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The gerund.





being written


having written

having been written



1. Have you finished eating? 2. I like swimming. 3. The child doesn’t like washing. 4. You must begin working hard. 5. He often went hunting. 6. He gave up smoking last year. 7. Seeing is believing. 8. She regrets leaving so soon. 9. Let’s go fishing. 10. They suddenly stopped talking. 11. He could work all day not feeling tired. 12. His car needs repairing. 13. Have you ever thought of getting married? 14. I don’t enjoy writing letters. 15. I had difficulty in finding place to live.


1. I heard of the bridge being built. 2. I dislike being disturbed after dinner. 3. The flowers grew fast being watered well. 4. She has heard of their being invited. 5. Young teachers hate being taken for students. 6. I dislike being suddenly awakened. 7. I know of the group being tested now. 8. He showed good results being taught well. 9. I like being paid compliments. 10. He hates being spoken about.


1. I remember having asked you about it. 2. They knew of his having returned from Moscow. 3. She thought of my having lost the money. 4. His having done it so well astonished everybody. 5. Mother dislikes my having chosen this profession. 6. My father liked my having given up smoking. 7. His having decided to leave the city was strange. 8. I remembered having seen this film before. 9. Their having helped us saved our time. 10. Her having got the money solved the problem.


1. I remember having been asked about it. 2. I was upset not having been invited to the party. 3. She was furious having been awakened so early. 4. He was happy having been helped to finish the work in time. 5. He opposed having been sent abroad. 6. I didn’t know of her having been elected as a president of the company. 7. They remembered his having been awarded for bravery. 8. His having been given the money solved the problem. 9. Having been assisted in the work, she was very pleased. 10. I knew of my having been appointed a manager.


A) subject:

1. Travelling makes our life more interesting. 2. Seeing is believing. 3. Reading is very important in our life. 4. Smoking is forbidden here. 5. Waiting can sometimes be very annoying.

B) direct object:

1. I enjoy listening to music. 2. He prefers watching TV to reading. 3. I don’t like visiting the doctor. 4. I remember her laughing at my jokes. 5. She likes cooking something special.

C) object with preposition:

1. He is fond of fishing. 2. Who is responsible for cleaning the classroom? 3. I’m tired of doing the same work again and again. 4. Thank you for coming here. 5. I’m not good at translating from Russian into English.

D) attribute:

1. I saw no other way of doing it. 2. I have much interest of working at this company. 3. He didn’t like the idea of stealing the money. 4. I understand the importance of being ready for the test. 5. She has a lot of experience in translating scientific literature.

E) adverbial modifier:

1. Call me before leaving. 2. On seeing him she laughed. 3. She left without saying a word. 4. Give me the dictionary after finishing your translation. 5. Instead of helping me, he went to the disco.

F) predicative:

1. She went on translating the text. 2. We started learning English grammar. 3. It has just stopped raining. 4. He continued working without any brake. 5. He finished speaking and sat down.


A) subject:

1. Ходьба полезна. 2. Учеба дает нам знание. 3. Путешествия делают нашу жизнь интереснее. 4. Плаванье помогает укрепить здоровье. 5. Чрезмерное употребление пива вредит вашему здоровью.

B) direct object:

1. Я люблю слушать музыку. 2. Он предпочитает пить кофе по утрам. 3. Я помню, как она приехала. 4. Комнату надо убрать. 5. Ей доставляет удовольствие есть на ночь.

C) object with preposition:

1. Он удивился тому, что его спросили об этом. 2. Я горжусь тем, что выиграл соревнования. 3. На это стоит посмотреть. 4. Я благодарен вам за помощь. 5. Мне было трудно найти ее дом.

D) attribute:

1. Не было никакого шанса победить. 2. У него не было намерений остаться. 3. У меня нет опыта в строительстве. 4. Существуют различные способы решения этой проблемы. 5. У меня не было возможности встретить ее.

E) adverbial modifier:

1. Он ушел, не оборачиваясь. 2. Услышав эту новость, она позвонила нам. 3. Он лег спать не закончив работу. 4. Мы устали, гуляя по городу весь день. 5. Вернувшись домой, я поужинал. 6. Он обидел нас, солгав. 7. Вы ничего не узнаете, не увидев его. 8. Перед уходом она сказала, что вернется через час. 9. Установив этот факт, он удостоверился, что был прав. 10. Она ответила, не поднимая головы.

F) predicative:

1. Мы закончили работать. 2. Они продолжают изучать герундий. 3. Он стал хорошо учиться. 4. Она продолжает работать на фабрике. 5. Дождь кончился.


