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9._____ number 10. _____ school

3.Insert the right prepositions. Consult the text.

1.to apply ___ a university

2.to be dedicated ___

3.the lecture is one hour ___ length

4.to be tested ___

5.to consist ___ colleges

6.to get a place ___ a university

7.to leave the university ___ a degree

4.Give the English equivalents to the following Russian phrases.

Выпускник школы, традиция получения высшего образования, привилегия аристократии, плата за год обучения, аттестат о среднем образовании, консультации и лабораторные работы, без сомнения, отличаться друг от друга, степень бакалавра в области медицины, методы обучения.

5. Сomplete the gaps using the factual information from the text.

Higher education in Great Britain has a long history. First institutions of higher education appeared in _____. The most famous of them are ______ and ______ to which the term Oxbridge refer. For many centuries the tradition of getting higher education was the _____ of the _____.

Even nowadays higher education in Great Britain costs money, which means that it is not _____. To enter the university good _____ results in at least __ ______ are necessary. Universities choose their students only after _____.


1.Tell about the system of Higher education of the UK to your friend who doesn’t know anything about it.

1.What are the requirements to the applicant who wants to enter the university?

2.Is the higher education free in Great Britain?

3.Is the fee higher for a foreign student than for a resident of the country?

4.How many terms are there in the academic years in the UK?

5.What types of classes do the English students have?

6.What degrees are awarded in universities?

7.What kind of education do the polytechnics offer?

8.What is a sandwich course?

9.What is the purpose of the Open University?

2.What has changed in your character since you entered the university? Have

you become more serious, more responsible, more independent or vice versa?

Example: I think I have become more independent from the opinions of my parents. At the university a student has more freedom and he has to take a lot of

decisions himself. I like to take decisions myself.


Discussion: Choosing a university to study


Most English Universities have picturesque campuses with beautiful gardens decorated with modern sculptures, exotic trees, flowers and ducks swimming in ponds. Some universities have even special staff to take care about the gardens. But university campus doesn’t only comprise miles of well–organized nature but all the necessary facilities for the successful students’ study as well. Besides you should keep in mind that English universities compete for the students and they have to suggest the best conditions of study and high quality of education for the lowest cost.

Make up a dialog. Student A.

You are a school leaver. Next year you want to enter a university. You want to leave your home and live in a university campus to have a new experience. You have heard from your friend that Exeter University is one of the beautiful and interesting places to get a degree. But you need some additional information about the university facilities and conditions of study. Your task is to ask all the necessary questions to make a decision on whether you will choose this university as a place to get a higher education or not.

Try not to forget to ask about:

1.Terms of admission


3.Methods of instruction

4.Libraries (information resources)


Student B.

You are the Academic Officer of the university. You know the answers to all the questions about the university and students life. Your task is to provide information to the applicants and to make the university attractive for the applicant. Use the information given.

1.Terms of admission (General Certificate of Secondary Education + A–level results in at least two subjects + interview).

2.Fee (5,000 pounds for a resident, 15,000 pounds for a foreign student).

3.Methods of instruction (personal tutor, individual support and advice, choice of courses, a possibility to study for a year in Europe, lectures, tutorials, e–learning, Internet–based materials, interactive on–line Learning Environment which delivers 120 courses).

4.Libraries (1,100,000 volumes, over 3,500 periodical subscriptions to journals, on–line access to 7,000 journals, PC clusters available 24hours 7 days a week for Internet access and word–processing)

5.Accommodation (4000 thousand places, singles furnished with a bed, wardrobe, bookshelves, desk and chair. All rooms have a phone and high–speed network/internet link. The kitchens are modern and well–equipped).


Communication: Congratulating/consoling.

1. Practice the phrases used for making congratulations and consoling.




Слова утешения




That's too bad/a pity/a shame


Как жаль!

Well done!

Don't let it get you down

Молодец, браво!

Не расстраивайся из-за этого!

Brilliant! / Excellent!

Never mind.


Полно, не обращай внимания!

I'm (really) happy for you!

Don't worry.

Я рад за тебя!

Не волнуйся!

Good for you!

You'll be fine/OK/alright.


Все будет хорошо.

That's great/fantastic news!

I'm so sorry.

