level with the greatest English writers of the 20th century. In general, Maugham's novels and short stories could be characterized by great narrative facility, an ironic point of view, cosmopolitan settings, and an astonishing understanding of human nature.

The plot of the story is quite simple, though interesting. The protagonist of the story, a young man rolling in money – Roger Charing – fell in love with Ruth Barlow, an unfortunate woman who was twice a widow. They had all the happy and pleasant moments of relationships a loving couple usually has and intended to marry. Then suddenly Roger fell out of love with Ruth. But he found a way to make Ruth release him. He said they would marry the day they found the perfect house for both of them, however, Roger rejected all the orders of the agents offering a new house. At last Ruth lost her patience and left Roger herself.

On of the main problem is the relationship between the man and the woman , in the way they get over the quandaries, in the way they treat each other. I guess that this problem is rather vital nowadays as many families divorce because they don’t know how to overcome hardships they face.

The main idea of the story is that one should put on his thinking and act very carefully, as sometimes procrastination can give better results than haste.

The same we see in the story. Roger wasn’t hurrying to inform Ruth in his calmness to her, vice versa he kept on taking care of her not even presenting her any signs to doubt in his love.

At the same time he didn’t let the agents stop searching the house, trying Ruth’s patience. The repetition used by the author prove non-interest of Roger to all offers: “Sometimes they were too large and sometimes they were too small, sometimes they were too far from the center of the things and sometimes they were too close; sometimes they were too expensive and sometimes they wanted too many repairs; sometimes they were too stuffy and sometimes they were too airy; sometimes they were too dark and sometimes they were too bleak”.

So we see the contrastive requirements of the protagonist who made everything to escape the marriage and not to lose his face in front of surrounding people.

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