1. It’s difficult to keep them a) coming from the house

2. The police caught him b) giving up playing cards

3. Will you please stop c) thinking about the problem

4. I can hear someone d) working all the time

5. They left us e) having dinner

6. I could smell smoke f) changing TV channels

7. The searchers found the boy g) sheltering in the barn

8. He stopped h) opening the safe

9.He didn’t want to lose more money i) shouting in the distance

10. Oh, sorry. Please go on j) smoking on my advice


1. We regret (trouble) you. 2. It’s no good (sit and do) nothing. 3. There’s no use (cry) over the spilt milk. 4. I don’t mind ( test) by you.. 5. I am surprised at (see) you. 6. The length of life of any mechanism depends on it (keep) in order. 7. The functioning of this device depends on it (clean) well. 8. She opposed (send) abroad. 9. I remember (do) the task before. 10. Stop (argue) and start (work). 11. On (see) her boyfriend she was happy. 12. Life seems worth (fight) for. 13. She is looking forward to (have) holidays. 14. He sat down without (speak). 15. (walk) is very useful. 16. I don’t like (remind) him about it. 17. He is busy (prepare) for the exam. 18. His legs were tired of (climb) for days. 19. He is thinking of (leave) his parents. 20. Grammar is the art of (speak), (read) and (write).


Example: I remember he (call) on me.

I remember his calling on me.

1. We could excuse he (forget) his promise. 2. I hate she (return) in the dark. 3. They ignored we (criticize) them. 4. My sister (work) in the mill helps us a lot. 5. The dim light prevented we (see) anything at all. 6. He objected to me (appoint) to this post. 7. She (be) so well prepared pleased the teacher.8. She (sing) that song so well astonished everybody. 9. They (help) us saved much time. 10. Did you hear of John (send) to Moscow? 11. Thank you for you (answer) my letter. 12. I dislike my parents (interfere) in my affairs. 13. You (come) has done him good. 14. Excuse me (ask), but can you repeat it again? 15. I don’t object to other people (be) here. 16. I understand you (want) to leave. 17. Would you mind me (smoke)? 18. We enjoyed the band (play) very much. 19. We very much appreciate you (help) us. 20. I said something about my clock (be) slow.


1. Вы не против того, чтобы я курил здесь? 2. Я не возражал, чтобы они приехали сюда. 3. Я слышал о том, что он назначен директором завода. 4. Преподаватель настаивает на том, чтобы студенты переписали контрольную. 5. Я против того, чтобы они уходили так рано. 6. Мы ценим вашу помощь. 7. Я жалею, что его перевели на другой завод. 8. Это происшествие помешало нам придти вовремя. 9. То, что она получила деньги, порадовало его. 10. Я расстроилась из-за того, что получила двойку.


Model: His hair is very long. It needs cutting.

1 This clothes is quite clean, it doesn’t need (wash) yet. 2. The grass in the garden is very dry, it wants (water). 3. The baby is crying, I think he needs (feed). 4. The house is old and it needs (repairing). 5. The windows are dirty, they need (clean). 6. I haven’t been to the hairdresser’s for a long time and my hair wants (cut). 7. The famous man didn’t need (introduce) himself. 8. Her shoes have a hole in them and they need (mend). 9. The floor is covered with dust, it needs (sweep). 10. My room needs (tidy), the flowers want (water) and the furniture want (dust).


A) in, to, on, for, of, at, from IF NECESSARY:

1. I hated the idea…your going there. 2. Excuse me …coming without knocking. 3. He insisted…accompanying them. 4. I’m tired…working all the time. 5. She will look forward…seeing you. 6. I’m afraid I won’t succeed…getting this job. 7. Windows need….cleaning. 8. She can’t bear…lying in the sun. 9. There is happiness…being alive. 10. He is interested…developing the project. 11. She was clever…finding things. 12. He showed no intention…leaving. 13. There is no point…staying. 14. How can I prevent her… going there? 15. Who is responsible…locking the classroom? 16. I was thinking all the time…seeing her. 17. He wasn’t used…driving big cars. 18. Everything depends…being on the spot. 19. I thanked him…lending me his car. 20. He insisted…their coming in time.

