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international cooperation in the field of environmental protection. Agreements have been signed with conservation bodies of the USA, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Germany and Latvia. The Ukrainian delegation took part in the UNO Conference on the Problems of Environment.

Notes on the text

evident - очевидний, явний

aggravate- 1) загострювати; посилювати; обтяжувати; погіршувати

2)розм. дратувати; набридати; засмучувати, завдавати прикрості density - густота, щільність

pose - 1) показувати 2) ставати в позу, позувати

3)формулювати, викладати; ставити, пропонувати

expose - 1) виставляти, показувати 2) залишати беззахисним 3) піддавати (чомусь - to) 4) викривати (когось, щось) occure - траплятися, зустрічатися

to suffer –– страждати, претерпівати damage –– шкода

еxpose ––наражати на небезпеку consequence –– наслідок

occur –– траплятися, зустрічатися explosion –– вибух

leak –– витікати containment –– стримування aftermath –– наслідок

enclose –– заключати, вкладувати

Post-text exercises

1.Answer the questions:

1.When did pollution become evident in Ukraine? 2.What Ukrainian cities are the most polluted?

3.What are the main sources of air pollution in Ukraine? 4.What waters are the most polluted in Ukraine?

5.What are consequences of radioactive contamination ?

6.What is Ukraine doing to overcome the disaster aftermath ?

2.Decide whether the following statements are true:

1.The high population density and low protection have given rise to chronic and serious levels of water pollution in Ukraine.

2.A horrible accident occurred at the Chornobyl nuclear station 10 years ago.

3.Many people in Ukraine and Russia suffered from Chornobyl accident.


4.About 100,000 people were exposed to deadly levels of radiation before being evacuated.

5.Great damage was done to people’s health.

6.Significant areas of lands will remain unsafe for agriculture for 2000 years.

7.Lots of people among them many children are suffering from numerous diseases: cancer, leukemia and others.

8.The problem of Chernobyl has been solved.

9.The power plant was closed on December 15, 2000.

10.Workers enclosed the destroyed reactor in a steel and containment building, radiation doesn’t leak from this structure.

3.Make up sentences using these words and wordcombinations:

1.Contamination , radioactive, has affected , land and water, of Ukraine, by various, isotopes, the air.

2.Significant, of lands, will remain, 8000 years, for agriculture, areas, unsafe, for agriculture, for .

3.The power, closed, on December,15, 2000, plant, was.

4 .Workers , reactor, in a steel, but radiation, continues, to leak from this structure., the destroyed , enclosed , and containment building, to leak.

4. Translate the following word combinations in written form.

population density radiation contamination significant areas conservation bodies deadly levels of radiation disaster aftermath

suffer from numerous diseases great damage

5.Fill in the blanks with the following words:

occurred , contamination, disaster , radioactive, damage, aftermath

1.On April 26, 1986 a horrible accident … at the Chornobyl nuclear station.

2.Contamination by various … isotopes has affected the air, land and water of Ukraine.

3.A radiation … made nearly 100 settlements unhabited and affected more than 2000 settlements.

4.Great … was done to their economy, nature and people’s health.

5.After Chornobyl …the environmental situation has become much worse.

6.Ukraine appealed to the UNO requesting help to overcome the disaster.


6.Make up sentences using these words and wordcombinations:

1.Contamination , radioactive, has affected , land and water, of Ukraine, by various, isotopes, the air.

2.Significant, of lands, will remain, 8000 years, for agriculture, areas, unsafe, for agriculture, for .

3.The power, closed, on December,15, 2000, plant, was.

4 .Workers , reactor, in a steel, but radiation, continues, to leak from this structure, the destroyed, enclosed , and containment building, to leak.

