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1. Mr. Collins is a businessman. He gets “The Financial Times” and always finds it very interesting. At the moment he is in his office. His copy of the newspaper is in the table.

Where is Mr. Collins? What does he do? Does he read “The Financial Times”? Is he reading it? Where is his copy of the newspaper?

2. Jack Carlton is a famous football-player. At the moment he is at the dinner-table. There is a large beefsteak in front of him.

Who is Jack Carlton? Where is he? Does he play football? What is he doing?

3. Arthur Docker is on the plane. He is a very rich man. He drives a Rolls Royce, often eats caviar, plays roulette at Monte Carlo, goes on safari in Africa and smokes large Havana cigars. At the moment he is having a nap.

What is he doing? Is he smoking a Havana cigar? Does he smoke Havana cigars? What does he often do?

4. Jane Martin is very athletic. She is a good skier and tennis player and is also good at golf. She has a job as a typist and she is at work now.

Where is Jane now? Does she play tennis? Is she playing tennis? Does she ski? What is she doing now?

5. It is a cold winter day. Jane is in Norway and she has her skis on.

Where is Jane? Has she got her skis on? Is she working in an office? What does she do?


1. Why is she seldom smile? 2. What time is your train leaving? 3. I’m thinking this is your key. 4. The water boils. Can you turn it off? 5. I’m seeing the manager tomorrow morning. 6. The moon goes round the earth. 7. I must go now. It gets late. 8. Are you hearing me well? 9. Do you afraid of anybody? 10. It is never rain here in this season. 11. He is usually visiting us at the weekend. 12. I am feeling hungry. Is there anything to eat? 13. Where his mother works? 14. Are you believing in God? 15. I am not belong to any political party. 16. He thinks of selling his car. 17. Sorry, but the dinner you cooked don’t smell very good. 18. Can you ring me back a bit later? I have supper. 19. We don’t translating at the moment, we are correcting mistakes. 20. Are you wanting to watch this film tonight? 21. Listen! What is those girls talking about? 22. Our teacher speak English very well. 23. I am loving English lessons, they are both interesting and useful. 24. Where does your parents live? 25. He is always complaining!!!


1. friend / usually / working 2. never / angry / group-mates 3. gets / good / marks 4. granny / weekend 5. always / speaking / phone! 6. generally / but / now / living 7. doesn’t / help 8. he / go / not / going 9. why / she / at the moment? 10. don’t / doesn’t / aren’t / watching / now


1. Ты здесь живешь? – Нет, здесь живет моя старшая сестра, я пока у нее остановилась. 2. Они никогда не ходят на работу пешком. 3. Он всегда получает хорошие оценки. 4. Тише, наша группа сдает экзамен. 5. Моя мама варит кофе. Подождем? 6. Вы все еще кипятите? – Тогда мы идем к вам! 7. Ее зовут Маша, она любит Сашу. 8. Я думаю, она чувствует себя лучше. 9. Здесь кто-нибудь говорит по-японски? 10. Слышишь? Они разговаривают по-китайски. 11. Постоянно ты теряешь ручки! 12. Куда это так бегут студенты? – На лекцию к проф. Коренману. 13. Алекс делает новую полку для книг. Он всегда сам делает мебель для своей комнаты. 14. В данный момент мы переводим предложения, и вообще часто это делаем. 15. Я встречаюсь сегодня с Ником, спешу вот, он не любит когда я опаздываю. 16. Мы сидим на английском и мечтаем о каникулах. 17. Каждый семестр мы пишем зачетный тест по грамматике. 18. Если все хорошо, преподаватель ставит нам зачет автоматом. 19. Кто это хрюкает на балконе? – Это мои поросята просят еды. Они всегда обедают в это время суток. 20. Никогда не говори никогда.


1. I’m tired. I…to bed early tonight.

а) am go b) am going c) go d) goes

2. …you ever late for classes?

а) Do b) Is c) Are d) Does

3. There is something I need to tell you.- Well, I… .

а) listen b) am listen c) am listening d) listening

4. Where is Nick? I…him.

а) am see b) am not seeing c) don’t see d) am looking

5. I don’t believe that! You…!

а) kidding b) are kidding c) is kidding d) kid

6. My grandfather never…in an airplane.

а) doesn’t fly b) fly c) flies d) flying

7. In all the world there..only 14 mountains that..above 8,000 metres.

а) be, reach b) is, reaches c) are, are reaching d) are, reach

8. Right now we…a heatwave.

а) have b) having c) are have d) are having

9. I can lend you some money. How much…?

а) you need b) do you need c) are you needing d) need you

10. Right now it…3 a.m. and I…at my desk.

а) - , am sitting b) is, am sitting c) is, sit d) -, sit

11.When we…our teacher’s voice, we…very happy.

а) are hearing, - b) is hear, are c) hear, - d) hear, are

12. She…, you study hard.

а) think b) thinks c) is thinking d) isn’t thinking

13. Why…with me?

а) do you angry b) does they angry c) are you angry d) does he angry

14. ) What is he doing? – I think he is a student.

а)What does he do? – I’m thinking he is a student.

b) What does he do? – I think he is a student.

c) What is he doing? – I’m thinking he is a student.