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9.______ fields

10.full-time _____

2.Fill in the prepositions and make up the sentences of your own.

1.prior ___

2.to transfer ___

3.to major ___ maths

4.to depend ___

5.___ addition ___

6.___ order to

7.to graduate ____ a degree ___ major

8.to be operated ___

3.Read the abstract about the assessment system in an American University and answer the questions after it.


College courses are given a value, which are called “credits” or “units.” The number of units assigned to a course corresponds to the number of hours that a student will attend class for that course. For example, a course that consists of three class sessions per week will be assigned a value of three units. Typically, colleges require that students complete a minimum number of units in order to graduate, rather than a minimum number of courses. This gives students more flexibility in what courses they decide to take to complete their graduation requirements.

Most colleges and universities follow either a quarter-based calendar system or a semester-based calendar system. In a quarter system, the academic year is divided into three sessions called quarters. Each quarter lasts about 12 weeks. There is usually an additional quarter in the summer, where registration is optional. In a semester system, the academic year is divided into two sessions called semesters. Each semester lasts 16 weeks.

Students who have registered for at least 12 units in a session are said to be “full-time” students. Students who have registered for fewer than 12 units in a session are called “part-time” students.

1.What is a unit system?

2.What students may be called “full-time students”?

3.What students may be called “part-time students”?

Problem solving


The American system of Higher education has some peculiarities. It is considered a democratic one. But the democracy introduced into the universities as well as in secondary schools seems to cause some troubles for the teaching staff. Very often it results in the low level of education. Among the reasons that strongly influence on the level of higher education the American professors call:


the absence of core curriculum. Students may choose both the course they would like to study and the lecturer. The lecturer is free to choose the textbook to deliver lectures on, he is free to choose the themes to be learnt, he may omit some themes, which he considers unimportant.

the absence of oral examinations. All the examinations in American universities are done in a written form. A professor can not call a student to the blackboard and discuss the results of his work in class in front of the classmates.

the absence of set groups as any student has an individual program of study.

1.Discuss in groups of three:

How do you think why the reasons mentioned above worry the American professors?

2.Express your opinion using the following phrases: I think, to my mind, first of all, on the other hand, I firmly believe that, there are plenty of proofs to the fact that.

3.Give arguments to the following:

1.Is it good or bad to have no core curriculum?

2.Can all the skills and knowledge got by the student be evaluated by written tests?

3.Is it good when a lecturer chooses the textbook for studying and creates the course of study according to his likes and dislikes?

4.What are the disadvantages and advantages of studying in groups and individually?

Communication: making requests and refusing politely

Practice the following phrases and use them in the dialog below.

Making requests

Refusing politely

Would you mind my V-ing?

Well, actually, I’m a bit busy at the

Вы не против, если я



На самом деле, я немного занят

I was wondering if you could…


Интересно, не могли бы вы


Could you possibly…

I’m afraid I can’t…

Не могли бы вы…..

Боюсь, что не могу вам помочь

I am terribly sorry to bother you, but I

I’m really sorry, but…

wonder if you could

Мне очень жаль, но

Извиняюсь за беспокойство, но не


могли бы вы


Can you please…?


Не могли бы вы…?




A:__________lend me your textbook on Maths. I want to prepare for the Friday seminar.

B:__________I’ll be using it myself. You can have it tomorrow if you like.

A:Thanks. I’ll collect it tomorrow then.

2.In pairs, take it in turns to make requests and refuse politely in the following situations.

1.You ask your tutor to read over a report you have written.

2.You ask your fellow student to help you with a report.

3.You ask your sister to type out a report for you.

Discussion. Study abroad

1.Answer the following questions. The phrases given below may be of some help to you.

1.What are the reasons people go away to study? to see the world,

to seek for better education,

to have an international diploma, to change the place of living,

to have fluency in English, to advance one’s career, etc.

2.What problems can someone who is studying abroad face? level of English language is not enough to study for a degree program, large fees to pay,

unknown cultural environment, another system of Higher education, to be homesick, etc.

