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There are three requirements for conducting a valid scientific experiment: (1) control over the independent variable, (2) the use of a comparison group, and (3) the random assignment of subjects to conditions. In its most basic form, then, a typical experiment compares a large number of subjects who are randomly assigned to experience one condition with a group of similar subjects who are not. Those who experience the condition compose the experimental group, and those who do not make up the control group. If the two groups differ significantly in their behavior during the experiment, that difference can be attributed to the presence of the condition, or independent variable.

2.Use the information in the text to find answers to the following questions.

1.What methods of research in psychology do you know?

2.What documents can be examined through archival studies?

3.What is the strong point of using the method of archival study?

4.What method allows learning more about people in general by testing an individual?

5.What method can be used to observe relationships between parents and children?

6.What is the difference between dependent and independent variables?

7.What are the major requirements for conducting an experiment?

8.Which method is the most suitable for psychological investigations?

9.What methods of research do we use in our everyday life, though we are not psychologists?

3.Finish the sentences using the information in the text.

1.Marriage and divorce rates can be examined using the method of ________.

2.Using the method of _______ researchers cannot influence the subjects by their presence.

3.The first scientist who began to formulate a theory of intellectual development was ______ .

4.Group decision-making is usually analyzed by ________.

5.Children’s thoughts of mind are studied by ________.

6.In ________ researchers observe people’s behaviour without intervening it.

7.A researcher is able to change one factor leaving others constant only while conducting an _______.

8.The measured aspect of the experiment is called the _______.

9.One of the requirements for conducting an experiment is the use of a _______.

10.The difference between two groups in the experiment can be attributed to the presence of _______.

4.Present the additional information on other methods of research you’ve found to your groupmates using the following scheme:

1.Name of the method.

2.Historical reference.

3.Aspects that can be learned using this method.

4.Fields of application of the method.


Vocabulary practice

1. Fill in the correct word from the list below.

Experiment, trend, rate, psychological crime, research, look, group, development, observation, individual.

1.scientific _______

2.employment ______

3._______ report

4.method of _______

5.control _______

6.naturalistic ________

7.________ researcher

8.in-depth ______

9.intellectual _______

10.statistical _______

2.Match phrases in column A with their translation in column B and make up sentences with them.


1.проводить эксперимент

2.вмешиваться в ситуацию

3.формулировать теорию

4.выдвинуть гипотезу

5.вести наблюдение за поведением одаренного ребенка

6.принимать решение

7.исследовать взаимодействие людей

8.обнаружить чудо-ребенка

9.приобретать опыт

10.распределять людей по группам


a.to formulate a theory

b.to observe a gifted child’s behaviour

c.to conduct an experiment

d.to make a decision

e.to advance a hypothesis

f.to reveal a prodigy

g.to gain experience

h.to assign people to groups

i.to investigate people’s interaction

j.to intervene in the situation

3. Distribute the words given below into three columns.

To examine records, to observe indirectly, independent variable, absence of influence, not to intervene into, experimental group, to examine statistics, to study the interactions, a comparison group, to manipulate a factor.

Archival study

Naturalistic observation













1. Make up a dialog.

Student A You are a patient. You have got some psychological problem. Tell about it to the psychologist. Ask him/her for advice.

Student B You are a psychologist. Talk to the patient. Find out the problem he has got. Give him a piece of advice. Be polite and make the patient trust you.

2.Express your point of view on the following statements. Give your arguments.

1.Psychology is a pseudoscience and psychologists are people with personal problems who want to spoil the life of other people as their own life leaves much to be desired.

2.What kind of person can make you trust him? Describehisappearanceandcharacter.

3.Compare the existing methods of research and single out the best one.

3.Role play: “A talk to a scientific advisor”.

A:You are a postgraduate student. You have come to your scientific advisor to discuss the method of research that you will use to obtain psychological findings to confirm the hypothesis of your scientific research.

B:You are a scientific advisor. Help you student to choose the most appropriate method of research. Discuss with him/her the following points:

z methods of research existing nowadays z the phenomenon investigated

z specifics of the situation observed z suggestion of the method

z giving proofs to confirm the method

Communication: expressing surprise, doubt and disbelief 1. Practice the phrases.

Expressing surprise



Oh? Is it so?





Правда? Действительно?

I am surprised.


Я удивлен

Do you really mean it?


