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English for Economistsc 2014.doc
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Unit 6. Education

Ex. 1. Read the following words and word combinations:

  1. to accredit аккредитовать

  1. to recognize признавать что-либо

  1. recognition официальное признание

  2. to achieve добиваться, достигать

  3. achievement достижение

  4. particular особый, специфический

  5. to train обучать, воспитывать

  6. management управление

  7. rapid быстрый

  8. market economy рыночная экономика

  9. annually ежегодно

  10. to admit допускать

  11. to estimate оценивать

  12. to submit представлять на рассмотрение

  13. application заявление

  14. applicant тот, кто подает заявление

  15. to require требовать

  16. to satisfy the requirements удовлетворять требованиям

  17. to meet the demand удовлетворять спрос

  18. extra-mural department заочное отделение

  19. to suppose предполагать

  20. executive исполнительный

  21. legislative законодательный

  22. unit орган управления

  23. to involve вовлекать

  24. entrepreneurial предпринимательский

  25. personalized attention внимание, уделяемое каждому

  26. teaching staff преподавательский состав

  27. well-stocked library библиотека с хорошим фондом

  28. chair кафедра

  29. to carry out выполнять

  30. research научное исследование

  31. to deal with иметь отношение к чему-либо

  32. advanced student хорошо успевающий студент

  33. to encourage поощрять, воодушевлять

  34. to assist помогать

  35. qualified квалифицированный

  36. curriculum учебный план (мн.: curricula)

  37. to design предназначать

  38. business-related area область, относящаяся к бизнесу

  39. accounting бухгалтерское дело

  40. financial accounting финансовый учет

  41. managerial accounting управление финансами

  42. senior старший

  43. to provide with обеспечивать (чем-либо)

  44. tools and skills навыки и умения

  45. facilities благоприятные условия

Ex. 2. Supply “can”,”must” or their equivalents.

  1. ... you play chess a little? I ... when I was at school but I ... not now.

  2. Last term she ... leave home at eight every morning.

  3. He sees very badly, he ... wear glasses all the time.

  4. When John was six he ... swim across the swimming-pool, and now he ... swim from one end to the other. Soon he ... swim a quarter of a mile.

  5. The boys ... run to get to the station in time.

  6. He ... read all books on the reading-list.

  7. I got lost and ... ask the passers-by to show me the way.

  8. She ... be back at her job on Monday, so she ... leave on Sunday evening.

  9. The buses were full and I... take a taxi.

  10. She felt ill and ... leave early.

Ex. 3. Read and translate the text.

Far-Eastern Institute of Management

The Far-Eastern Institute of Management is one of the youngest educational institutions in the Far East, though it has rather long history. It was accredited by the President of the Russian Federation in 1992 and, being the Far-Eastern Academy of Public Service, achieved particular recognition as an institution of higher learning. In 2012 it became a branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of national economy and public administration.

The Institute was founded to train highly professional specialists in management to meet the increasing demand in them as the result of the rapid development of the market economy in the Far East and Eastern Siberia.

Annually more than 500 students are admitted to the Institute and the total number of them is estimated at about three thousand. Those who want to be admitted to the Institute have to submit application for admission. They are called applicants. Applicants must satisfy all general requirements.

There are two major day departments at the Institute offering different fields of study: the Department of State and Municipal Administration and the Department of Economy and Law. Besides, there is an extra-mural department. Upon graduation, the students of the State and Municipal Administration Department are supposed to work at executive, legislative and other governmental units. Graduates of the Department of Economics and Law are supposed to be involved in an entrepreneurial activity.

The Institute is a place with a warm and friendly atmosphere where students receive personalized attention. There are a lot of chairs through which teaching process is carried out. Among them one can mention the chair of Economics, the chair of Financial Management, the chair of Political Sciences, the chair of Mathematics, the chair of Foreign Languages.

The teaching staff of the Institute is involved in research work, dealing with the development of the market economy. Advanced students are encouraged to assist them in their research.

The course of training at the academy runs for 4 or 5 years and is professionally oriented. The education is carried out by highly qualified teaching staff. The curricula are designed to assist students who are interested in business, management, marketing, entrepreneurial activity and other business-related areas (finance, accounting, etc.).

During the first two years the students study general subjects such as mathematics, political and social sciences, the Russian language, ecology, a foreign language, computer science and others. The students of senior courses study special subjects such as Principals of Management, Managerial Accounting, Financial Accounting, Principals of Marketing, Macro- and Microeconomics, Law. All these courses provide the students with tools and skills necessary in their future work.