3.Would you like to study in a foreign country? Why (not)?

2.Present your opinion in the form of an essay. The beginning is given to you but you may think of your own first sentence.

Study abroad

It is common knowledge that more and more overseas students are seeking a

university education in an English–speaking country. What are the reasons people go away to study?

3.Find the information in the Internet and prepare an opinion essay on one of the topics.

1.Education as the means of a successful career.

2.The art of studying at college.

3.Obsolete features of “modern” system of education.

4.Education as the process of acquiring knowledge.



1.Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate Passive tense form.

1.Students (to be required) to complete 12 years of secondary education before entering the university.

2.Moscow State University (to be founded) in 1755.

3.All the exams (to be passed) in July and January.

4. The course (to be completed) if a student gets a certain numberofcreditsforit.

5.The tuition for study (to be paid) once a year in Russian universities.

6.The thesis (to be written) already.

7.Doyouknowhowmanystudents(tobeadmitted)totheSouth UralStateUniversitylastyear?

8.An Associate degree (to be given) by community colleges.

9.The most successful students (to be given) grants by the university or local authorities.

10.The essay on history (to be written) by him today.

2.Transfer the sentences from Active into Passive.

1.I finished school 8 years ago.

2.I advanced the career.

3.My sister teaches students at the university.

4.I have already done my homework.

5.Scientists proved the theorem 20 years ago.

6.When will you defend your graduation project?

7.We carried out many experiments in the laboratory.

8.I took all the necessary textbooks in the library.

9.We will perform this work on the computer next week. 10. I write letters every week.

3.Read the commands and say that the actions have been performed already.

1.Wash the dishes.

2.Make the bed.

3.Sweep the floor.

4.Do the homework.

5.Clean the carpet.

6.Tidy up the room.

7.Buy some bread.

8.Cook the dinner.

4.Try to match discoveries and works of art with the famous inventors.

1. Assembly line

a) Alexander Graham Bell


Theory of Relativity

b) Albert Einstein



c) Galileo Galilei


Electric light

d) Karl Benz


Ball-point pen

e) Henry Ford






f) Zacharias Janssen



g) William Blackstone

8. Automobile

h) Ladislo Biro

9. Telephone

i) Thomas Edison

10. Washing machine

j) John Walker

If you don't know the answers you may use the Internet site

http://inventors.about.com to find them.

5.Choose one of the inventions and present the story of its development for your classmates. Use the following plan:

1.Name of the inventor.


3.Reasons for making such an invention.

4.Benefits for a society.

6.Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the Active vocabulary of the lesson.

1.От студентов требуется выбрать специализацию к концу второго года обучения в университете.

2.Степень бакалавра присуждается студенту, который успешно окончил 4-х летний курс обучения в университете.

3.Диссертация – это оригинальное научное исследование, которое должен провести студент для получения степени Доктора наук.

4.Я хочу учиться в Американском университете, потому что у меня будет возможность самому выбирать предметы для изучения.

5.Университеты в США управляются президентом или ректором.

6.Каждому учебному курсу обучения в университете приписывается определенная ценность, которая выражается в кредитных единицах.

7.Лекции этого профессора посещаются многими студентами.

8.По окончании семестра студенты сдают письменные экзамены.

9.Американское высшее образование ценится во всем мире.

10.В США 1964 университета и 1416 двухгодичных колледжей.

7.Read the text and open the brackets.


Colleges and universities in the US (to be headed) by a president and a provost who (to be) usually a chief academic officer. At the head of each school or college there (to be) a dean. A chairperson or head (to supervise) individual departments of instruction.

Faculty members (to range) from professor to instructor. A full professor (to have) tenure which is a permanent appointment with guaranteed employment until retirement. The next rank (to be) associate professor, who may or may not have tenure depending on the policy of a particular college or university. Next (to be) an assistant


professor who (not to have) tenure. At the bottom of the academic ladder (to be) instructors. In many institutions, some instructors (to be) graduate students who (to conduct) introductory undergraduate courses or (to direct) small groups that meet to discuss material covered by senior faculty in larger formal lectures.