Вы действительно так думаете?



Не может быть!

Is it true that…?


Правда ли, что …?

It’s a wonder to me.


Это меня удивляет.

What a pleasant surprise!


Какая приятная неожиданность!

It isn’t surprising.


Это неудивительно.

Good Heavens!


Боже мой!

No wonder.


Ничего удивительного.

No wonder she gave a speech at the


Неудивительно, что она выступила с



докладом на конференции.

It’s only natural.


Это (совершенно) естественно.



Expressing doubt and disbelief


I’m not sure of it.

Я в этом не уверен.

I doubt it.

Я сомневаюсь в этом.

It all depends.

Все зависит от обстоятельств.

You never can tell.

Трудно сказать.

It’s hard to believe.

Этому трудно поверить.

Are you sure?

Вы уверены?

I don’t believe a word of it.

Я не верю ни одному слову.

You don’t say so!

Не может быть!

2. Read the dialogs, practice them and underline the phrases used to express doubt, disbelief or surprise.

1.“He’s been very nervous of conducting an experiment.” “Really? I never noticed it.”

2.“He only pretended not to know it.” “Did he? I doubt it. It’s unlike him.”

3.“ They weren’t satisfied with the results of the naturalistic observation.” “Weren’t they? That’s strange.”

4.“If you had consulted your scientific advisor earlier, you’d have advanced the wrong hypothesis.”

“You never can tell it.”

5.“Will you intervene in the relationships of your parents?” “That depends.”

6.“She’s decided to conduct a case study.”

“It’s not surprising. It’s the most suitable method to investigate the inner life of the respondent.”

3.React somehow expressing doubt or surprise. Use the phrases given.

Really? Do you really mean it? Are you sure? Is it true that …? It all depends. I’m not surprised.

1.I’m afraid the archival method will be of no use in his situation.

2.Something is wrong with my records of what is going on.

3.I think you’d better conduct a survey to prove your hypothesis.

4.My hypothesis hasn’t been confirmed.

5.All children are gifted in various ways.

6.How will you assign your students into groups?

4.Make up sentences so that the following phrases may be answers to them.

1.No wonder.

2.I doubt it.

3.You don’t say so!

4.What a pleasant surprise!

5.It’s only natural.



1.Translate the sentences from English into Russian.

1.Kraepelin said: “Psychiatric disorders are disease entities that can be classified like physical illnesses.”

2.Kraepelin also said: “The fundamental causes of mental illness lie in the physiology and biochemistry of the human brain.”

3.Carl Rogers said: “Only negative evaluations made by significant others in the life of the individual limit the individual’s potential for growth.”

4.Cognitive psychologists said: “We are not merely passive receptors of stimuli; the mind actively possesses the information it receives and transforms it into new forms and categories.”

2.Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary of the lesson.

1.Данные обстоятельства явились результатом недостатка опыта.

2.Следующий эксперимент, который мы будем проводить, другого рода.

3.Предметом эксперимента станут люди, страдающие психическими расстройствами.

4.Цель нашего исследования – выявить одаренных детей.

5.Выбор метода исследования зависит от явления, которое необходимо изучить.

6.Вундт изучал сознание посредством метода интроспекции.

7.Раньше психологи полагали, что изучение психических процессов невозможно посредством научных методов исследования.

8.До 1970 года было практически невозможно измерить деятельность живого человеческого мозга.

9.Некоторые политологи полагают, что метод составления психологического

досье не имеет методологического основания и теоретической базы.

10.Метод наблюдения помогает изучать поведение детей в школе, дома и на игровой площадке.

3.Express your opinion (agreement, disagreement) in the written form about the following statements. Try to prove your point of view by giving arguments.

1. There is no universal method of research.

2. A method of research must correspond to the nature of the phenomenon investigated.

3. Scientific observation doesn’t differ from the everyday observation.

4.Read the text and do the tasks after it.


In contrast with the in-depth study of one person, surveys describe a specific population or group of people. Surveys involve asking people a series of questions about their behaviors, thoughts, or opinions. Surveys can be conducted in person, over the phone, or through the mail. Most surveys study a specific group–for example,


college students, working mothers, men, or homeowners. Rather than questioning every person in the group, survey researchers choose a representative sample of people and generalize the findings to the larger population.

