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4. Письмо-приглашение (Invitation letters)


Crossley House


East Sussex Fn4 6LK

Dear Mr Hayden

New Product - Invitation

We are delighted to introduce our new Model of “Millipage Pro” all-purposes photocopier.

For your information we have enclosed an illustrated catalogue giving full description of the Model and covering our other products but feel that a demonstration will give you more of an idea of its capabilities. We would therefore like to invite you to visit our stand at the annual “British Office Equipment Exhibition” where the equipment will be set up so that you can see the machine in operation. The Exhibition will be held 15-19 June, 2003 in Golders Green. For those five days, we shall be offering a 5% discount on this model.

We hope that you will have interested in our invitation. Looking forward to welcoming you to the Exhibition.

Sincerely yours

Sophie Bolan

Sophie Bolan

General Manager


Dear Mr

We are delighted to introduce our new …

For your information…

we have enclosed … giving full description of the…

We would therefore like to invite you …

We hope that you will have interested in our invitation.

Looking forward to …

Sincerely yours,


Уважаемый господин

С удовольствием представляем наш новый

К Вашему сведению

В приложении к этому письму Вы найдёте…, в котором вы найдёте полное описание …

По этой причине мы бы хотели пригласить Вас …

Надеемся, наше приглашение Вас заинтересует.

С нетерпением ожидаем …

С уважением,


5. Письмо-договорённость о встрече (Asking for an appointment)

April 2, 2003

Dear Mr. Smith

Ms. Diane Bond, national production manager of our sales catalog division, will be in Boston on Thursday, April 26 and would like to tour your printing plant in nearby Cambridge during that afternoon.

Would it be convenient for you or your assistant to meet her on this date? I will get in touch with you by telephone early next week to make an appointment.


Dear Mr…

Ms.will be in Boston on Thursday…

would like to tour your … in nearby … during that afternoon.

Would it be convenient for you or your assistant to meet her on this date?

I will get in touch with you by telephone early next week to make an appointment.


Уважаемый господин

Госпожа … прибудет в Бостон в четверг…

хотела бы посетить Ваш …, который находится недалеко от …этим же вечером

Сможете ли Вы или Ваш помощник встретить её в это время?

Я свяжусь с Вами в начале следующей недели, чтобы уточнить время встречи.

С уважением,

  1. Выделите основные структурные компоненты текста письма.

  2. Выучите слова и выражения, представленные в таблице.

  3. Переведите тексты коммерческих писем, объясните выбор переводческого решения.

Интенция: информирование

  1. Сопроводительное (препроводительное) письмо (Covering Letters).




August, 2003

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find herewith some promotional material regarding our Spanish Language Programs in Spain: Madrid and Marbella (Malaga) in the Costa del Sol. ENFOREX, as you may know, is located in the center of Madrid offering a wide range of possibilities for your students. The central location of Madrid allows students to travel all around the Iberian Peninsula with our Study Tour Program. On the other hand, we also offer an exclusive Summer Residential Program in Marbella (Malaga) for children and teenagers.

Four age groups are offered:

* Children and teenagers, from 7 years old MADRID & MARBELLA

* University students & adults MADRID

* Professional and executive programs MADRID

* Programs for retired and 3rd. age MADRID

We have enclosed a Request Order Form for you to complete should you require additional material which can help you in the marketing of our programs. At the moment, we are producing our 2004 brochure, should you also be interested in receiving them, please mark that in the Request Order Form attached and as soon as they are ready, we will send them to you.

l am going to attend to ARELS LANGUAGE WORKSHOP at the end of August in Brighton. My table is S-3.1 will also attend to FIYTO CONFERENCE at the end of September in Paris.

Should you go to those meetings, I would be grateful to have a nice talk with you in order to show you our services.

Thank you very much indeed for your attention. Looking forward to an early contact.

Yours faithfully,



Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find herewith

On the other hand, we also offer…

We have enclosed a Request Order Form.

At the moment, we are producing our…,

Thank you very much indeed for your attention.

as soon as they are ready, we will send them to you.

Looking forward to an early contact.

Yours faithfully,

Уважаемый господин/ госпожа

В приложении к данному письму вы найдёте…

Также мы можем предложить …

В приложении Вы найдёте бланк заказа.

В настоящее время мы выпускаем ...

Благодарим Вас за внимание.

Как только … будут готовы, мы сразу их вышлем.

С нетерпением ожидаем Вашего ответа.

С уважением,





June 5, 2003

Beverly Kalageorgi

Camp America –Russia

Togliatti, Russia

Dear Beverly,

Thank you so much for your wonderful letter about your life in Russia in general and Camp America in Togliatti in particular. It always amazes me to find out how far Hoosier hospitality and influence extends. Who would have thought that a young woman from Elwood, Indiana would be leading an effort to make American/ I have contacted our Department of Tourism and asked them to send me some informational packets about Indiana to send to you. Russian relations more harmonious through a major project such as Camp America Russia? I think that the work you are doing terrific.

I will include them in this letter. I am also sending copies of your letter and brochure and this letter to the people in the state who should be made aware of the good work you are doing. Their names and addresses appear below. Finally my best wishes to you on another successful camp session from July 8th to 18th.


Frank O’Bannon

cc: Kathy Smith


Thank you so much for…

I have contacted our Department of Tourism and asked them to send me some informational packets about …to send to you.

I will include them in this letter.

I am also sending copies of

Finally my best wishes to you


cc: Kathy Smith


Большое спасибо за …

Я писал в наш Департамент по туризму с просьбой выслать информационные пакеты о …для Вас.

Вы найдёте их в приложении к этому письму.

Также направляю Вам экземпляры…

С наилучшими пожеланиями

С уважением,

Копии: Кэти Смит