7.Fill in the gaps in the following sentences choosing the right words:

1)About half of the chemical fertilizers applied in the fields are washed off into ______.

a)the lakes

b)the river

c)the sea

d)the earth

2)Over one-third of the emissions into the atmosphere originate from



b)automobile transport

c)harmful substances


3)One of the areas suffering chronic coastal water pollution is _____.

a)the Sea of Azov

b)the Black Sea

c)the North Sea

d)the Aral Sea

4)______are the most polluted bodies of water.

a)the Dnipro

b)the Danube

c)the Dniester

d)the Dniester and the Danube

5)The sea's salinity has increased by 40 percent since ______.

a)the 1950's

b)the 1970’s

c)the 1956’s

d)the 1990’s


6 ) A horrible accident occurred at the Chornobyl nuclear station on


a)April 26, 1988

b)April 28, 1986.

c)April 28, 1996.

d)April 26, 1986

7)Ukraine appealed to the _______ requesting help to overcome the disaster aftermath.

a)the European Parliament

b)the USA Congress

c)the United Nations


8)Contamination by various radioactive isotopes has affected ______.

a)the air


c)the air, land and water

d)the land

9)Significant areas of lands will remain unsafe for agriculture _______.

a)for 3000 years

b)for 1000 years

c)for 6000 years

d)for 8000 years

10)Environmental safeguards of conservation bodies have become more

________ .





8.Read the dialogue between two postgraduates discussing the problem of environmental pollution in Ukraine.

M: Hello, Andry. Nice to meet you. A: Hi, Mykola. Good to see you.

M: You know, I'm really busy these days. I'm supposed to write an article about environmental pollution in Ukraine for out university newspaper. I think: you are the best person to help me. You are bound to have some good ideas, aren't you?

A:Certainly, I'll do my best to help you. You should mention Chornobyl as the main source of environmental pollution in Ukraine. Unfortunately,


it was the Chornobyl catastrophe that brought Ukraine to the attention of the world.

M: But I've read about the number of accidents at nuclear power plants in other countries, including the USA, Canada, Germany and Britain, long before 1986.

A: That's true, but the radioactive leak wasn't as disastrous as in Chornobyl in any of those cases. Just think of the amount of fertile soil that was contaminated and the number of people that were subjected to massive doses of radiation!

M: Of course, I'll pay a good deal of attention to the Chornobyl catastrophe in my article, but Chornobyl isn't our only ecological disaster. Consider the activities of the chemical plants which are practically uncontrolled. There are also many manufacturing plants which employ harmful terminologies and out-dated smoke-filtering systems.

A:I see you are ready to write a whole book on the subject! Wouldn't it better to focus your attention on methods of environmental protection? Practical suggestions will be of greater interest to future experts than a long catalogue of problems. You could also suggest running a competition for the most ecologically sound production technology.

M:That's a good idea.

9. Answer the questions to the dialogue above.

1. What are the main ecological disasters in Ukraine? 2.What has brought Ukraine to the attention of the world?

3.Why was the Chornobyl catastrophe more disastrous than the accidents at nuclear plants in other countries?

4.What did Andry suggest focusing attention on?

5.Where is Mykola going to use the information he's got from this conversation?

Grammar Issues to Be Revised

1. Perfect Tenses ( Active /Passive forms)

1. Give the Present, Past, and Future Perfect Tense forms of the given verbs.

Example: To preventhave (has) prevented, had prevented, will have prevented

To have, to provide, to give, to be, to restore, to make up, to catch, to protect, to recycle.


2. Identify which tenses (Present, Past, or Future Perfect) are used in the following sentences.

1.I have been away for two months.

2.John wll have left by the time his friends get there.

3.He has heard that there are many institutions of higher education in Kyiv.

4.By 2000, Ukrainian State Agricultural University had had fhe status of National.

5.I'll have worked here for a year next summer.

6.I didn't know you had bought a new house.

3 Give the interrogative and negative forms of the following sentences:

1. Ecological monitoring has covered Ukraine’s whole area.

2.Ukraine has joined international cooperation in the field of environmental protection.

3.Agreements have been signed with conservation bodies of the USA, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Germany and Latvia.

4.Contamination various radioactive isotopes has affected the air, land and water of Ukraine.

5.A large part of Ukraine, Russia and Belorussia was polluted by

radioactive substances.

6 Workers enclosed the destroyed reactor in a steel and containment building, but radiation continues, to leak from this structure.

7.The safe maintenance of nuclear power stations depends on proper work and sufficient technical knowledge of every worker and engineer.

8.Ukraine appealed to the UNO requesting help to overcome the disaster aftermath.