Surveys may pertain to almost any topic. Often surveys ask people to report their feelings about various social and political issues, the TV shows they watch, or the consumer products they purchase. Surveys are also used to learn about people’s sexual practices; to estimate the use of cigarettes, alcohol, and other drugs; and to approximate the proportion of people who experience feelings of life satisfaction, loneliness, and other psychological states that cannot be directly observed.

Surveys must be carefully designed and conducted to ensure their accuracy. The results can be influenced, and biased, by two factors: who the respondents are and how the questions are asked. For a survey to be accurate, the sample being questioned must be representative of the population on key characteristics such as sex, race, age, region, and cultural background. To ensure similarity to the larger population, survey researchers usually try to make sure that they have a random sample, a method of selection in which everyone in the population has an equal chance of being chosen.

When the sample is not random, the results can be misleading. For example, prior to the 1936 United States presidential election, pollsters for the magazine Literary Digest mailed postcards to more than 10 million people who were listed in telephone directories or as registered owners of automobiles. The cards asked for whom they intended to vote. Based on the more than 2 million ballots that were returned, the Literary Digest predicted that Republican candidate Alfred M. Landon would win in a landslide over Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt. At the time, however, more Republicans than Democrats owned telephones and automobiles, skewing the poll results. In the election, Landon won only two states.

The results of survey research can also be influenced by the way that questions are asked. For example, when asked about “welfare,” a majority of Americans in one survey said that the government spends too much money. But when asked about “assistance to the poor,” significantly fewer people gave this response.

5.Answer the following questions:

1.What is the survey?

2.What way can it be conducted in?

3.What phenomena is it possible to investigate using the method of surveys?

4.What is a random sample?

6.Are the following statements true or false?

1.Surveys study one person.

2.To be sure of the validity of the results the investigator must have a random sample.

3.The way the questions are asked doesn’t influence upon the results of surveys.

4.Race, age, region and cultural backgrounds of the respondents have a profound effect on the results.

7.Can you give your own example of using the survey method in psychology?



Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it.

How do you think what the quality of your memory depends on?

Active Vocabulary

Listen and pronounce the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher.


anxiety (n)

– волнение


association (n)

– ассоциация


auditory memory

– слуховая память


be anxious

– тревожиться


close attention

– пристальное внимание


comprehend (v)

– постигать, осмысливать


depression (n)

– депрессия, уныние


fascinate (v)

– завораживать, приводить в восхищение


frustration (n)

– расстройство, разочарование


get agitated with

– быть возбужденным, взволнованным


impair (v)

– ухудшать, ослаблять


imprint (n)

– изображение, отпечаток


insist on (v)

– настаивать на чем-то


long-lasting impression

– впечатление, надолго остающееся в





long-term memory

– долговременная память


maintenance (n)

зд. сохранение в памяти


memory cell

– ячейка памяти


memory technique

– техника запоминания


perception (n)

– восприятие


positive expectation

– положительное ожидание


reason (v)

– размышлять


recall (v)

– вспоминать


relaxed mind

– расслабленное состояние памяти


release (v)

– выпускать


retain (v)

– оставаться


sensory channel

– сенсорный канал



– кратковременная память


stimulus (n)

– стимул


visual memory

– визуальная память


1.Put the activities developing memory according to their importance and efficiency.

1.Remembering telephone numbers without writing them down.

2.Learning poems by heart.


3.Different games for attention.

4.Guessing crosswords.

5.Reading regularly.

2.Look at the activities enumerated in Task 1 and tell your groupmates what develops memory best of all in your opinion.

Example: I think that the most effective activity is games for attention as you develop your memory consciously…

3.Can you give a clear answer to the question: Whose fault is it that a person’s memory is poor?

bad heredity


the person himself

4. Try to develop the idea given. Agree or disagree with the following quotation. Give your arguments.

“Many a man fails as an original thinker simply because his memory is too good.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

Grammar: Gerund.

1.Choose the right form of the Gerund.