B) after ,before, on, without, by, instead of, besides, in spite of, because of:

1. They ran five miles…stopping. 2. …going to bed she locked the door. 3. He went to his office…being ill. 4. You won’t get anything…doing nothing. 5. I will do this…consulting with my doctor. 6. …coming home he had a big supper. 7. You can correct your constitution…doing morning exercises. 8. He passed by….noticing us. 9. He couldn’t go there…being busy. 10. She was listening to music…helping me about the house. 11. ….working in this company, he works at the University as a teacher. 12. She left…saying a word. 13. Call me…leaving. 14. …finishing the translation, he went to the office. 15. They didn’t pass their exams…missing a lot of classes.



Example: He said all this and even didn’t smile.

He said all this without even smiling.

1. We suspected that the boy was lying. 2. It is necessary to clean the carpet. 3. She didn’t want to do anything. 4. I don’t like the idea that I should do it. 5. He won’t deny that he was there. 6. Nobody doubted that he was honest. 7. I don’t remember that I promised you to help. 8. I can’t imagine that he would agree with this offer. 9. The witness reported that he had seen the back car. 10. The teacher suggested that I should try my examination again.


1. When she entered the room, he left it and even didn’t say good-bye. 2. He felt much better after he had been operated on. 3. He was not only a teacher, but he was also a writer. 4. That I was on the spot was a bit luck for her. 5. While he was going home he met his friend. 6. Before we came to the Academy, the lesson had already started. 7. You won’t get a good mark if you don’t study properly. 8. We overslept, because we hadn’t set the alarm-clock. 9. Nobody can live if he doesn’t have any believe. 10. Phone me before you leave.


A) mind/fancy/can’t stand/can’t help/look forward to/feel like doing

1. Терпеть не могу рано вставать. 2. Не могу не смеяться над тобой. 3. С нетерпением жду каникул. 4. Представь, что она за ним замужем. 5. Она сейчас расплачется. 6. Вы не возражаете, если я сяду за ваш столик?

B) to be busy / worth/ no use/ no good doing

1. Этот фильм стоит посмотреть. 2. Бесполезно сидеть сложа руки. 3. Я занята – пишу роман. 4. Не стоит ждать его. 5. Туда стоит сходить.

C) used to do / to be used to doing

1. Раньше я часто ходил в кино. 2. Я привыкла есть по ночам. 3. Раньше он курил, но больше не курит. 4. Мы не привыкли делать так много домашней работы. 5. Она когда-то работала на этой фабрике.

D) there is no telling / knowing

1. Неизвестно, придет ли он. 2. Невозможно сказать, какие будут оценки. 3. Не знаю, будет ли дождь. 4. Не могу сказать, что одолжу тебе денег. 5. Неизвестно, поеду ли я в Америку.


A) 1. I began (fee) dizzy. 2. She began (cry). 3. It starter (rain). 4. It is starting (snow). 5. He stopped (smoke) on doctor’s advice. 6. He stopped (smoke), because he hasn’t had a cigarette since yesterday. 7. How long will you continue (work)? 8. He continued (live) with his parents after his marriage. 9. I like (cook) my meals. 10. I like (cook). 11. I hate (trouble) you. 12. She hates (eat) alone. 13. He remembered (post) the letter. 14. I remember (post) your letter. 15. Don’t forget (call) me tomorrow. 16. I forgot (call) you the day before. 17. I regret (say) that you were mistaken then. 18. I regret (say) that you are wrong. 19. Don’t be late. Try (get) home early. 20. Try (knock) at the back door if nobody hears you at the front door. 21. I prefer (walk) to (cycle). 22. I prefer (wait) here now.

B) 1.They denied (steal) the money. 2. I don’t enjoy (drive) very much. 3. I don’t want (go) out tonight. I’m tired. 4. I can’t afford (go) out tonight. I haven’t got enough money. 5. Has it stopped (rain) yet? 6. Can you remind me (buy) some coffee when we go out? 7. Why do you keep (ask) me questions? 8. I refuse (answer) any more questions. 9. The boy admitted (break) the window. 10. His father promised (pay) for the window to be repaired. 11. I forgot (shut) the window and the thief got into the house. 12. We enjoyed (meet) you. I hope (see) you again soon. 13. Julia is beginning (get) better after her illness. 14. Please, remember (lock) the door when you go out. 15. We regret ( inform) you that we are unable to offer you the job. 16. I can’t go on (work) here any more. I want a different job. 17. He can remember (be) in hospital when he was four. 18. They decided (get) married. 19. He intends (sell) his car. 20. I was busy when the telephone rang. I didn’t answer it, I went on (type).