The students have all facilities to get a profound knowledge. There is a well-stocked library and a computer centre at the Institute. There are many students' research societies and the students can join some of them in order to develop their creativity.

Ex. 4. Form derivatives from the following verbs using the following suffixes: -ment, -(a)tion, (s)sion, -ence, -ent(-ant), -ledge

achieve, recognize, manage, develop, found, admit, apply, require, enter, know.

Ex. 5. Find equivalents for the following word-combinations:

быть аккредитованным; добиваться успеха; филиал; высокопрофессиональные специалисты; удовлетворять потребность в специалистах; быстрое развитие рыночной экономики; быть принятым в; общее количество студентов; подавать заявление; соответствовать требованиям; предлагать различные области изучения; заочное отделение; заниматься научно-исследовательской работой; правительственное учреждение; предпринимательская деятельность; осуществлять учебный процесс; профессионально ориентированный; профессорско-преподавательский состав; изучать общие (специальные) предметы; иметь все возможности; получать глубокие знания, вступать в студенческое научное общество, успевающие студенты.

Ex. 6. Express the following more concisely:

Model: charge or payment for professional advice - fee

1) act of demanding 1) applicant

2) a person who applies, especially for a demand, 2) entrepreneur

position, etc. 3) requirement

3) a form to be filled in when applying for something 4) application

4) something required or needed 5) teaching staff

5) being admitted to a society, a school 6) admission

6) a person who controls a business, hotel 7) manager

7) a group of people engaged in teaching 8) demand

8) a person who organizes and manages

a commercial undertaking

Ex. 7. Put questions to the underlined parts.

  1. The history of the academy goes back to 1992.

  2. It was accredited by the President of the Russian Federation.

  3. It was founded to meet the increasing demand in managers as the result of the rapid development of the market economy.

  4. Annually more than 500 students are admitted to the academy.

  5. The total number is estimated at about three thousand.

  6. Applicants are required to submit application for admission.

  7. The teaching staff of the academy is involved in research work.

  8. The course of training at the academy runs for five years.

  9. All these courses provide the students with tools and skills necessary in their future work.

  10. They have all facilities to get a profound education.

Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Много учебных заведений было открыто в России за последнее время (lately). Многие из них аккредитованы правительством.

  2. Ежегодно более 500 студентов поступают в Дальневосточный институт управления.

  3. Абитуриенты должны подать заявление о приеме.

  4. В институте два основных факультета: "Государственное и муниципальное управление" и "Экономика и право".

  5. Предполагается, что после окончания института выпускники будут работать в исполнительных, законодательных и других государственных учреждениях.

  6. Сегодня в стране имеется огромная потребность в работниках управления.

  7. Студенты первого курса и второкурсники (sophomores) изучают общие предметы.

  8. Образование осуществляется высококвалифицированным профессорско-преподавательским составом.

  9. Многие студенты принимают участие в научно-исследовательской работе, связанной с развитием рыночной экономики.

  10. Предпринимательская деятельность сегодня поощряется правительством.

  11. В институте имеются все условия для того, чтобы получить глубокие знания.

Ex. 9. Insert prepositions where necessary:

  1. Students ... many countries ... the world attend ... the University of California.

  2. The institute was accredited ... the Government ... the Russian Federation.

  3. Every year 200 students are admitted ... the academy.

  4. Before entering any educational institution you have to submit an application ... admission.

  5. Graduates … the Department … Economy and Law are supposed to be involved… an entrepreneurial activity.

  6. The institute is a place ... a warm and friendly atmosphere.

  7. The teaching staff of the institute is involved ... research.

  8. The education is carried … … qualified teachers.

  9. All these courses provide students ... tools and skills necessary ... their future work.

  10. There are many clubs at the institute and you can join ... any you like.

Ex. 10. Answer the following questions:

  1. Is the Far-Eastern Institute one of the youngest educational institutions in the Far East?

  2. When was it founded?

  3. Who was it accredited by?

  4. Why was it founded?

  5. How many students are admitted to the academy annually?

  6. What do applicants have to submit before entering the institute?

  7. Are they required to take entrance examinations?

  8. How many day departments are there at the institute?

  9. How many chairs are there at the institute? What are they?

  10. Is the teaching staff of the institute involved in research? What research?

  11. Are advanced students encouraged to participate in research?

  12. How long does the course of training at the institute run for?

  13. Who carries out teaching process at the institute?

  14. What subjects do the students study at the institute?

  15. Do they have all facilities to get a profound education?

Ex. 11. Read the following dialogues and put them into reported speech.


  • Good afternoon! Nice to see you again, you are looking well, I must say. How are things with you?