1.The problem is …

a) discussing

b) being discussed c)having discussed d) having been discussed


On … the news she wrote some notes…..



a) telling

b) being told

c)having told

d) having been

3.Can you remember … the man before?




a) seeing

b) being seen

c) having seen

d) having been seen


He hates …






a) interrupting

b) being interrupted c) having interrupted d) having been









He was proud of … by this famous scientist.



a) receiving

b) being received

c) having received d) having been received


Do you have any difficulty in … your memory in practice?

a) keeping

b) being kept

c) having kept

d) having been kept


She congratulated herself on … of such a good idea.


a) thinking

b) being thought

c) having thought

d) having been thought

8. We exercise our arms and legs by … tennis, volleyball, basketball.

a) playing

b) being played

c) having played

d) having been played


2. Insert the right preposition.

1. They succeeded … finding a good way-out. 2. Can you stop the child … being lazy.

3. He was accused … having broken laws.

4. I insist … questioning this fact.

5. I apologize … being so awkward.

6. I have no practice … solving these problems.

7. She kept … interrupting me while I was speaking. 8. He is slow … learning poems by heart.

9. He gave up the idea … ever hearing about it.

10. He never agreed … their catching this opportunity.

3. Put the words given below into the right order to make up a sentence.

1. Things, in, sometimes, overviews, we, great, sweeping, recall.

2. Improves, recalling, conscious, memory.

3. Understanding, is, than, none, even, a better, rudimentary.

4. A, memory, if, want, you, good, to practice, remembering, learn. 5. Mind, reading, in, a, do, voice, loud, you, my?

6. No, this, book, was, getting, there, opportunity, of.

7. Hearing, I, don’t, legend, before, remember, the.

8. Being, blamed, any, grounds, nobody, without, likes.

4. Match the parts of the sentences from A and B columns.




a) It’s difficult to keep them

a) keeping your memory in practice

b) Will you please stop

b) exercising all the time

c) Does your work involve

c) reading so loudly

d) Do you go on

d) improving our environment

e) The aim of ‘Green’ service is

e) meeting with people

5. Open the brackets and put the appropriate from of the gerund.


He remembered (discuss) the question.


I’m still nervous in spite of (rehearse) several times.


He began his speech without any (prepare).


He complained of (giving) a very small room.


The little girl never gets tired of (ask) her mother question.


I always treat people politely and I insist on (treat) politely.


Try to forget it, it isn’t worth (worry) about.

8. After (hear) the conditions I decided not to enter for the competition.


They can’t help (make) noise.


10. We didn’t anticipate (treat) like that.




1. Read and translate the text.


Memory is the storing of learned information and the ability to recall things.

Three processes occur in remembering: perception and registering of a stimulus; temporary maintenance of the perception, or short-term memory; and lasting storage of the perception, or long-term memory.

Most of us express dissatisfaction with our memory, especially when we want to recall some detail and we can't. A lot of people insist, “My memory is terrible,” or “I can't remember anything.” In most cases, their memory is fine. They just need to take the time to learn ways to “register” the events more clearly, so they can “recall” them more successfully, later.

Here are some tips on what we need to do to improve our memory.

1.Positive expectation: Believe that you have a good memory. If you believe you have a poor memory and you can't remember anything, your mind will do everything to prove you right. It is better to think that your memory is good. When you learn better memory techniques, you will have a better memory.

2.Interest and importance: Recall of a particular event or detail depends on the interest we take and the importance we assign to that detail or event at the time, when it is taking place. We remember so much more about people, places, and topics, which fascinate us. When you are greatly interested in a subject, you pay close attention and your brain releases chemicals to form deeper “imprints” on the cells that store memory. Those can become “long lasting impressions.”

3.Pay attention: If you want to recall something, pay close attention to it at the time. The problem may not be memory, the problem may be one of attention. People, who have a good memory, pay close attention to events as they happen. Also, you may well know, that the level of interest and importance we assign to a person or an event determines how much attention we are going to pay it at the particular time it is occurring.

4.Active attention: Memory is an active process. The more active attention you pay, the more details you observe, the more you think, reason, and comprehend, the more associations you make of what you know with what you are trying to learn, the more you will retain and be able to recall later on. Good memory is a state of the active mind.

5.Relaxed mind: A relaxed mind helps memory. Learn with a relaxed mind. Recall the learned material with a relaxed mind. Let's take as an example a situation, where you misplace your car keys. If you get too agitated with yourself in trying to recall something, as is the case in this example, you are in for frustration. But, if you relax your mind, and calmly go through the events backward, you are more likely to remember where you left them.

6.Reduce anxiety: While mild anxiety can increase interest and attention, high anxiety can impair attention and concentration, and therefore, limit the recall of learned material. That is why, if we are too anxious during a test, we forget what we earlier


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