Это великолепная, прекрасная

Мне очень жаль.


It's not as bad as it seems.



Все не так плохо как кажется.



2.Read the dialogs and underline the phrases used for congratulating and consoling. What is the situation in each dialog?

1.A: What's the matter, Tom? You look a bit upset.

B:Yeah, I am upset, actually. I just got a 'C' in my Physics exam.

A:Never mind. It's not as bad as you think. It's still a passing grade.

B:I suppose.

2.A: Georgia? Are you free after class?

B:Yes, lam. Why?

A:Well, I got my driving license yesterday, and I thought we could go out for a bite to eat.

B:Oh my goodness! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

3.Use the useful language in the box to act out similar dialogs for the situations.

1.A friend has passed her exams.

2.Your brother has crashed his car.

3.Your sister got accepted to study medicine abroad

4.A friend has lost his job.

5.Your classmate entered the university.


6.Your girl friend got the leading role in a film.

7.Your mother has won the lottery!

8.Your farther has broken his leg.

9.A friend has failed his exam in maths twice.


1.Open the brackets using one of the Perfect Tenses or the Past Simple Tense.

1.Last year I (to finish) secondary school and (to enter) the South Ural State University.

2.– you (to see) our new lecturer? – Yes, I have.

3.I (to pass) my entrance exam two years ago.

4.How many lectures you (to give) this week?

5.I (to earn) my General Certificate of Secondary Education by the moment I applied to the university.

6.My brother (to get) a Bachelor's Degree by 2005.

7.you (to prepare) for laboratory classes yet?

8.you ever (to be) to the United Kingdom?

9.you (to choose) your major yet?

10. – I (to loose) my textbook. – When you (to see) it last?

2.Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary of the lesson.

1.Высшее образование в Великобритании платное.

2.Абитуриентов принимают в университеты по результатам экзаменов и тестирования.

3.Оксфорд был основан в 12 веке нашей эры.

4.Открытый университет Великобритании предлагает курсы повышения квалификации.

5.Без сомнения, методы обучения имеют большое значение в образовательном процессе.

6.Я никогда не был в Англии.

7.Игорь уже окончил курсы в летней школе.

8.Ольга получила степень бакалавра и учится сейчас в школе Экономики на получение степени магистра.

9. Когда ты сдал последний экзамен? – 25 января.

10. Это очень интересная книга. Почитай ее. – Я уже прочел ее. Она мне не понравилась.

3. Express your agreement or disagreement with the statements. Prove your point of view by giving arguments.

Model: To be a highly qualified specialist you should study all your life. I agree completely with the statement. I think that knowledge obtained at the university quickly become obsolete and you should learn all your life.

1. It's no use working hard if you have no inborn abilities.


2.It's more prestigious nowadays to get higher education abroad.

3.Higher education shouldn't be free.

4.Absent-minded people can't be successful in research.

5.Tutorials and individual work with a tutor is more useful than practical classes in fixed groups.

4.Compare two systems of higher education that of Great Britain and Russia. Give your opinion about their advantages and disadvantages.

Smile with us

William Lyon Phelps, on a pre-Christmas examination paper, found written, “God only knows the answer to this question. Merry Christmas”.

He returned the paper with the notation, “God gets an A; you get an F. Happy New Year”.

LESSON 4. HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE USA Brainstorming activity

Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of democracy in universities?

Active Vocabulary`

Listen and pronounce the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher.


advance one’s career

– продвигаться по карьерной лестнице


Associate degree

– начальное высшее образование


be insufficient

– быть недостаточным


be operated by

– управляться


community college

– местный колледж


complete a course

– пройти курс обучения


completion (n)

– завершение


dedication (n)

– увлеченность работой


depend on

– зависеть от


educational background

– полученное образование


full-time coursework

– дневной курс обучения


graduate school

– факультет со специализированным курсом





graduate with a degree in major – окончить университет с дипломом



бакалавра или магистра


in addition to

– в добавок


in order to

– для того, чтобы


junior college

– колледж начального высшего образования


lower the cost

– понизить стоимость


major in maths

– специализироваться в математике


prior to (pp)

– раньше, прежде


public funds

– государственные средства





related fields

– смежные области


requirement (n)

– требование


research paper

– научная работа


select a major

– выбрать специализацию


thesis (n)

– диссертация


transfer to

– переводиться в


undergraduate school

– факультет с базовым циклом обучения


1.Using your background knowledge about the system of higher education in the USA agree or disagree with the following statements.

