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Учебное пособие по англ языку.doc
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4. Study the new words. Match the words

  1. prescription

  2. cough mixture

  3. table spoonful of

  4. sleeping draught

  5. laxative

  6. sedative

  7. hot water bottle

  8. tea spoonful of

  • чайная ложка ч-л

  • слабительное

  • рецепт

  • успокоительное

  • микстура от кашля

  • грелка

  • столовая ложка ч-л

  • снотворное

5.Study the new words. Match the words and their definitions

  1. bandage (бинт)

  2. iodine (йод)

  3. mustard plaster (горчичник)

  4. sponge (губка)

  5. vitamin (витамин)

  6. soap (мыло)

  1. soaks up water easily and lets it out when squeezed. it is used for bathing and washing.

  2. the substance used for washing and cleaning

  3. substances which are important for the nourishment of the body.

  4. a strip of cloth used for tying up wounds and injuries

  5. is used for chest and back when one has a cough and cold.

  6. is used on cuts and wounds as an antiseptic.

6. Read the dialogues. Substitute the underlined words. Roleplay the conversations

At the reception.

1. A: Mr.Brown, have this decoction made up and take two table spoonfuls three times a day before meal.

B: Thank you for your help, doctor.

  1. infusion ; one table spoonful ;

  2. tonic ; two tea spoonfuls;

  3. solution ; three tablespoonfuls.

  1. A : What’s the matter with me , doctor?

B : Dear, Miss Jones, you’ve got a nervous breakdown ( расстройство )

Take this sedative three times a day and you’ll be all right.

  1. indigestion , laxative ;

  2. a sore throat , cough mixture;

  3. a cold, these tablets.

7.Fill in the gaps using the new words.

  1. “You have a running nose (насморк). I’ll write out … … for you.”

  2. “We don’t sell these drugs without a … .”

  3. “Your son has a bad cough. Put … … on his back.”

  4. “Buy this cough mixture and take one … three times a day.”

  5. “I have got a toothache. Do you have any … for it?”

  6. If there is a scratch (царапина) on the knee you should put … on it.

  7. “Wash a patient with a … and … .”

  8. It is good for your health to take … in spring.

  9. “I suffer from insomnia (бессонница), doctor. Give me some … …, please.”

  10. “I have cut my finger. Where is …?”

8. Read the text about the chemist’s. At a Chemist’s

When you become ill, you go to the doctor who examines you and writes out a prescription. It is in the chemist’s where you can buy all sorts of medicines.

There are usually two departments in a large chemist’s. At the chemist’s department one can have the medicine immediately, other drugs one can order at the prescription department.

At any chemist’s all the drugs are kept in drug cabinets. Every small bottle, a tube or a box of medicine has a label on it. White labels indicate drugs for internal use, yellow ones indicate drugs for external use and blue ones indicate drugs used for injections. The dose to be taken and the directions for the administration are also indicated on a label. Indication of the dose and the name of any medicine is necessary for chemists, nurses, doctors and patients themselves. It prevents confusing ( to confuse – путать ) different remedies, some of which are poisonous.

At a chemist’s one can buy different drugs for intramuscular and intravenous injections, for oral administration and for external use.

Before using the medicine the patient must know well that he is taking the proper drug and in the necessary dosage.