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English for Economistsc 2014.doc
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Family Album

Woman: Good afternoon.

Man: Good afternoon.

Woman: Is your wife in?

Man: No, Olga isn't at home yet. She's due at five. Won't you sit down?

Woman: Thank you. It's a fine day, isn't it?

Man: Oh, yes, very warm and sunny. Would you like to have a look at our family album?

Woman: With pleasure.

Man: Here it is.

Woman: Who are these people?

Man: They are our grandparents. These man and woman are Olga's parents, my mother-in-law and my father-in-law. And here are my parents.

Woman: I see. Your mother is very young and beautiful in this picture.

Man: And father? He's still a very handsome man, isn't he?

Woman: How old is he now?

Man: He's 67, but he's still very handsome. And this is our son Pavel. He's nineteen. He's a student.

Woman: What a serious young man! And your daughter? Is she also a student?

Man: Not yet. She's still at school. These are my niece and nephew, our children's cousins. They are schoolchildren too.

Woman: What a lovely face! Who's this?

Man: This is Olga's cousin, my sister-in-law. Her mother, Olga's aunt, is a very famous actress and her husband is an artist. And a very good one, too. His son is also an artist.

Woman: This is a very old photo. Who's this funny little baby? A boy, isn't it?

Man: Yes, and a very big boy now.

Woman: Oh! It's not you, is it?

Man: But it is!

Ex. 18. Learn the bits of conversation and reproduce them. Compose short dialogues on the analogy of those given below.


  • Is your cousin much older than you, Mary?

  • If you mean Cyril, he's two years my senior. But he isn't my cousin, he is my elder brother.

  • Oh! I thought Phil was your only brother!

  • There are three of us. Phil is the eldest, I am the youngest.


  • Fancy! Meg and Andrew have got married.

  • I can't say I'm surprised. I have expected it for months. It's a love match, I'm sure.

  • More than this. It's a case of love at first sight. They've been in love with each other since they first met at Uncle Robert's.


- I say, Ann. Don't you know the happy news?

  • What sort of news?

  • I'm an aunt. Mary gave birth to a baby last night.

  • Congratulations! A boy or a girl?

  • A boy. But it's just the same to me. I'm the happiest of aunts.

  • How is Mary?

  • Quite all right. Michael is in the seventh heaven.

  • Who does the boy resemble?

  • You silly! We haven't seen him yet. And then it's a bit too early to speak of any family likeness.


  • You have always been so fond of your grandmother. Is she still alive?

  • I'm glad to say she is.

  • How old is your grandmother now?

  • Granny is on the wrong side of 80.

- Is she? Fancy! I should never think so! She doesn't look her age at all. Your granny has lived a long and interesting life, hasn't she?

- Oh, yes. She has known many outstanding people and has done a lot of good to those around her.


  • Is your family big, Mr. Morton?

  • Not very. To be exact, very small. I am alone.

  • You have never married, have you?

  • No. In fact I am a bachelor.

  • I hope you don't mind my asking, but aren't you thinking of marrying some day?

  • That's all right, Mr. Brown. Well, one can never tell.

Vocabulary Notes:

  1. if you mean если ты имеешь в виду

  2. love match брак по любви

  3. love at first sight любовь с первого взгляда

  4. to give birth to a baby родить ребёнка

  5. to be in the seventh heaven быть на седьмом небе

  6. family likeness семейное сходство

  7. to be on the wrong side of (о возрасте) за ... лет

  8. to look one's age выглядеть на свой возраст

  9. to be exact если быть точным

  10. bachelor холостяк

  11. you don't mind doing smth. вы не возражаете против чего-либо

  12. one can never tell кто знает

Ex. 19. Make up your own dialogue on the theme "My Family".

Ex. 20. Speak on the following topics:

  1. Your Friend's Family

  2. Family Problems that Worry You

  3. Your Future Family

Ex. 21. Find a picture representing a family and describe it.

Ex. 22. A. Read the dialogue and role-play it.

Nick: Mum, I want to tell you something important.

Mother: What is it, dear?

Nick: I'm going to get married.

Mother: Get married?! You must be joking.

Nick: Nothing of the kind. It's my final decision. I'm not a child any more.

Mother: Good heavens! But you are only 18. I hope you are not serious.

Nick: Absolutely serious.

Mother: But who is that poor thing?

Nick: It's Helen, you know her. Helen is a dream of a girl, the sweetest girl I've ever met! I can't see my life without her.

Mother: Oh, no! Helen is out of the question. She is too young. She can't even cook, likes good clothes and doesn't work yet. Your marriage is sure to fall on my shoulders.

Nick: Don't worry. It's not as bad as that. We are going to live with her family.

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