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Ecology is defined as the study of living things, their environment, and the relation between the two.

Ecology gives an understanding of nature's structure and function changes over time, and reaction and recovery from various kinds of disturbances. Natural history is an important element of ecology, but it is not sufficient to give an understanding, even in general terms, of the impact of humans on nature and what comprises a good ecological management. Ecology is not synonymous with environmental science, environmental management or environmental education.

The term oekologie was coined in 1866 by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel; the word is derived from the Greek oikos ("household") and logos ("study"); therefore "ecology" means the "study of the household [of nature]".

Ecology is usually considered a branch of biology, the general science that studies living organisms. Organisms can be studied at many different levels, from proteins and nucleic acids (in biochemistry and molecular biology), to cells (in cellular biology), to individuals (in botany, zoology, and other similar disciplines), and finally at the level of populations, communities, and ecosystems, to the biosphere as a whole; these latter strata are the primary subjects of ecological inquiries.

Ecology is a multi-disciplinary science. Because of its focus on the higher levels of the organization of life on earth and on the interrelations between organisms and their environment, ecology draws heavily on many other branches of science, especially geology and geography, meteorology, pedology, chemistry, and physics.

Notes on the text

to define - 1) визначати 2) давати характеристику disturbance - тривога, неспокій; порушення

to comprise - містити в собі, вміщати, охоплювати impact - вплив, дія

environment – навколишнє середовище, оточення

consider - 1) розглядати; обмірковувати, обдумувати 2) вважати; гадати 3) брати до уваги, зважати на

coin - творити

strata – pl. від stratumшар,формація

inquiry - 1) довідка 2) питання; запитання; запит 3) дослідження запити draw - 1) добувати, діставати (гроші, інформацію і т.д.)

2) черпати 3) спрямовувати; привертати (увагу)


Post-text exercises

I.Answer the questions:

1. How is ecology defined?

2.When was the term oekologie coined by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel?

3.What does the word "ecology" mean? 4.What do you know about ecology?

5.Why is ecology a multi-disciplinary science?

2.Give definitions of the following words:

species, ecology, habitat, environment, organism, management

1.The branch of science that is concerned with the relationships between organisms and their environments is called ___.

2.The natural home of a plant or animal.

3.A group of animals or plants which are all similar and can breed together to produce young animals or plants of the same land.

4.The act or skill of directing and organizing the work of a company or organization.

5.All living things, including people, plants, animals, bacteria, and fungi.

6.All external conditions and factors, living and nonliving (chemicals and energy), that affect an organism or other specified system during its lifetime.

3. Match the following English words with their Ukrainian equivalents:

1) layer

a) гарантувати

2) disturbance

в) внесок

3) investigation

с) порушення

4) contributing

d) шар

5) ensure

e) вплив

6) examine

f) відділення

7) consider

g) рівень

8) impact

h) наслідок

9) concern

i) розглядати

10) level

j) навколишнє середовище

11) consequence

k) піклуватися

12) environment

n) дослідження

4.Make up word combinations using the text. Translate them into Ukranian in written form.
















5.Translate word combinations into Ukranian.

environmental science living things

latter strata various species cellular biology similar disciplines

6.Write ten words relating to ecology.

7.Complete the following sentences:

1.Ecology is defined as the study of …. . 2.People are depend on ….. .

3.Ecology gives an understanding of …. . 4.The term oekologie was coined in ….. .

5.Ecology is usually considered a branch of …. .

6.Organisms can be studied at ….. .

7.Ecology draws heavily on many other branches of science, especially… .

8.Give a brief summary of the text.

9. Read, translate and then dramatize the dialogue.

Christina: - Hi, brother. You are reading a book. Let me see. Ecology? What is ecology?

Ernest: - Give it back to me. Ecology is the study of organisms and their relationship with their surroundings, various species living in the same place, interacting amongst themselves and with their environment.

C: - Give me an example, please.

E: - Well. A very simple example would be the earth and us, I mean humans. Some ecologists study this. Some ecologies study a specific species or habitat.

C: - And others? E: - You see, there are many fields of ecology with lots of things still to be discovered.


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