8. Complete the sentence given below:

The faculty members in an American university are: a full professor, ...

9.Answer the questions to the text.

1.What does the term “tenure” mean?

2.Who can be called an associate professor?

3.Who is at the bottom of the academic ladder?

4.What are the responsibilities of the instructors?

Smile with us

Given the task of writing a composition about what they would do if they had a million dollars, all the children in the class except Willy were busily writing away.

The teacher, becoming aware of his idleness, said severely,

“Willy, don't you know that you are supposed to tell what you would do if you had a million dollars?”

“Well”, said the boy, lazily leaning back on his chair, “this is exactly what I would do if I had a million dollars”.

10. Make up a crossword using the basic terms of higher education.

Russian system of

British system of

USA system of higher education

higher education

higher education






Bachelor's degree

Associate degree


(3 years)

(2 years in community college)

(2 years)

Master's degree

Bachelor's degree

Bachelor's degree

(4 years)

(4 years at a 4year college)

(4 years)

Doctorate Degree

Master's degree

Diploma of

(from 8 to 9 years)

(4 years at university + 2 years at



university graduate school)

(5-6 years)


Doctorate degree

Master's degree


(4 years at university + 3 or more

(6 years)


years of study at a university



Professional school)

Types of higher




Associate degree

Entrance exams


Bachelor's degree



Specialist degree

(General Certificate of Secondary





Master's degree



Doctorate degree

Advanced Level examinations



Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

4year colleges


American College Test (ACT)

Community colleges (2


Final exams (Finals)





Faculty members

Types of students


A full professor

Full time students


An associate

Part-time students



Distant students


An assistant professor

Correspondence students


An instructor



Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it.

How do you think what a person needs higher education for?

Active Vocabulary

1. Listen and repeat the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher.


ambiguous (a)

– двусмысленный


asset (n)

– капитал, имущество

3. be based on

– основываться на


be restricted to

– быть ограниченным


confidence (n)

– уверенность


deal with

– иметь дело с


express oneself

– выразить себя


foundation (n)

– фундамент, основание

9. gather knowledge

– накапливать знания


job market

– рынок труда


life situation

– жизненная ситуация


make a choice

– делать выбор


material possessions

– материальное имущество


measure (v)

– измерять


needs (n)

– потребности


occupation (n)

– профессия


open up

– сделать доступным


participate (v)

– принимать участие


properly (adv)

– надлежащим образом


pursue (v)

– искать, добиваться


recognize (v)

– осознавать


society (n)

– общество


take into account

– принимать во внимание





value (n)

– ценность


wants (n)

– желания

2. Read the words following the order of their Russian equivalents.


принимать участие

a. to make a choice


делать выбор

b. to take into account


воспользоваться преимуществом

c. to pursue


рынок труда

d. to be based on


выразить себя

e. to gather knowledge


накапливать знания

f. job market


иметь дело с

g. to participate


основываться на

h. to take full advantage of


искать, добиваться

i. to express oneself

10. принимать во внимание

j. to deal with

3.Read and translate the sentences. Try to explain the meaning of the words and word combinations in bold.

1.What kind of person can be called a confident one?

2.Can we measure the value of education?

3.It often happens in life that our needs do not correspond to our abilities.

4.He has a lot to show but it is very difficult for him to express himself.

5.She doesn’t take into account people differences. It results in her loneliness.


1.Try to answer the following questions using your background knowledge.

1.Why is higher education important nowadays?

2.What possibilities does it give to the graduates?

3.Is it necessary to go the university in order to be an educated person?


Should the higher education of a person relate to the needs ofthesocietyhelivesin?


Can you define the personal and societal value of higher education?

Grammar: Types of questions. Modal verbs.

1. Ask Yes/No questions to the following statements.

Example: Phil studies at the faculty of Engineering. – Does Phil study at the faculty of Engineering?

1.Individuals make choices based on their own needs.

2.The students are writing an exam paper.

3.Ann entered the university last year.

4.They were watching TV when the thunderstorm began.

5.His parents will spend next weekend in Italy.

