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4.Simple Ways to Live a Healthy Lifestyle

You hear a lot about living a healthy lifestyle, but what does that mean? In general, a healthy person doesn't smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats healthy and exercises. Sounds simple, doesn't it?

The way to healthy living is making small changes...taking more steps, adding fruit to your cereal, having an extra glass of water...these are just a few ways you can start living healthy without drastic (радикальный, крутой, решительный) changes.


One of the biggest problems in America today is lack of activity. We know it's good for us but avoid it like the plague either because we're used to being sedentary or afraid that exercise has to be vigorous to be worth our time. The truth is, movement is movement and the more you do, the healthier you'll be. Even moderate activities like chores, gardening and walking can make a difference.

Just adding a little movement to your life can:

  1. Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes

  2. Improve joint stability

  3. Increase and improve range of movement

  4. Help maintain flexibility as you age

  5. Maintain bone mass

  6. Prevent osteoporosis and fractures

  7. Improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression

  8. Enhance self esteem

  9. Improve memory in elderly people

  10. Reduce stress

So, even if you opt (выбирать) for small changes and a more modest weight loss, you can see the benefits are still pretty good. One study has found that just a 10% weight reduction helped obese (тучный, полный) patients reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and increase longevity.

5.Eating Well

Eating a healthy diet is another part of the healthy lifestyle. Not only can a clean diet help with weight management, it can also improve your health and quality of life as you get older. You can use these tips for simple ways to change how you eat:

  1. Eat more fruit. Add it to your cereal, your salads or even your dinners

  2. Sneak (подсовывать тайно) in more veggies. Add them wherever you can--a tomato on your sandwich, peppers on your pizza, or extra veggies in your pasta sauce. Keep pre-cut or canned/frozen veggies ready for quick snacks.

  3. Switch your salad dressing. If you eat full-fat dressing, switch to something lighter and you'll automatically eat less calories.

  4. Eat low-fat or fat-free dairy. Switching to fat free yogurt is another simple way to eat less calories without having to change too much in your diet.

  5. Make some substitutes. Look through your cabinets or fridge and pick 3 foods you eat every day. Write down the nutritional content and, the next time you're at the store, find lower-calorie substitutes for just those 3 items.

6.How to Keep Fit

1.Study the new words

  1. keep fit – поддерживать форму

  2. stay healthy – оставаться здоровым

  3. spare time – свободное время

  4. lead sedentary life – вести сидячий образ жизни

  5. provide - обеспечивать

  6. take regular sport – регулярно заниматься спортом

  7. retain youthful vigour – сохранять молодой задор

  8. stamina – жизнеспособность

  9. suit – подходить, быть удобным

  10. take up little time – занимать мало времени

  11. improve - улучшать

  12. benefits – польза

Many people’s favourite hobby is sport. They practise a sport for a need to keep fit and stay healthy. A lot of people jog and play tennis, football and swim in their spare time.

Today people continue leading sedentary life and many of them would like to change it. Since our life doesn’t provide enough exercises we should include it into our routine. The man or woman who takes regular sport or exercise will stay physically fit, retain youthful vigour and keep a youthful shape and stamina.

There are some exercises to suit everyone. It may be a daily exercise session that takes up little time or planned exercises which improve a problem area.

But fitness comes not just from some exercises done now and then but from the way you live all the time. Good eating habits, wise drinking habits regular sleeping habits and plenty of fresh air are all important parts of the way to keep fit. Start doing this and you will feel and see the benefits.