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4. Complete the sentences.

1. For many centuries the people who lived on our planet before us had been trying ...... .

Ato pollute the water, the air and the soil

Bto make their life more comfortable

Cto preserve of nature

Dto use cheap electricity

2.In the 20-th century, the rapid growth of science and technology resulted in an increasing ...... .

A cheap electricity

B safe for future generations

C reduction of the life-span of man

D negative effect on the biosphere of the Earth.

3.Many species of animals and birds face extinction due to ...... .

Agreenhouse effect

Bglobal environmental issue facing our society

Cthe pollution of the biosphere.

Dhuge industrial enterprises

4.Acid rain doesn't always fall on the countries ....... .

A which are nearly

B which produce the pollution C which are far away

D which knew nothing of it

5.Some countries have passed laws requiring power stations ..... .

A to use cheap electricity from nuclear power plants B to help improve the situation.

C to install filters that prevent the acid getting into the air D to preserve of nature

6.Many countries use cheap electricity from nuclear power plants which, besides being ...... .

A account for polluting nature. B unsafe and dangerous

C safe and undangerous D excellent

7.There are many problems which ….. .

Areduce negative effect on the biosphere of the Earth.

Bresponsible for the pollution.

Cthreat our natural environment.


D prevent the acid getting into the air.

8. The condition of most national territorial waters is ..... .

Avery bad

Bonly satisfactory


Dquite good

9. ....... is a particular chemical or form of energy that can adversely affect the health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms.





10. ....... is a natural effect that traps heat in the atmosphere (troposphere) near the earth's surface.

AGreenhouse effect

BWater vapor


DNatural processes

11. ....... are gases in the earth's lower atmosphere (troposphere) that cause the greenhouse effect.

AGreenhouse gases

BWater vapor


DFossil fuels

5. Give definitions of the following words:

preservation, extinction, greenhouse gases, global warming, tropical rain forest, greenhouse effect, pollutant.

1. .......- the act of becoming extinct - the death or ceasing to exist of all members of a species or family of organisms.

2. ..... - protection from harm - the guarding of something from danger, harm, or injury.

3. .... the term given to the possibility that Earth's atmosphere is gradually warming because of the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide and other gases.


4. ..... a natural effect that traps heat in the atmosphere (troposphere) near the earth's surface.

5. ..... gases in the earth's lower atmosphere (troposphere) that cause the greenhouse effect.

6. ..... a particular chemical or form of energy that can adversely affect the health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms.

7. .... a forest that gains more water from precipitation than it loses through evaporation.

6. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.

1.Preservation of nature has become a serious issue by the end of the 21-st century.

2.For many centuries people didn’t think that resources of the Earth were endless.

3.Many species of animals and birds face extinction due to the acid rains.

4.The world's oceans are filled with poisonous industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

5.The pollution is carried short distances by the wind, so sulphuric acid produced in Britain can travel as far as Scandinavia.

6.The main source of acid rain is nuclear plants.

7.All countries have passed laws requiring power stations to install filters that prevent the acid getting into the air.

7. Read and translate the following sentences:

1. Збереження природи стало серйозною проблемою на початку ХХ1







довкілля. 3. Багато








електростанції. 4.Атомні

станції роблять свій внесок у забруднення довкілля. 5. Результатом забруднення є мертві птахи, звірі, риба та ліси. 6. Ліси в Німеччині, озера у Швеції, Канаді та США потерпають від кислотних дощів. 7. Головне джерело кислотних дощів-- атомні електростанції 8. Деякі крани прийняли закон, який вимагає, щоб атомні електростанції встановлювали фільтри, які запобігають проникненню кислот у повітря. 9. Є гарні приклади збереження природи. 10.Уряд Німеччини зробив рішучі кроки щодо покарання тих, хто є відповідальними за забруднення довкілля. 11. Результати були вражаючими. 12.Таких результатів можна досягти за умови, якщо уряд серйозно думає про свій народ і країну.


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