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knew very well. Actually, your memory is okay but anxiety is interfering with it. Management of test anxiety has helped many students in their test performance.

7.Monitor depression: Depression can impair the interest and joy in the events surrounding us. As a result, too little energy is left to recall anything. Some depressed persons become more anxious and depressed thinking: “I have lost my mind.” Once depression is treated, memory, as a general rule, returns to the normal.

8.Sensory channel: Use your favorite sensory channel. Some remember better what they see, “visual memory,” and some remember better what they hear, “auditory memory.” If you are someone who remembers better what you hear, then listen to a book on tape, rather than reading it. For other material, tape what you want to learn, and then listen to it for better recall.

2.Use the information in the text to find answers to the questions.

1.How do we remember things? Can you describe the process?

2.What is memory?

3.Do you know any memory techniques to remember things?

4.Why is close attention important when you want to form deeper “imprints”?

5.How can high anxiety interfere with the process of recalling things?

6.What psychological state impairs the interest to life?

7.What is your favorite sensory channel?

3.Discuss in groups of four: for what professions good memory is a compulsory thing? Make a list and explain why you think so.

4.Your friend complains on his memory. What advice would you give him?

Use the information in the text and your own experience.

Vocabulary practice

1.Fill in the correct word from the list below: memory, things, active, sensory, techniques, chemicals, expectation, test, interest, mind.

1.to recall ________

2.long-term _______

3.positive _________

4.memory _________

5.to release ________


7.relaxed _____

8._______ performance

9.to impair ______

10.______ channel

2.Insert the right prepositions. Make up sentences with the expressions.

1.to express dissatisfaction ____ the memory

2.to assign ____

3.to be interested ____


4.to be _____ frustration

5.to go _____ the events

6.to communicate _____

7.to interfere ____


1.Read the text and name the five simple techniques to improve your memory. Which of them have you used in your life experience?


Chunking. Perhaps Chunking is the oldest method used in memorization. In this method, the items to be memorized are divided into small and easily memorizable groups. This method works best when the order of the items is not important.

Rhyming. This is also one of the popular and oldest methods in memorization. This technique makes use of the fact that we have a natural tendency to remember rhymes and rhythms. The following is a very popular example of application of this technique which almost all school students are familiar with.

“Thirty days have September April, June and November All the rest have thirty-one

February has twenty-eight alone Except in leap year, then the time When Febs days are twenty-nine.”

Bridging. In this method, a bridge is built in between the items given to be memorized. This technique is best suited for learning material involving word pairs or material that can be reduced to word pairs. An example often cited by memory experts is the learning of the capital of Poland. The capital of Poland is Warsaw. World War II started with Germany's attack on Poland. Thus it may be arranged as Poland SAW War first.

Bed-time Recital. In this technique, you do your recital just before going to bed. The mind in the process of sleeping would then arrange the information in a systematic and effective way when you are sleeping. Psychologists have also found that if you sleep after thinking about your problems there is a better chance that you arrive at a solution the next day.

Trying by Not Trying. All of us apply this method knowingly or unknowingly. Sometimes when you try to recall you may not be able to recall it at that time even if you are sure that you know it very well. You experience a blocking that prevents you from recalling it. Normally you tend to try again and again but in vain. To handle this situation you just keep away from trying to recollect it and do something else; to your pleasant surprise that information automatically pops up into your mind after some time. This is because even if you stopped trying, the mind is searching for that information and brings it to awareness when it is found. Sometimes the information was blocked when you wanted, and mind brings it forward when the blocking is removed. This is where stress plays its role in hindering recall.


2.Discuss in groups of three the advantages and disadvantages of the memory techniques described in Task 1?

3.How do you understand the meaning of the following citations?

1.“As memory may be a paradise from which we cannot be driven, it may also be a hell from which we cannot escape.” John Lancaster

2.“Memory is the library of the mind.” Francis Fauvel-Gourand

3.“The richness of life lies in the memories we have forgotten.” Cesare Pavese

4.“The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.” Friedrich Nietzsche.

5.“Computers have lots of memory but no imagination.” Anonymous quote.

4.Discuss in groups of four.

In what situations it is better to have a good memory and in which ones it is better to have a poor memory.


1.Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1.If you sit in all day you exercise your arms and legs.

