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English for Economistsc 2014.doc
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Family Patterns

Throughout history, family composition has affected children's lives in important ways. The size and structure of the family and its capacity to sustain itself has played a critical role in how children are raised, their level of formal education, and whether or not they participate in the labor force. The principal household structures are nuclear, extended, and blended. The nuclear household contains two generations, parents and children. Extended families are multigenerational and include a wide circle of kin and servants. In blended households–the result of divorce or the death of a spouse followed by remarriage and a new generation of children–mothers and fathers can be both biological parents and stepparents simultaneously.

Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society,


Ex. 32. Speak on your idea of an ideal family, its form and characteristics.

Unit 2. Khabarovsk territory

Ex. 1. Read the following words and word-combinations:

  1. intersection пересечение

  2. to connect соединять

  3. internal внутренний

  4. district район

  5. Pacific Rim Countries страны Тихоокеанского региона

  6. reclamation освоение земель

  7. unique уникальный, единственный

  8. to expand расширять

  9. to attract привлекать, притягивать

  10. to stretch простираться

  11. to border (on) граничить

  12. to define определять

  13. condition условие

  14. favourable благоприятный

  15. significant важный, значительный

  16. to depend (on) зависеть

  17. numerous многочисленный

  18. timber лесоматериал

  19. precious драгоценный

  20. species род, порода, вид

  21. ferrous metals черные металлы

  22. coal уголь

  23. ore руда

  24. stanniferous содержащий олово

  25. raw materials сырье

  26. accessible доступный

  27. coniferous хвойный

  28. density плотность

  29. to spread распространять, простираться

Ex. 2. Read and translate the following sentences. Find the verbs and define the tense.

  1. The Khabarovsk Territory is called the heart of the whole Far East.

  2. It is located in the center of the Russian Far-Eastern economic region.

  3. The Territory is separated from Sakhalin by the Tatar Strait.

  4. The Khabarovsk Territory is washed by the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of Japan.

  5. The climate of the Khabarovsk Territory can be defined as a monsoon climate.

  6. Energy resources of rivers are great, but their usage is limited because of salmon spawning.

  7. In the Middle Ages the Khabarovsk Territory was populated by the Tungus, the Manchus and the Nivkhs.

Ex. 3. Use the verbs in brackets in the proper tense and voice form.

  1. The Khabarovsk Territory (to locate) in the center of the Far-Eastern economic region.

  2. The Territory (to separate) from Sakhalin by the Tatar Strait.

  3. The climate can (to define) as a monsoon climate.

  4. The island of Sakhalin (to wash) by the Sea of Okhotsk in the east and by the Tatar Strait in the west.

  5. Kamchatka (to separate) from Alaska by the Bering Strait.

  6. The climate of Murmansk (to influence) by the warm currents of Gulf- stream.

  7. Most of the Siberian industrial centers (to situate) along the Transsiberian railway line.

  8. Two-thirds of the island of Ireland (to occupy) by the Irish Republic.

  9. Several specialized centers (to be engaged) in tourists visit organization.

  10. Vast minerals (to hide) in the interiors, not all of them used and explored.

Ex. 4. Read and translate the text.

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