  • Not bad, thank you. And how are you?

  • Fine, just fine. I have entered the Academy of Public Service. I am a first-year student.

  • Really? Congratulations! That's fine. What department?

  • The department of Economics and Law. Initially I wanted to enter the department of State and Municipal Administration, but then I changed my mind.

  • I'm sorry, but they say, that one must have sufficient money to enter the Academy.

  • To a certain extent you are right. The education at the Academy is not free. One must pay for the tuition. I was required to pay about 30 thousand rubles. My parents covered all my expenses.

  • You are lucky. Your parents are well-to-do people, aren't they?

  • I don't think they are. They've taken a long-term loan from the bank.

  • As far as I know, the interest on credit is very high, isn't it?

  • Yes, but they will pay it by installments.

  • I wish you much success in your studies. If I am of any help, please let me know.


  • Good afternoon!

  • Good afternoon! Let me introduce myself. My name is Natasha Sverdlova. I am from Russia.

  • Glad to meet you, Natasha! I am Mr. Blake. I am the dean of the Foreign Languages Department. Can I help you?

  • Well, I believe you can. I would like to enter the University of California but I don't know the requirements for admission.

  • Oh, it's fine! But you should know that the total cost for one year residence, including educational and living costs is $24,000.

  • Oh, it's really very expensive! According to current exchange rate it is about 720 thousand rubles. But I will be sponsored.

  • Good! So, you are to submit application for admission. Here it is. You may apply to one of the campuses.

  • And how many campuses are there?

  • The University of California has 8 campuses. They are in Berkeley Davis, San Diego, San Francisco, we call it Frisco, Santa Barbara and some other places.

  • Is there any application fee?

  • Sure, the application fee is $40. If you apply to more than one campus you must pay additional $40 for each campus you select.

  • And am I required to pass entrance exams?

  • Yes, you are. Please, take this booklet and study it thoroughly. You'll find detailed descriptions of the academic programs in the Campus General Catalogue. If you have any questions, contact the Campus Admission Office.

  • Thank you for your information!

  • You are welcome.

Ex. 12. Read the dialogue, put it into reported speech.

Every year hundreds of young men and women enter St. Petersburg University. At its fourteen faculties besides day departments there are evening and extra-mural departments for part-time students who work during the day.

If applicants want to have a good command of the subjects in which they will take examinations, they attend preliminary courses. Once a year every faculty gives an interview for candidates seeking admission. The dean and some of the teachers welcome them and answer all their questions thoroughly. Let's go to one of these meetings and listen to everything they say there.

Dean: Dear friends, St. Petersburg University is one of the most important educational and scientific centers in the country. Its history goes back to 1819. This educational institution gave the world such outstanding public men, writers and scientists as I.P. Pavlov, I.I. Mechnikov, D.I. Mendeleyev, and others. The main building of the University was originally Peter the First's “Twelve Colleges”. Next door to it is a two-story building which houses the faculties of philology, oriental studies and journalism. The teaching staff of the University consists of professors, lecturers and assistants. Many of them are well-known not only in our country, but also abroad. Now I am ready to answer your questions.

A.: Is there any difference in the curriculum for full-time and part-time students?

Dean: Yes, there is. The evening department holds classes only four times a week and therefore their course runs for five and a half years.

В.: We have heard that there is a well-equipped language laboratory at the Philological faculty. Shall we be able to listen to records and work with tape-recorders there ourselves?

Dean: Of course, you will. You will even have to do it, otherwise your teachers will tell you that you don't work at your English properly. Besides it will help you to improve your pronunciation. I am sure that you will do your best and there will be no need for your teachers to worry.

C: Shall we be able to borrow books from the University library being only part-time students?

Dean: Yes, you will have to join our library. It is well-stocked with books from the reading-list of recommended works for students. Time of opening will be convenient for those who work as well as study. On Mondays and Thursdays our library is open till 9 o'clock in the evening.

E.: Are there any students' societies at your faculty?

Dean: There certainly are. We have an English Club, which is extremely popular with the students of our faculty especially "freshers." Everybody knows that "all work and no play make Jack a dull boy". So if you are fond of singing or acting you may join our theatrical groups or the choir. Our University Choir is famous all over the country. Of course there are many sports societies among which you can find something to your liking. In senior courses if you are interested in research work you will be able to join a scientific society.

K.: When can we hand in our applications?

Dean: The Entrance Requirements Department will take them from June 20th till July 31-st.

L.: What entrance exams shall we have to take?

Dean: You must write an essay and go in for Russian, English and History.

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