2.If we have ordinary bodies we can improve our strength by practice.

3.Our memory is weak when we do not give it enough opportunity to become strong.

2.Answer the questions and then make up a dialog using these questions.

1.Have you ever thought about the quality of your own memory?

2.Why is it necessary to give it enough exercise?

3.What useful means of training one’s memory could you suggest?

4.What sort of information do you remember better: names, numbers, dates, times?

5.Why do people who can’t read or write have better memories?

6.Whose fault is it that a person’s memory is poor?

7.What is a way to develop a good memory?

3.Complete the dialog between two students, one of whom majors in psychology,

while the other majors in history.

- Since you major in psychology, I hope you’ll be able to help me. The thing is, I must remember numerous facts and figures and I find it too difficult. I’m afraid there is something wrong with my memory. Besides, the trouble is that though I can memorize learning material quickly. Why so?


-I see. So there is long-term and short-term memory. What should be done to retain the material studied and make a more permanent gain in learning?


-How much material can be remembered and stored in our memory? Are there any limits to our storage capacity?



-I’ve noticed that remember material better if I feel emotionally interested in it. -…

-I see. But I still don’t understand why some people remember things better than others. Can I improve my memory?


-Thanks a lot for the interesting information. You must be a very good student. -…

4. Tell your groupmates about your ways of memory exercising.


1.Read through the following, allowing yourself to form mental pictures as you go along. When you come to the end, turn away from the computer and write down the list of words in the correct order.


I'm going to form a short story around the words that you're going to remember, and as you form the images in your mind, make them appear comical.

Words - The first word I want you to think of is television and its a very large, pink plastic television, so imagine a large, pink plastic television. And the next word is book. And you see that the reason the pink, plastic television is so big is because it is standing on a pile of old history books, so, the television is standing on a pile of old books and the third word is tree. And suddenly the book decides it wants to be a tree and it grows so big that branches stick out of the television and reach up. The fourth word is chair and looking up to the top of the tree you see a rocking chair nestled between two branches. So the fourth word is chair, and it's up there between those branches.

The next word is jelly and the chair is made of jelly and is wobbling around in the tree. The sixth word is cat – and suddenly a fat black cat with three legs runs up the tree and becomes so tired that he goes to sit on the jelly, but he is so fat and the jelly so wobbly that the cat comes down out of the tree. The seventh word is nurse and the nurse comes running up the cat to see if he's all right. When she sees that the cat only has three legs she begins to cry and she sheds so many tears that she needs a tablecloth to dry her eyes and blow her nose on. So the eight word is tablecloth.

Suddenly a gust of wind blows the tablecloth out of her hand and up in the air. So imagine now a tablecloth flying through the air - and the ninth word is airplane and a jumbo jet comes soaring through the sky and gets all tangled up in the tablecloth. The tenth word is chocolate band you suddenly notice that the airplane is not a real one, but a chocolate one and looks delicious. The eleventh word is spider - and a money spider comes up to the chocolate and licks it - really enjoying the taste. And the twelfth and final word is candle, and the chocolate that is left has a blue candle sticking out of it with purple and green smoke that wafts into the air.


2.You are a teacher and you are to present 10 new words for the pupils. They are: house, carpet, kitchen, pan, microwave, cat, flower, picture, jam, egg. Make up a vivid story like the one you have read in Task 1 to make your pupils to remember the words easily.

3.Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1.Люди, которые жалуются на плохую память, не всегда понимают, что они сами в этом виноваты.

2.Дети должны много учить наизусть, если мы хотим, чтобы у них развивалась память.

3.Для того, чтобы быть здоровыми, мы должны много двигаться.

4.Некоторые люди сознательно тренируют свою память, запоминая даты, числа и тому подобное.

5.Обучаясь иностранному языку, очень важно проявить терпение.

6.Запомнить лекцию, не записывая ее – прекрасное упражнение для памяти.

4.Make up sentences using these words.

1.Cannot read, those, or, write, things, remember, who, have, to.

2.That, my, poor, is, it, is, own, memory, fault.

3.We, details, sometimes, only, remember.

4.Does, work, how, memory?

5.Is, weak, our, memory, enough, opportunity, strong, when, we, don't, give, it, to, become.

