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III. Editing Essays

What is the editing stage?

The editing stage is when you check your essay for mistakes and correct them.

Editing Steps:


1. Read your draft essay and underline all the expressions from your active vocabulary you’ve used.

2. See what other expressions can be used. Add them at relevant places.

Grammar and Spelling

1. Check your spelling. 2. Check your grammar. 3. Read your essay again. 4. Make sure each sentence has a subject. 5. Make sure your subjects and verbs agree with each other. 6. Check the verb tenses of each sentence. 7. Make sure that each sentence makes sense.

Style and Organisation

1. Make sure your essay has an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a summary paragraph.

2. Check that you have a thesis statement that identifies the main idea of the essay.

3. Check that all your paragraphs follow the proper paragraph format.

4. See if your essay is interesting.

Home Assignment 1. Write a draft of the body of your essay, edit it following instructions in the Editing Essays section and write a clean copy to hand in following instructions in the Publishing Essays section.

Correction of Mistakes

What is correction of mistakes?

Correction of mistakes takes place after you receive your essay checked by the teacher with your mistakes marked or corrected (for correction symbols used by your teacher see Appendix 2).

Five steps of correcting mistakes:

1. Identify what your mistake is. If necessary, consult Grammar books, dictionaries or your teacher.

2. Rewrite each sentence containing a mistake underlining the correct variant.

3. In brackets briefly explain what the rule is for each case.

4. If it was a spelling mistake write two lines of the word.

5. Memorise the correct variant.


A student hate coming late but can’t do anything about it.

Subject–Predicate Agreement

Correction of mistakes

A student hatescoming late… (third person singular)

Home Assignment 2. Do correction of mistakes. If there more than 5-7 mistakes per page in the essay, rewrite it correctly.

Just have written up my first essay!

2.6. Speaking Reinforcement

Assignment 1. Get ready to present your essay in class. Remember that you can peep into your notes but you can’t read.

Assignment 2. After you have listened to essay presentations, you’ll be asked to discuss what you liked about them, which ideas were original, and which arguments were the strongest, etc. Get ready to give your commentary.

You can evaluate your own presentation noting any areas you think are especially good, or that need attention: organisation, content, language, delivery, body language, visual aids, overall impression.

Listen attentively to your classmates’ feedback, to their suggestions for improvement, and try to get better on any areas of wealness.


Unit 2. Career Prospects for Language Students

The following are some of the useful expressions to be found in this unit. Make sure you understand them and can properly use them in speech.



profit margin



to apply for a job

to make an application

to employ someone

to give someone a job

to to do smth for a living

to earn one’s living

to earn a good wage

to make a lot of money

to have a large income

to run a business

to go out of business

to beat the odds

to hand in one's resignation

to dismiss someone from a job

to retire from work

Look through the exercises in 2.2 Vocabulary Enrichment and complete this list with other words and expressions relevant to the topic. Pay attention to how they are used.

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