6.Kate will be dealing with her term paper tomorrow at 5.

7.They have taken the full advantage of the knowledge got at the university.

8.His sister had already left for Paris when Tom came to visit her.

9.By 2010 he will have completed the course of study at the university.

10.She has completely expressed herself in her work.


2.Ask special questions to the underlined words.

Example: I want to get a good education. – What do you want?

1.The aim of education is to give people the possibility to understand their needs.

2.In modern society material values dominate over the cultural ones.

3.He decided to become a teacher because he thinks it is one of the possibilities to influence on history.

4.Kevin participated in the competition and won the prize.

5.It is difficult to measure the value of education.

6.She expresses herself in music.

7.The work has been done properly.

8.All the values of speed were calculated.

9.He took advantage of the opportunity and entered Stanford University.

10.Kelly has got enough knowledge in graduate school to become an engineer.

3.Match question tags with the appropriate statement.

Example: It isn't cold, is it?


This statement is ambiguous,


does he?


We have passed all the exams,

b) ...

aren't they?


She is writing a book,

c) ...

isn't it?


He doesn't know the answer,

d) ...

isn't she?


Nothing can stop us,

e) ...

can it?

6. Ann has posted the letter,

f) ...

haven't we?


They have never been to Paris,

g) ...

will they?


Kate doesn't like this professor,

h) ...

has she?


They won't tell anyone,

i) ...

have they?

10. They are working hard,

j) ...

does she?

4.Fill in the gaps with the Modal verbs: can, can’t, could, couldn't .

1.I have been chosen to represent our company in Spain because I am the only person in our firm who _______ speak Spanish.

2.I _______ do my homework last night because I was too tired.

3.Do you know how to cook? – Yes, I ______ cook very well.

4.He _____ watch TV last night because his TV set was broken.

5.Mozart _______ play the piano and compose music at the age of three.

6.Elephants ______ live until they are seventy.

7.We ________ go swimming yesterday because the water was cold.

8.This diamond ring is too expensive for me. I ________ buy it.

9.Einstein ______ speak 8 foreign languages.

10.The coffee is too hot I _______ drink it.

5.Look at the phrases given and define what abilities they denote: physical or mental? Put the verbs into two columns.

To swim, to speak a foreign language, to run fast, to jump, to play football, to

think, to listen to music, to dream, to read, to smell the flower, to feel the fabric, to whisper, to analyze, to argue, to persuade, to write poems.


physical abilities

mental abilities

to swim

to speak a foreign language



Now answer the question “What can you do?” using the phrases of Exercise 5.

6.Insert into the gaps may, might, to be allowed to/ not to be allowed to.

1.You _____ go to the cinema with your friends, but, please, don’t come home late.

2.He _____ work in the laboratory next week.

3.Until you are eighteen you ______ to marry.

4.______ I take your dictionary for a minute?

5.You _____ leave this little matter entirely to me, Mr Brown.

6.She _____ want some more wine. You’d better ask her to find it out.

7.He _____ park here. It’s strictly prohibited.

8.When we lived in a hotel we ___not____ make any noise after nine.

9.According to the rules you ___not ____ bring guests.

10.You ____ take my dictionary. I don’t need it now.

7.Fill in the gaps using the modal verb must and the expressions given below.

close the door behind you go to medical school have a driver’s license have a library card have a passport pay an income tax

speak English outside of class every day, read newspapers stop study harder

take one pill every six hours

1.According to the law a driver must have a driver’s license.

2.If a traffic light is red, a car must_______________.

3.My doctor gave me a prescription. According to the directions on the bottle, I must ____________.

4.If you want to check a book out of the library, you must ________________.

5.Nancy has a job in Chicago. She earns 20,000$ a year. According to the law, she must __________.

6.I failed the last two tests in my biology class. According to my professor, I must


7.I want to travel abroad. According to the law, I must _____________.

8.If you want to become a doctor, you must _______________.

9.Jimmy! It’s cold outside. When you come inside, you must _______________. 10. I want to improve my English. According to my teacher, I must ____________.


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