5.Read through the quotes of famous people, choose one and develop the idea given.

1.“Everybody needs his memories. They keep the wolf of insignificance from the door.” Saul Bellow

2.“Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it.” Michel de Montaigne

3.“The advantage of a bad memory is that one enjoys several times the same good things for the first time.” Friedrich Nietzsche

4.“Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.” Albert Schweitzer

6.Give your own definition of “memory”.


LESSON 13. WHAT KIND OF PERSON ARE YOU? Brainstorming activity

Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it.

What are the means that help you to find out what kind of person is in front of you?

Active Vocabulary

Listen and pronounce the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher.


agreeable (a)

– приятный


apply (v)

– применять


be assertive

– быть уверенным в себе


be pushy

– быть агрессивным, напористым


beware of

– остерегаться


conceal smb’s feelings

– скрывать чувства и эмоции


courageous (a)

– смелый


curious (a)

– любопытный


define (v)

– определять


derive (v)

– получать


designate (v)

– обозначать


despise (v)

– пренебрегать, ни во что не ставить


effort (n)

– усилие


emulate satiety

– имитировать сытость


energize (v)

– возбуждать


fall into (v)

– впадать, относиться


familiar (a)

– хорошо знакомый


fearful (a)

– испуганный


generosity (n)

– щедрость


have a positive attitude

– положительно относиться


in the sense of

– в смысле


lifestyle (n)

– стиль жизни


misconception (n)

– неправильное представление


outgoing (a)

– без комплексов


oyster (n)

– устрица


peculiarity (n)

– особенность


perceive (v)

– воспринимать, понимать, осозновать


regard (v)

– рассматривать, считать


respected (a)

– уважаемый


retiring (a)

– скромный


satisfaction (n)

– удовлетворение


show affection in public

– демонстрировать чувства на людях


shy (a)

– застенчивый


stimulate (v)

– побуждать


trait (n)

– черта


unfortunate (a)

– несчастливый





1.What features of character do you know?

Place the given features of character into two columns: positive and negative. Hardworking, narrow-minded, ill-tempered, hard-hearted, well-educated,

easygoing, kind-hearted, open-minded, outgoing, well respected, absent-minded, outspoken, two-faced, generous, agreeable, courageous, fearful, retiring, curious, pushy, assertive.







2.Match the given explanations with the basic types of personality: extrovert, introvert, ambivert.

1.A person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughts and feelings.

2.A person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to become preoccupied with his/her own thoughts.

3.Someone having both extrovert and introvert personality traits.

3.Define the type of personality the following people have.

1.Tom loves meeting new people.

2.Franny needs to stay home to reenergize herself.

3.Bill is a very outgoing person.

4.Meredith is energized sometimes by others and sometimes by being alone.

5.Jonatan becomes energized when he is around other people.

4.Discuss in groups of four the following statement. Give your arguments. “Pets have no personality.”

5.Do you agree with the statement: “Many of us, are probably ambiverts.”

Example: I agree with the statement “Many of us are probably ambiverts” from my

own experience, sometimes I need to stay alone, sometimes, I need a company. It depends.

6.If you were asked to list three adjectives that describe your personality, what would they be. Use the list from Task 1.

7.Develop the idea given.

“Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is. The most important product of his effort is his own personality.” Erich Fromm

Grammar: Participle.


1.Open the brackets and put the appropriate from of the participle.

1.(to live) in the south, he can’t understand our life order.

2.(to read) the story, she closed the book.

3.(to show) the wrong direction we lost our way.

4.(to be) very ill, she couldn’t go out.

5.There are some categories (to develop) to classify people.

6.(to prescribe) some medicine the doctor went away.

7.The classification (to develop) last century is out of date.

8.(to apply) the new method he found several mistakes.

2.Replace the underlined parts of the sentences by the participle.

1.The man who is speaking now is very shy.

2.There are many students in our group who take part in the conference.

3.Be careful when you are crossing the street.

4.When she defined the subject, she began working at it.

5.When I finally made up my mind, I told then about my plans.

6.When I speak to her, I always tries to make my meaning clear.

3.Translate the words in brackets.

1.We came up to the woman (выглядящей) very fearful.

2.(Рассказав) all about the accident he went away.