1.The system of Higher Education in the USA does not differ from the Russian one.

2.Higher education in the USA is free.

3.American colleges are not certified to give universities degrees.

4.All universities in the USA are private.

Grammar: Passive Voice.

1.Change the active to the passive by supplying the correct form of the verb to be.

1.Tom is preparing the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom now.

2.Tom has prepared the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom.

3.Tom prepared the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom.

4.Tom was preparing the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom.

5.Tom had prepared the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom.

6.Tom will prepare the homework.

The homework _____ prepared by Tom.

7.Tom will have prepared the homework. The homework _____ prepared by Tom.

2.To repair a flat is an endless process. Many things change. Describe the changes that happen when we repair the flat, using the Present Simple Passive.

1.The roof _______ (to repair).

2.The carpet ______ (to wash) in the laundry.

3.The walls ______(to decorate) with wall–paper.

4.The bathroom _______ (to lay) with tile.

5.The dust ______ (to beat) out of the carpet.

6.The ceiling ______ (to whitewash).

7.The new curtains ______ (to buy).

8.All the old things _____ (to throw) away.

9.The parquet _______ (to lacquer).


3.Open the brackets and put the words into the Future Simple Passive.

1.Many tasty things ________ (to make) by Mother for our party.

2.The pupils ______ (to give) out prizes by the headmaster.

3.I ______ (to ask) a lot of questions during the interview.

4.A surprise party _______ (to arrange) for Jane next week.

4.Using the verbs in the box fill in the gaps. Put the verbs into the Past Simple Passive.

invent, plant, kill, write, build, name, discover, design, paint, break

1.Five fruit-trees ________ in our garden last year.

2.The picture Mona Lisa _________ by Leonardo da Vinci.

3.Marat ______ in his bath.

4.Radio ______ by Popov.

5.The first Pyramid of Egypt ________ around 3000 BC.

6.The winter Palace _______ by Rastrelli.

7.“War and Peace” ________ by Tolstoy.

8.Rossi street _______ after a famous Russian architect.

9.My car ______ in an accident last night.

10.When ____ America ________?

5.Ann and Tom bought a car 10 years ago. The car has been repaired several times since then. Describe the changes that have been made, using the Present Perfect Passive.

Example: The oil ______(to change). The oil has been changed.

1.The radiator _____(to fill) with water six times.

2.It ______(to take) for a test drive once.

3.Broken parts ______(to repair) two times.

4.The battery ______(to check).

5.The filters ______(to replace) three times.

6.Air _____ (to put) in the tyres twice.

7.The brakers _____ (to test).

8.The car ______ (to paint) after the accident.

9.The lights _____ (to change).

6.Make up Yes/No questions using the words given

Example: India, rice, is, grown, in. Is rice grown in India?

1.Into, languages, many, this book, translated, has, been.

2.A, is, being, built, new church, in, Moscow.

3.The planet, is , known, Mars, as, “the red planet”.

4.Ground, the, covered, is, snow, with.

5.Your, is, being, wedding dress, made, your mother, by.

6.At the moment, being, taught, he, to drive, a car, is.

7.The, has, canceled, been, meeting.


8.All, have, sold, the tickets, been.

9.The, is, cut, grass, every week.

7.Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Past Perfect Passive.

1.The alarm system had been broken before the thieves climbed through a window.

2.After the stolen motorbike _______ (to find) the police called the owner.

3.Smoke rising from the mouth of the volcano _______ (to see) by the tourists two days before the eruption.

4.The dinner ___already ____ (to eat) by the time I came home.

5.All the work _______ (to do) by the moment the mother came home from work.

8.Open the brackets and put the verbs into the Future Perfect Passive.

Example: A new park will have been laid out by summer.

1.All her affairs _________ (to settle) before she gets married.

2.All the stolen goods _________ (to find) by September.

3.By the end of the year a new bridge __________ (to build).

4.I ___________ (to examine) by the doctor by this time tomorrow.

9.Insert by or with into the gaps.

