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The infinitive constructions . The complex object.

Subject + Predicate + Noun (Pronoun) + (to) Infinitive


A) 1. Everybody expected her to marry Nick. 2. I would like them to come as soon as possible. 3. I expect you to join us. 4. I don’t want you to be in this company. 5. We would like you to visit us. 6. I hate you to play the piano. 7. My mother wants me to study better. 8. We expect them to arrive on Friday. 9. They think him to be a good specialist. 10. I believe you to be wrong.

B) 1. I saw them kissing. 2. We noticed her come. 3. They heard him playing the guitar. 4. Nobody noticed him make the mistake. 5. I saw them get into the car and go away. 6. She watched him leave the room. 7. I heard somebody open the door. 8. I saw her ring somebody up. 9. She felt somebody touch her hand. 10. I didn’t hear Helen say these words.

C) 1. Soon they made him talk. 2. Who made you cry? 3. The teacher let him come in. 4. Let them go there. 5. His words made me laugh. 6. Nothing can make them wait. 7. I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. 8. The sound of her voice made him be happy. 9. Don’t let her eat so much ice-cream. 10. Let them tell everything.


A) 1. Do you want (they, stay) at the hotel or with us? 2. I’d like (the professor, look) through my report. 3. Do you want (I, show) you the city? 4. We expect (he, arrange) everything by the time we come. 5. I want (she, tell) me the news. 6. I would like (they, fix) my computer. 7. We want (she, introduce) us to the president. 8. He expected (she, invite) him to the party. 9. We considered (he, be) an honest person. 10. I suspect (he, help) her.

B) 1. I saw (they, argue). 2. We notice (he, drive) away. 3. I heard (the door, open). 4. I heard (the woman, address) to the shop assistant. 5. He didn’t see (she, pass) by. 6. We watched (somebody, go) the garden. 7. I saw (he, cross) the street. 8. She saw (the man, run) to her. 9. She felt (somebody, come) up to her. 10. We often hear (Nick, sing) in the bathroom.

C) 1. Let (she, go) away. 2. Don’t let (children, eat) much sweets. 3. You make (I, be) upset. 4. Don’t make (he, tell) lies. 5. Don’t make (we, get) up so early. 6. Let (they, go) for a walk. 7. Let (Kate, take) part in the conference. 8. Mother made (I, wash) dishes. 9. The teacher let (we, rewrite) the test. 10. Never let (anybody, hurt) you.


1. We expect everybody…join us and…have fun. 2. You can’t make me…do such things. 3. It would be foolish…let the child…have his way. 4. We heard the postman…come up the front door and then we saw him…slip an envelope into the box. 5. I felt something…burn in the kitchen. 6. When we got home, we found a cat…sleeping on the table. 7. Don’t let it…trouble you. 8. She watched me …open the safe. 9. I told her…bring in the tea. 10. I’d love you …see my little daughter. 11. I saw John…arrive to the house. 12. Do you feel the bridge…shake? 13. I want you…make a speech. 14. The teacher made me…speak first. 15. Can you hear a baby…crying? 16. Everybody heard the bomb…explode. 17. We saw Dave and Helen…have dinner in the restaurant. 18. I can feel something…crawl up my leg! It must be an insect. 19. We listened to the old men…telling his story from beginning to end. 20. I don’t want you…get bad marks.


Example : I didn’t see him. He entered the house.

I didn’t see him enter the house.

A) 1. He saw him. She burst into tears. 2. I felt her hand. It was shaking. 3. He hasn’t heard us. We called his name. 4. She heard the footsteps. They were dying away. 5. I felt something hard. It hurt my leg. 6. She noticed the expression of his face. It changed suddenly. 7. He heard her. She was playing the piano. 8. He did it. They saw it. 9. She said that. Everybody heard it. 10. The car disappeared in the tunnel. The policeman saw it. 11. The burglar got into the house. The neighbours noticed it. 12. She felt her heart. It stopped beating. 13. They didn’t notice us. We passed by. 14. They haven’t seen the accident. It occurred at the corner. 15. We heard him many times. He told this story.

B) 1. Bill apologized. His father told him. 2. He is an expert in his sphere. They think so. 3. You will become my friend one day. I expect so. 4. We shall go to the party together. We’d like that. 5. Mary is the best girl in the world. Tom believes it. 6. It is a misunderstanding. I believe that. 7. You must tell me the truth. I want it. 8. She wants the dictionary back. Bring it tomorrow. 9. She will arrive next Friday. We expect her. 10. Don’t leave so early. I don’t want it. 11. He is a kind man. Everybody knows it. 12. It’s a good advice. I believe it. 13. You mustn’t talk such things. I don’t like it. 14. He was at home. I think so. 15. She is afraid it may happen again. She doesn’t want it.