C) 1. It’s nice to be with other people but sometimes I enjoy (be) alone. 2. I would like (come) to your wedding but I’m afraid I can’t. 3. Caroline doesn’t like (wear) hats. 4. I need a new job. I can’t stand (work) here any longer. 5. Would you like (sit) down? 6. Do you mind (wait) a little longer? 7. Please leave me alone. I’m trying (concentrate). 8. I need a change. I need (go) away for a while. 9. She tried (ask) him for money but he refused. 10. Can you help me (get) the dinner ready? 11. I tried (keep) my eyes open but I couldn’t. 12. You don’t need (go) away yet, do you? 13. Whenever I see him, I can’t help (smile). 14. The batteries in the radio need (change). 15. I wouldn’t like (be) a teacher. 16. I like (get) up early. 17. I am used (drive) my own car. 18. He used (walk) to work. 19. I prefer (drink) tea rather than coffee. 20. He prefers (walk) to (go) by bus.


1.My doctor advised me to give up……. . 2. By….., the students improved their chances of….. . 3. After…., he left without…. . 4. I hate…. . 5. I can’t stand….. . 6. We enjoy……. . 7. Pen is for…… . 8. in spite of…., she succeeded in…. . 9. I had no intention of….. . 10. he was accused of….. .11. This film is worth….. 12. Fancy her….! 13. On….the truth, he got very angry. 14. She can’t help….. . 15. I look forward …… 16. He stopped…… .17. Who is responsible for…. ? 18. Forgive me for…. .19. I feel like…. . 20. We regret…… .


1. There are a lot of ways of(сделать это). 2. What is your idea of (обсудить этот вопрос сейчас). 3. Do you have the opportunity of (посетить выставку). 4. The film is worth (посмотреть). 5. I don’t like (напоминать ему об этом). 6. It’s no use (плакать). 7. Do you remember (что они уже рассказывали нам об этом). 8. He is busy ( подготовка к докладу). 9. There was no other way of (предупредить его). 10. They prided themselves (что первыми изобрели этот прибор). 11. They accused him (в том, что он предал своих друзей). 12. I don’t remember ( что видел его). 13. Excuse me (что я вошел не постучав). 14. I can’t stand (ждать). 15. She insisted on (чтобы ей показали все). 16. She was not fond of (задавать много вопросов). 17. She denied (что обещала зайти). 18.(то, что она получила деньги) helped us a lot. 19. Forgive me (за опоздание). 20. You can improve your constitution (делая гимнастику).


1. You should think before speaking. 2. After finding the new word in the dictionary, I wrote it down and went on reading. 3. He spent much time on the copying of his literature lectures. 4. What do you mean by saying that? 5. The students found the reading of English newspaper difficult. 6. Instead of going home after lessons, the girls went for a walk. 7. Chalk is used for writing on the blackboard. 8. She praised herself on being in time. 9. The child stopped crying and quieted down to hard thinking. 10. I stopped knocking at the door and began waiting for my father to come. 11. Working in the garden is very good for people’s health. 12. The cleaning of the room was done by the girls. 13. We sat by the river side listening to the running of the water. 14. The old clock kept ticking, as if counting the seconds left before the coming of daylight. 15. The whirring and banging of the lift kept her awake most of the night.


1. There are two ways of getting sugar: from beet and from sugarcane.

2. The problem of producing the chemical is the old equipment. 3. This method of testing is the best of all known. 4. In the process of the equipment being tested defective items were replaced. 5. When the metal being put into certain liquids it produces gases. 6. This scale is also used for determining the angle of elevation. 7. This device is widely used in welding. 8. He was proud of his having finished all the experiments. 9. A new process of getting high quality fast food products has been recently patented. 10. While being tested the racing car’s new suspension proved to be better that the old one. 11. He couldn’t afford living at such an expensive hotel. 12. After having repaired the motor we started. 13. You will gain nothing by telling lies. 14. This process of mounting the equipment proved to be very ineffective, so the manager objected to its being applied. 15. The severe cold prevented the explorer from penetrating into that region. 16. These circles were totally opposed our intervening in the conflict. 17. The season of fishing is short in this area. 18. There is no knowing what may happen. 19. There is not a slightest chance of being elected. 20. This method of testing requires very careful machining. 21. In the process of assembling the car tuning of the engine was made. 22. This is achieved by cutting the cylinder in two. 23. We learned of his having been awarded. 24. He succeeded in discovering the source of this phenomenon. 25. This alloy has the advantage of being rust-proof. 26. This device should be capable of being rapidly moved. 27. The process of annealing has been greatly improved lately. 28. This car should be capable of being driven at the speed of 260 km per hour.


