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Unit 3.

Grammar Revision

Глагол to have


I He

You have (don’t have) … She has (doesn’t have)…

We It


Do you have…? Does he have…?


I (we, she…) had (didn’t have)…

Did they have…?


I (We) shall have… You (they, he, she, it) will have…

I shall not (shan’t) have… You will not (won’t) have…

Shall I have…? Will you have…?

Функции глагола to have

1. Смысловой глагол со значением «иметь»

We have three lectures today.

2. Вспомогательный глагол для образования формы глагола сказуемого во временах группы Perfect

He has just finished his work.


3. Заменитель модального глагола must со значением «должен, приходится, вынужден»

We have to go in five minutes.

Exercise 1. Запишите следующие предложения в отрицательной и вопросительной форме.

1. The British Army has its troops in many countries.

2. The British Empire had many colonies.

3. The Russian Government will develop relations with Great Britain.

Exercise 2. Определите функцию глагола to have и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. My parents don’t have to work full-time.

2. Have you had a holiday this year?

3. They had a lot of time for shopping.

4. I haven’t seen my school- friends since I finished school.

5. She didn’t have a car last year.

6. We had to wait for some time until he finished.

7. Does Mary have two or three children?

8. He has lost his key again.

9. You’ll have to work hard if you want to study at the university.

The British Army

Найдите в словаре и запишите в тетрадь транскрипцию данных слов. Прочитайте их вслух несколько раз.

Asia, Australasia, ally, France, expeditionary, brigadier, armour, corporal, squadron, unique, allegiance.

Words to be learnt

to come into being- возникать, формироваться


power- держава

to include- включать в себя

to be allied with- вступить в союз с…, стать союзниками

to break out – внезапно начаться, разразиться

invasion - военное вторжение

to declare war (on…) - объявлять войну (кому-л.)

to deploy - развертывать, разворачивать, дислоцировать (войска)

to be comprised of - состоять из…

in terms of - с точки зрения

fighting capacity - боеготовность

regiment - полк

platoon - взвод

surveillance - наблюдение

to result in - заканчиваться чем-то, приводить к чему-то

increase - повышение, увеличение

to affect smb., smth. - оказывать влияние; наносить ущерб

recruitment age - призывной возраст

to serve on operations - принимать участие в боевых действиях

to take an oath of allegiance - принимать присягу

to join the army - поступать на военную службу


The British Army is the land armed forces branch of the British Armed Forces. It came into being with the unification of the Kingdoms of England and Scotland into the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1707. The new British Army incorporated Regiments that had already existed in England and Scotland and was administered by the War Office from London. It has been managed by the Ministry of Defense since 1963. From about 1763 the United Kingdom has been one of the leading military and economic powers of the world. The British Empire expanded in this time to include colonies, protectorates, and Dominions throughout the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australasia. Although the Royal Navy is widely regarded as having been vital for the rise of the British Empire and British dominance of the world, the British Army played an important role in colonisation. Great Britain's dominance of the world had been challenged by numerous other powers, notably Germany. The UK was allied with France and Russia, and when the First World War broke out in 1914, the British Army sent the British Expeditionary Force to France and Belgium to prevent Germany from occupying


these countries. The Second World War broke out in 1939 with the German invasion of Poland. British assurances to the Polish led the British Empire to declare war on Germany. Again an Expeditionary Force was sent to France. After the end of World War II the British Army was significantly reduced in size. Despite the decline of the British Empire, the Army was still deployed around the world, fighting colonial wars. The ending of the Cold War saw a 40% cut in manpower. Despite this, in 1991 the United Kingdom was the second largest contributor to the coalition force that fought Iraq in the Gulf War.

The British Army consists of 112,990 regular soldiers (which includes 3,830 Gurkhas) plus 35,500 Territorial Army soldiers, giving it a total of around 148,000 soldiers in October 2009. The full-time element of the British Army has also been referred to as the Regular Army since the creation of the reservist Territorial Force in 1908. The British Army is deployed in many of the world's war zones as part of both Expeditionary Forces and in United Nations Peacekeeping forces. The British Army is currently deployed in Kosovo, Cyprus, Germany, Afghanistan and many other places.

The structure of the British Army is complex, due to the different origins of its various constituent parts. It is broadly split into the Regular Army (full-time soldiers and units) and the Territorial Army (part-time soldiers and units). The professional head of the British Army is the Chief of the General Staff. In terms of its military structure, it has two parallel organisations, one administrative and one operational. Administrative organisation includes Divisions administrating all military units, both Regular and TA, within a geographical area and Brigades in a non fighting capacity. The major operational command is Headquarters Land Forces (incorporating Land Command and Headquarters Adjutant General).Two or more divisions form a Corp. Division is made up of two or three brigades with a HQ element and support troops and commanded by a Major-general. Brigade is made up of between three and five battalions, a HQ element and associated support troops and commanded by a Brigadier.