C) 1. The poet read some more of his poetry. The public made him do it. 2. You will go to the party. We will let you. 3. Your kids often watch horror films. You shouldn’t let that. 4. You must rewrite the test. I’ll make you do it. 5. She eats too much. Don’t let her do it. 6. I came in. The teacher let me. 7. I have to clean about the house. My mother makes me. 8. She is going to cry in a moment. Don’t make her do this. 9. Your son often tells bad words. You shouldn’t let this. 10. I redid my report. The boss made me.


Example : I think that he is a good friend.

I think him to be a good friend.

1. I didn’t expect that she would forget about my birthday. 2. She saw how children were playing in the park. 3. Do you know that he went abroad two days ago? 4. I like to watch how she dances. 5. She couldn’t believe that he had been saved. 6. He expects that everybody will be ready to do this work. 7. I don’t like when children are late for dinner. 8. You mustn’t let it when your children stay up till late. 9. Don’t consider that he is a hero, he is an ordinary man. 10. I’ve heard how he was arguing with his wife. 11. I believe that you are wrong. 12. I suppose that he is about 40. 13. I knew that he was a clever man.14. The doctor said that she was out of danger. 15. They thought he was a seaman. 16. He doesn’t want to apologize and you should made him. 17. She likes to watch how the sun sets. 18. I’ve heard how she was crying. 19. I suspect that they have taken my money. 20. I hate when people shout at each other. 21. We expect that he will solve this problem soon. 22. I thought that she was your sister. 23. Everybody saw how he was leaving the hall. 24. We expect that she will catch an evening train. 25. I find that this book is very dull.


А) 1. Я полагаю, что он аспирант. 2. Мне не нравится, что вы курите здесь. 3. Он знал, что она хороший учитель. 4. Мы ожидали, что вы прочитаете еще одну лекцию. 5. Она не ожидала, что кто-то встретит ее. 6. Я не хочу, чтобы кто-то знал о нашем приезде. 7. Я считаю, что этот совет не правильный. 8. Он не хотел, чтобы она ездила в Турцию. 9. Мы ждем, что она зайдет сегодня. 10. Мы не хотели, чтобы она беспокоилась об этом. 11. Я полагаю, это правильное решение. 12. Мы ожидали, что этот фильм им понравится. 13. Никто не ожидал, что она все расскажет. 14. Он хотел, чтобы его все запомнили. 15. Я думала, что он достанет билет.

B) 1. Я никогда не слышал как он говорит по-французски. 2. Она услышала, что кто-то звал ее. 3. Я видел, как Вася переходил улицу. 4. Он слышал, как я обещал прийти. 5. Я почувствовала, что кто-то коснулся моего плеча. 6. Она заметила как один из них вышел. 7. Я слышал как кто-то плакал в комнате. 8. Он видел, что студенты ждут его. 9. Я видел, как он взял деньги. 10. Я слышал, как соседи ругались. 11. Я не вижу, что вы делаете домашнюю. 12. Я не слышала, как они пришли. 13. Я заметил, что он торопится. 14. Он наблюдал, как кто-то шел через сад. 15. Все услышали, как кто-то закричал на улице.

C) 1. Пусть он все расскажет. 2. Заставь его выучить все слова. 3. Пусть дети пойдут погуляют. 4. Разрешите войти. 5. Дождь заставил нас вернуться домой. 6. Не заставляйте ее так много работать. 7. Пусть она сама решит, что делать. 8. Не вынуждайте меня сердиться. 9. Дай мне знать, когда все будет готово. 10. Пусть она позвонит завтра. 11. Не заставляя меня вставать так рано. 12. Родители заставили его исправиться. 13. Разрешите мне принять участие в конференции. 14. Я не заставлял тебя делать это. 15. Не разрешайте им есть сладкое.

D) 1. Мы знали, что вы настоящий специалист. 2. Никто не ожидал, что он станет физиком. 3. Она слышала, как кто-то поднимался по лестнице. 4. Они заставили меня принять решение. 5. Я часто слышала, как они спорят. 6. Я видел, как они вместе гуляли. 7. Он не ждал, что я так быстро уйду. 8. Что заставило вас придти так поздно? 9. Я не хотел, чтобы он делал эту работу. 10. Я не люблю, когда они ругаются. 11. Пусть она расскажет нам об этом. 12. Я бы хотел, чтобы вы меня подождали. 13. Это заставило его отказаться от поездки. 14. Мы ожидаем, что вы пригласите нас. 15. Я не думал, что этот студент ответит на все вопросы.