1.Most children are strongly influenced ____ their parents.

2.The jam sandwiches were made _____ white bread.

3.My camera was loaded _____ a black and white film.

4.The supermarket trolley was filled _____ cat food.

5.My hair was cut _____ a top stylist.

6.The song was performed ______ Madonna.

7.This book was written _____ my favorite author.

8.Claire was shouted at ______ her teacher.

9.The cake was decorated _____ icing.

10.The tiger was shoot _____ a gun.

10.Choose the right variant.

1.The children taught/ were taught Italian.

2.This problem will discuss/will be discussed at the conference.

3.The president interviewed/was interviewed on French TV.

4.Teachers have given/ have been given a new pay rise by the government.

5.Walt Disney created/was created the cartoon character of Mickey Mouse.

6.The firm has been making/has been made dresses for twenty years.

7.He treats/is treated the girl very badly.

8.He said that he had taken/had been taken his watch to a watchmaker’s.

9.Many new houses have been built/have built this year.

10.The door closed/was closed.



1. Read the text and do the tasks after it.


To attend American university students must complete 12 years of primary and secondary education. Students who would like to attend college or university must attend an undergraduate school. These are schools that offer either a two-year degree or a four-year degree in a specific course of study. That course of study is called the major.

An associate degree is a two-year degree given by two types of colleges: community colleges and junior colleges. The two classes of associate degrees are the Associate of Arts (also called the A.A.) and the Associate of Applied science (also called the A.A.S.).

Community colleges are operated by the local government and are financed by public funds. They serve two functions: (1) students who do not want to get a bachelor’s degree will attend a community college to get an associate degree; (2) students who want to get a bachelor’s degree will complete the first two years of their undergraduate education at a community college and then transfer to a four–year college for the last two years. The tuition at a community college is much less than at a four-year college or university. Therefore many American students choose to attend a community college for two years as a way of lowering the cost of getting a bachelor’s degree.

A bachelor’s degree is the traditional degree given by American colleges and universities. It normally requires at least four years of full-time college-level coursework. The two classes of bachelor’s degrees are the Bachelor of Science and the Bachelor of Arts.

Students must complete a required number of courses within their major in order to graduate with a degree in that major. They may also be required to complete a number of courses in closely related fields. A college graduate with a bachelor’s degree may find that degree insufficient for the type of profession he would like to have. It may often be necessary to get an advanced degree, such as a Master’s or Doctorate degree, to advance your career.

Not all colleges and universities offer Master’s degree programs. The Master’s degree is a graduate school degree that typically requires two years of full–time coursework to complete. The Doctorate degree is even more focused and specialized than the Master’s degree. Completion of a doctorate degree typically takes between three and six years. The length of time will depend on the student’s educational background, the field of study selected, the student’s dedication and ability, and the complexity of the thesis the student has chosen.

Did you know that....

Community college

is also known as a “two-year” college. These schools provide college courses for high school graduates and adults in their communities. Community colleges generally have fewer admissions requirements than four-year institutions and courses typically cost


less than comparable courses at four-year schools. Most community colleges award two-year associates degrees, though some are now awarding bachelors.

An associate degree:

A degree awarded after a learner earns a specified number of credits according to the requirements of a community college program. In the United States, that number of credits usually represents two years of full-time study.

2.Answer the questions to the text.

1.What are the admission terms for the American students?

2.Why do many American students prefer studying in community colleges for the first two years of their university career?

3.What two Bachelor’s degrees do American students grant?

4.What degrees does the graduate school grant?

5.How does the American system of higher education differ from the Russian one?

3.Try to explain the meaning of the following phrases.

1.an undergraduate school

2.a major

3.a community college

4.an Associate of Arts degree


4.Find in the text the sentences in the Passive Voice and read them to the group.

5.Tell about the American system of Higher education to the group of Russian students, using the following plan.

1.Terms of admission

2.Types pf degrees

3.Types of colleges

4.Undergraduate school

5.Graduate school

Vocabulary practice

1.Complete the gaps using the phrases given: research, the cost, community, school, educational, degree, coursework, related, a major, to advance.

1.undergraduate _____

2._____ paper

3._____ background

4.to lower _____

5.associate _____

6.______ college

7.to select _____

8.______ one’s career


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