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Учебное пособие по англ языку.doc
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8.1. Find the equivalents of the given words

  1. ответственный

  2. медицинские журналы

  3. заботиться о пациенте

  4. смертельное заболевание

  5. забота и терпение

  6. одинаковый

  7. реагировать на болезнь

  8. искать новые методы и лекарства

  9. наблюдения мед. сестры

  10. лечить людей

  11. исследовательская работа

  12. палаты больницы

8.2. Answer the questions

  1. What is the nurse responsible for?

  2. Why do the nurses and doctors look for new methods and medicines?

  3. Why are the observations of the nurse important?

  4. Why must every nurse be a member of the research work?

8.3. Say into English

  1. Каждая мед.сестра должна иметь достаточно знаний о своей работе.

  2. Каждая мед.сестра должна читать медицинские журналы.

  3. Каждая мед.сестра должна заботиться о пациенте.

  4. Каждая мед.сестра должна проводить ( carry out ) наблюдения.

  5. Каждая мед.сестра должна быть членом исследовательской команды.

9. Read the text about the nursing process and its steps. Find the English equivalents of the given words.

  1. особые умения

  2. поддерживать здоровье людей

  3. обеспечивать уход

  4. оценка

  5. сестринский диагноз

  6. планирование

  7. выполнение

  8. анализ

  9. собирать информацию о пациенте

  10. определять проблемы пациента

  11. анализировать полученную информацию

  12. формулировать сестринский диагноз

  13. планировать сестринский уход

  14. выполнять сестринские манипуляции

  15. анализировать успешность сестринского ухода

  16. составлять базу данных пациента

  17. достижение целей

The Nursing Process

Nursing is not simply a collection of specific skills, and the nurse is not simply a person who performs specific tasks. Nursing continues to evolve into a profession.

Nursing originated with the desire to keep people healthy and provide care to the ill. Nursing is as old as medicine.

The term “nursing process” was first introduced in 1955. Nursing process is a systematic method for providing personal care for clients in all states of health.

The nursing process has five interrelated steps: assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. During the assessment phase, the nurse gathers information about the client to identify client problems (health history, results of physical examination, laboratory data). During the nursing diagnosis step, the nurse analyzes collected information and formulates the nursing diagnosis. During the planning step, the nurse and the client plan expected results and nursing care. During the implementation step, the nurse performs nursing actions and gives nursing care to the client. The evaluation step allows the nurse and client to evaluate the success of nursing care through achievements of client goals and expected results.

The purpose of the five-step nursing process are to establish a client data base; identify the client health care needs; determine goals, expected results, proper care; establish a nursing care plan; perform nursing actions; determine the effectiveness of nursing care.

9.1. Make up the word combinations.

  1. to identify

  2. achievements of

  3. information

  4. to evaluate

  5. expected

  6. to establish

  7. nursing

  8. assessment

  9. to perform

  10. to analyze

  11. to formulate

    1. a client data base

    2. nursing actions

    3. goals

    4. information

    5. client problems

    6. a nursing diagnosis

    7. results

    8. the success

    9. care

    10. phase

    11. about the client

9.2. Match the step of the nursing process and the proper nursing action.

  1. assessment

  2. nursing diagnosis

  3. planning

  4. implementation

  5. evaluation

    1. The nurse performs nursing actions.

    2. The nurse plans expected results.

    3. The nurse determines the success of the care.

    4. The nurse gathers information about the client.

    5. The nurse formulates the nursing diagnosis.

9.3. Translate the verbs into English.

анализировать составлять определять выполнять оценивать

9.4. Fill in the gaps using the verbs from task C.

  1. First the nurse plans the nursing care and then she … nursing actions.

  2. The nurses … client problems during the assessment.

  3. The nurse … the client data base.

  4. Why does the nurse … the success of the care?

  5. What information must the nurse … ?

9.5. Answer the questions.

  1. What does the nurse do during the assessment phase?

  2. What does the nurse do with the collected information?

  3. What do the nurse and her client plan during the planning step?

  4. What does the nurse do during the implementation phase?

  5. How does the nurse evaluate the success of the care?


1. Student: Before treating the patient it is necessary for a doctor to do one thing. Read the verse and guess it.

When you are ill and out of mood

You follow well-known route.

You hurry up to polyclinic

With hope and the wish to heal it.

The doctor meets you in the room

You say «I wanna be in bloom»

«Your problem needs consideration

We will begin examination»

2. Read the text and write out the English equivalents of the given words.

  1. ставить правильный диагноз

  2. определять причины болезни

  3. развитие болезни

  4. обнаруживать симптомы болезни

  5. использовать различные процедуры

  6. пальпация и перкуссия

  7. объективное исследование

The Examination of the Patient

Before treating the patient the doctor must make a correct diagnosis of the disease and determine its causes. The doctor must know well the development of the disease and reveal its symptoms.

The doctor uses different procedures to make a diagnosis:

  • history-taking,

  • physical examination ( visual examination, palpation, percussion, auscultation)

  • laboratory studies ( urinalysis, blood, sputum and other analyses)

  • instrumental studies ( taking electrocardiograms, X-ray examination)

To determine a disease it is important to know its symptoms such as breathlessness, edema,

cough, vomiting, fever, haemorrhage, headache and others. Some of these symptoms are objective, for example, haemorrhage or vomiting, because they are determined by objective study. The other symptoms are subjective, such as headache or dizziness, since they are evident only to the patient.