3.Suddenly I heard a sound of a key (поворачиваемого) in the lock.

4.Each time (рассказывая) about it she couldn’t help crying.

5.The theory (разработанная) last century is out of date.

6.I felt very tired (проработав) the whole day.

4.Define the function of the participle.

1.The house built in the 18th century is ruined.

2.Being tired he went home at once.

3.The students translating this text work with me.

4.Having read this book I learnt a lot.

5.The answer received from her greatly surprised me.

6.Being told of his arrival, I went to see him.

7.The man standing in the hall is my cousin.

8.A person bringing good news is always welcome.

9.Getting off the bus he helped his wife.

10.Being written in pencil the letter was difficult to read.

5.Make up sentences from these words.

1.Performed, are, not, experiments, exact, very, being, here.

2.Physiological, clinic, coming, every, a, careful, should, to, an individual, have, examination.

3.Prefer, by, talking, extroverts, communicate, usually, to.

4.Outgoing, is, a, person, Bill, very.

5.When, become, other, people, I, energized, I, around, am.



1. Read and translate the text.


The fact that humans differ from one another has stimulated many interesting theories of personality types. Respected thinkers in the fields of рsychology, sociology, and philosophy have produced different theories of personality. Let's start with the most familiar of the traditional types, the extrovert and the introvert.

The concepts of Extroversion and Introversion were introduced by Carl Jung to designate two opposite types of personality. Many people think that an extrovert is a person who is courageous, outgoing and not at all shy. They believe that an introvert is someone who is shy, retiring, and fearful. These are misconceptions. Actually, psychologists define an extrovert as a person who needs the сошрапу of others to become energized, while an introvert is the kind of person who needs to be alone to become energized.

There is a third category people may fall into: that of the ambivert. This is a person who is energized sometimes by others and sometimes by being alone. He gets activated by the stimulation of others and becomes quite outgoing. But there are other times when he needs to be alone to reenergize. Many of us, perhaps even the majority, are probably ambiverts.

There's another way of classifying people. In “The Presidential Character,” historian James Barber classifies presidents into four personality types: active-positive, active-negative, passive-positive, passive-negative. However, Barber's categories might be applied to anyone, not just to presidents. Let's consider each of these.

First, the active-positive person is the type who acts on the world and derives pleasure from doing so. He or she is one whom others regard as a take-charge leader who gets things done. Active-positives are people who regard the world as their oyster.

Second, the active-negative is a person whose behavior is similar, to that of the active-positive in the sense of acting on the world. However, active-negatives feel negative about themselves and the world in certain ways, they don't get much inner satisfaction from what they do though they put a great amount of effort into their work.

Third, the passive-positive is the kind of individual others regard as a “nice person.” They usually have a lot of friends and are always agreeable, which is what people like about them.

Fourth, passive-negatives are similar to passive-positives in having a negative selfimage and in allowing the world to act on them. However, they tend to view the world as a place where unfortunate things are likely to happen. Passive-negatives often try to compensate for the world's unpleasantness by getting involved in service to others and by stressing moral principles.


2. What are the main personality types being defined in the text?

Vocabulary practice

1.Fill in the correct word from the list below.

Theories, moral, unfortunate, types, take-charge, amount, satisfaction, certain.

1.personality _____

2._______ principles

3.inner ________

4.different _______

5.________ leader

6.in _______ ways

7.great _______

8.________ things

2.Form the adjectives from the following nouns.

courage ____________

fear _________________

person _____________

psychology ___________

tradition ____________

pleasure _____________

3. Form the nouns from the following verbs.

behave _____________

stimulate _____________

satisfy _____________

differ ________________

introduce ___________

define ________________

classify ____________




3. Match phrases in column A with their translation in column B.





1. energized



ответственный руководитель

2. derive pleasure



подразделяться на

3. fall into



прилагать большие усилия

4. take-charge leader




5. put great efforts



получать удовольствие

4. Complete the sentences.

1. Extroverts are characterized as ... people.

2. An introvert needs ....

3. The concepts of Extroversion and Introversion were introduced by ....

4. Historian James Barber classifies presidents into ....

5. The passive-positive people usually have ....


1.Discuss in groups of three: What features of character can be called the Russian ones? Make a list and present it to the rest of the group.


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