There is also a battle group, a mixed formation of armour, infantry, artillery, engineers and support units, and its structure is task specific. It is formed around the core of either an armoured regiment or infantry battalion, and has other units added or removed from it as necessary. A battle group typically consists of between 600 and 700 soldiers under the command of a Lieutenant Colonel. Company of about 100 soldiers, typically in three platoons, is commanded by a Major. Platoon of about 30 soldiers is commanded by a Second Lieutenant,


Lieutenant or, for specialist platoons such as recce or anti-tank, a Captain. Section of about 8 to 10 soldiers is commanded by a Corporal. A number of elements of the British Army use alternative terms for battalion, company and platoon. These include the Royal Armoured Corps, Corps of Royal Engineers, Royal Logistic Corps, and the Royal Corps of Signals who use regiment (battalion), squadron (company) and troop (platoon). The Royal Artillery are unique in using the term regiment in place of both corps and battalion, they also replace company with battery and platoon with troop.

In contrast to the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and Royal Air Force, the British Army does not include Royal in its title. This is because historically, British Armies were comprised of individually raised regiments and corps. Nevertheless, many of its constituent Regiments and Corps have been granted the Royal prefix and have members of the Royal Family occupying senior positions within some regiments. The British Army contributes two of the three special forces formations within the United Kingdom Special Forces Command; the Special Air Service Regiment and the Special Reconnaissance Regiment. The most famous formation is the Special Air Service Regiment formed in 1941.The SAS comprises one regular Regiment and two Territorial Army Regiments and is headquartered at Duke of York Barracks, London. The Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) which was formed in 2005 undertakes close reconnaissance and special surveillance tasks. The British Army does not have its own specific ensign, unlike the Royal Navy, which uses the White Ensign, and the RAF, which uses the Royal Air Force Ensign. Instead, the Army has different flags and ensigns, for the entire army and the different regiments and corps. The official flag of the Army as a whole is the Union Flag. A non-ceremonial flag also exists, which is used at recruiting events, military events and exhibitions. It also flies from the MOD building in Whitehall.

The Army mainly recruits within the United Kingdom; it normally has a recruitment target of around 25,000 soldiers per year. Low unemployment in Britain has resulted in the Army having difficulty in meeting its target, in the early years of the 21st century there has been a marked increase in the number of recruits from other (mostly Commonwealth) countries. In 2008 Commonwealth origin volunteers comprised approximately 6.7% of the Army's total strength. In total 6,600 foreign soldiers from 42 countries were represented in the Army, not including Gurkhas. After the Gurkhas (who are from Nepal), the nation with most citizens in the British Army is Fiji, with 2,185, followed by Jamaica and Ghana with 600 each; many soldiers also come from more prosperous countries such as


New Zealand, South Africa and the Republic of Ireland. The Ministry of Defense is now considering capping the number of recruits from Commonwealth countries, although this will not affect the Gurkhas. If the trend continues 10% of the army will be from Commonwealth countries before 2012. The minimum recruitment age is 16 years, although soldiers may not serve on operations below 18 years; the maximum recruitment age was raised in January 2007 from 26 to 33 years. The normal term of engagement is 22 years, and, once enlisted, soldiers are not normally permitted to leave until they have served at least 4 years. All soldiers must take an oath of allegiance upon joining the Army, a process known as attestation.

Задание I. Закончите предложения, подобрав год к событию, о котором сообщается в предложении. Подготовьте краткое сообщение об истории Британской Армии.

1763, 1991, 1707, 1763, 1939, 1914.


1. The British Army came into being when England and Scotland unified into the Kingdom of Great Britain in…

2. The British Army has been managed by the Ministry of Defence since…

3. The United Kingdom has been one of the leading military powers of the world from…

4. The British Army sent its Expeditionary Force to France and Belgium in…

5. The British Army declared war on Germany in…

6. The United Kingdom contributed greatly to the coalition force in the Gulf War in...

Задание II. Hайдите в тексте абзац, в котором описана структура Британской Армии. Выпишите из него слова (названия подразделений, должностей, звания), которые помогут вам изобразить структуру Британской Армии в виде схемы. Пользуясь составленной вами схемой, подготовьте краткое сообщение о структуре Британской Армии.