1. thank / coming 2. I / stopped / because 3. he / can’t stand 4. there / no way/ of 5. her / being / helped 6. reading / useful 7. he / without / saying 8. insists / going 9. remember / having 10. his / being invited 11. it / no use 12. likes / listening 13. I / good / doing 14. they / denied 15. on / seeing / her 16. after / finishing 17. my friends’/ having got 18. hate / interrupted 19. mind / smoking? 20. look / forward / the


1. He succeeded of translating the difficult text. 2. I don’t feel like to see him. 3. Don’t forget locking the door before you leave. 4. I hate be interrupted. 5. Repair cars is his business. 6. He having come here solved our problems. 7. Jane Eyre was fond of reading. 8. The Big Apple is really worth to visit. 9. She entered the room not knocking. 10. He came without invited. 11. I couldn’t laughing. 12. We regret his being removed to another plant. 13. I remember have being asked about it. 14. She is busy with working at a new project. 15. I am looking forward seeing you again. 16. I used to visiting the museums. 17. His being known English helped him a lot. 18. I heard of the new house built. 19. He stopped to eat much sweet on his doctor’s advice. 20. Your boots want mending.


1. Перестаньте разговаривать. 2. Вы не против того, чтобы открыть окно? 3. Я не могла не согласиться с ним. 4. Простите меня, что я опоздал. 5. Я получаю удовольствие от здоровой пищи. 6. Его обвинили в том, что он продал государственные секреты. 7. Спасибо, что прислали мне такие цветы. 8. Ей удалось сделать очень хороший перевод. 9. Он боялся, что его посадят в тюрьму. 10. Она настаивала на том, что не виновна. 11. Я боюсь простудиться. 12. Увидев клоуна, зрители рассмеялись. 13. Эту книгу стоит прочитать. 14. Я не одобряю того, что вы пропускаете занятия. 15. Мне не хочется идти на прогулку сейчас. 16. Мне стыдно, что я сделал так много ошибок. 17. Шторм помешал пароходу прибыть вовремя. 18. Нет никакой возможности найти его адрес. 19. Он вошел в комнату, не постучав. 20. Я не люблю, когда меня провожают на вокзал. 21. Я слышал, что ваш сын получил приз. 22. Сон на открытом воздухе очень полезен. 23. Нет смысла делать перерыв. 24. Секретарь занята перепечаткой писем. 25. Переходить реку в этом месте очень опасно. 26. Я помню, что видела его раньше. 27. У меня нет причин не любить ее. 28. После сдачи экзаменов я поеду к родителям. 29. Простите, что напоминаю об этом. 30. Какова цель вашего приезда сюда?


1. There is nothing…about

a) been troubled b) to be troubling c) to trouble d) troubling

2. When I was a child, summers…longer and warmer.

a) used to be b) will be c) would be d) are used to being

3. I regret…you that the plane id delayed.

a) to inform b) informing c) inform d) being informed

4. Remember…your umbrella when you go out.

a) to take b) taking c) take d) to taking

5. He was running and then stopped….

a) to smoke b) smoke c) smoking d) for smoke

6. I‘ll try…what I can.

a) do b) to do c) doing d) being done

7. I t was such a funny story that I couldn’t help….

a) to laugh b) to laughing c) laughing d) laugh

8. This canned food is not worth…..

a) to eat b) eating c) for eat d) eat

9. She doesn’t like….about behind her back.

a) speak b) speaking c) being spoken d) to being spoken

10. He gave up….

a) being smoked b) smoking c) the smoking d) to smoke

11. He is proud of….the first prize.

a) having won b) winning c) being won d) having wined

12. Do this exercise without…any mistakes.

a) making b) to make c) being made d) having made

13. It’s no good…angry at once.

a) get b) getting c) to get d) being get

14. I don’t remember…this lady before.

a) having seen b) seeing c) to have seen d) saw

15. He denied…the man before.

a) seeing b) having seen c) being seen d) to see

16. We didn’t like the idea of…. Her.

a) inviting ) being invited c) having been invited d) to invite

17. My father hates…when he is working in his study.

a) having been disturbed b) disturbing c) being disturbed d) disturb

18. I’m not used…get up so early.

a) get b) to get c) getting d) to getting

19. Look, it is starting…

a) rain b) to rain c) raining d) to training

20. How do you do? Pleased…you.

a) meet b) meeting c) to meet d) to meeting