4.Replace the infinitive verbs in the brackets with appropriate Present, Past or Future Perfect Tense Forms.

1. You ever (be) to the USA?

2. I (complete) all the necessary work by the next month.

3.He just (report) to the Ukrainian Green Party on the current state of the contaminated areas.

4.She said that she already (send) the letters to the clients. 5.Protection of natural resources and wildlife (to become) a great concern of our people.

6.We (to be) there by 11 o'clock yesterday.

5. Say what you or your friend:


1)had done by 3 o'clock yesterday (by that time, by the end of the month)

2)have (has) already done

3)have (has) never done

4)will have done by 3 o'clock tomorrow (by the rext month, by the time your guests come)

6. Use Passive (the Past Simple, Present Simple , Present Perfect) instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. The life of each plant or animal species .... closely (connect) with the life of plants or animals of other species.

2. Animals and plants ( affect) by various physical and chemical factors, the most important being sunlight, temperature, water, physical substrate, gases and some others.

3.All the factors mentioned ( interrelate) and none acts independently.

4.As these two things (interrelate), a change in one results in a change in the other.

5.Considerable progress (made) in breeding suitable plants and animals and in this way it is possible to extend the production into areas they have not grown before.

6.Microclimate can (change) by changing the water balance of the area.

7.This problem (not solve) yet because of the economic difficulties.

8.Great damage (do) to their economy, nature and people’s health.

7. Choose the right variant.

1.The sea's salinity … by 40 percent since the 1950's.

a)had increased

b)has increased

c)had increased

2.490 million species ... extinct.

a)has become

b)have become

c)had become

3.490 million species ... extinct by 2000.

a)have become

b)has become

c)had become


4.You ... the fax by 5 o'clock tomorrow.

a)has received

b)had received

c)will have received

5.Industries ... new production techniques yet.

a)haven't introduced

b)won't have introduced

c)hasn't introduced

6.Our manager ... you before you leave.

a)has advised

b)had advised

c)will have advised

7.My father was furious because I … his car.

a)has crashed

b)had crashed

c)have crashed

8.I … all my work by the end of this week.

a)have finished

b)had finished

c)will have finished

9.After Chornobyl disaster the environmental situation … much worse.

a)have become

b)had become

c)has become

10.By the time we arrived at the station, the train ...... .




had left


has left

11.After I... to you, I got a letter from William. А) speak

В) have spoke С) had spoken




The question of energy has two main aspects: type of energy used and amount of energy used. Sustainable approaches to energy supply are based on nonnuclear, renewable energy sources and more effective use of energy, through either improved technology or reduced energy consumption.

The environmental consequences of today's energy policies are potentially catastrophic. The global warming caused by burning fossil fuels will disrupt tnousands of kilometers of heavily populated and productive tropical coastline, as well as causing major changes in ago ecological zones in both temperate and tropical areas.

Ecologists are concerned that natural ecosystems will not be able to adapt rapidly enough to these changes through migration of plant and animal species, since the climate has not changed this rapidly previously. The ability of human societies to adapt to these changes is an open question.

The burning of fossil fuels also causes acid rain contributing to the death of large areas of forest in Europe. Toxic heavy metals from fossil fuels also found in disturbingly high concentrations in soils and vegetation in many places in Europe. The risks associated with nuclear energy are also great, as illustrated by the Chernobyl accident. The answer lies partly in development of renewable energy sources such as biomass, methane, sun, wind, waterfall and wave power. The other part of the solution lies in using less energy and getting more out of each unit of energy ( increased energy efficiency).


The earth's biggest problem today is energy. We normally use four things to make electricity: oil, coal, gas or nuclear power. All of these produce terrible pollution problems. Nuclear power leaves dangerous radioactive waste. The others all produce gases and these gases cause and rain and the greenhouse affect.

And solutions...

Geothermal energy

The first geothermal power station in the world opened in 1904 in Larderello, Italy. Today New Zealand is the country with the biggest percentage of its electricity from geothermal power.

The centre of the Earth is very hot. In same places that heat is not too far below the ground. We can pump cold water down into the hot rocks, and get hot water back. From this hot water we get steam to make electricity.

Hydro-electric power


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