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7.4. Writing Enhancement

Assignment 1. Write a letter to children telling them about the advantages of an active lifestyle and the dangers of a sedentary one. Show your letter to your fellow students. Did you have the same ideas?

Assignment 2. Choose a sport you enjoy. Research and write a short history of it, as well as its rules and benefits for health, and present it in the form of a poster.

– What is a mosquito's favorite sport?

– Skin diving.

7.5. Speaking Reinforcement

Assignment 1. Get ready to act out conversations according to the information in the cards (based on the information in the article about McDonald’s new adverts).

Role A

You are Ronald McDonald. Ever since you started snowboarding, playing soccer and eating strawberries you have become incredibly fit and healthy. You believe kids can eat as much McDonald’s as they want as long as they exercise. Getting on the move is key to children’s health.

Role B

You are an advertising ethics officer working for your government. You believe McDonald’s is guilty of false advertising. You know everyone knows that McDonald’s is unhealthy. You want McDonald’s to end its strawberry and fitness campaign and advertise more honestly about the dangers of cholesterol.

Role C

You are a concerned parent who wants his/her kids to be healthy. You have had enough of McDonald’s gimmicks – the cheap Disney toys that shamelessly lure children into the restaurants, the token attempts at health food (salads) and now snowboarding, sporty Ronald. You want McDonald’s to stop its propaganda for kids. You hate Ronald McDonald. Obesity isn’t a happy condition.

Role D

You are a kid. McDonald’s is your favorite. You think Ronald is cool – he’s always so happy – such a good role model for kids. The burgers are much better than your mum’s/mom’s cooking. The McDonald’s Happy Meals are the best. You think Ronald’s new message of fitness is great. You will definitely become more active – just like Ronald. What a guy!

Active vocabulary Unit 7. Sports and Keeping Fit

Sport or sports? 1. sport (noun, uncountable): Johhny loves sport. 2. sports (noun, countable): Johnny plays two sports; football and tennis. 3. sports (adjective): Johhny reads the sports news every day.




Example sentence


engaged in something, like playing sports, without payment; non-professional

The Olympic Games were originally for amateur athletes only.


a person who trains for and competes in a sport

Most professional athletes spend hours every day in training.


to give someone something as a reward for high achievement

All the members of the winning team were awarded a gold medal.


to defeat someone in a game or a competition

Italy beat France to win the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

cheer on

to shout encouragement to a team or a player

The fans made a lot of noise cheering on their team.


a person who trains and directs an athlete or a sports team

Players should carry out their coach's instructions during a game.


to take part in a contest or a competition

Over 10,000 athletes will compete in the Olympic Games.


a game or event in which people compete to win

Do you know who won this year's figure skating contest?


a quadrangular area on which ball games are played, such as tennis or basketball

The tennis courts at Wimbledon in London have a grass surface.


an area of land prepared for racing, golf, or other sports

A golf course usually has eighteen holes.


a cup-shaped trophy, awarded as a prize in a contest

After they won the final game, the winners were awarded the Championship Cup.


to win a victory over opponents in a game or contest; to beat

Our players were very happy after they defeated their opponents in the final game.


to finish a contest or game with an even score; tie

The score was 1-0, but the losing team got a late goal and the game ended in a 1-1 draw.

final score

the score at the end of a game

Today's basketball game was very close. The final score was 84 to 82.


the interval between the first and second halves of a game

The players went into the rooms at half-time and listened to their coach.


a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a championship

Nearly every town in the U.S. has teams in a local baseball league.


free time, or the use of free time for enjoyment

It's good for kids to spend some of their leisure time playing sports.


Her lob flew high into the air and dropped into the back of the court, just inside the baseline.

a shot that is hit in a high arc, usually over the opponent's head


In an illegal position ahead of the ball (in football, rugby, hockey, etc.)

Forwards have to learn how to avoid being caught in an offside position.


the person one competes against in a contest or a game; rival

Roger Federer's opponent in the Wimbledon final was Rafael Nadal.


to throw or kick the ball to another player on one's own team

A defender tries to pass the ball to a forward in a good position to score.


a punishment imposed on a player or team for breaking the rules of a sport

The penalty for abusing a referee is usually a one-match suspension.


the form or shape of a person's body

Rugby players work hard in the gym to build up their physiques.

pitch (1)

a playing field (British)

The fans cheered as the players ran onto the pitch.

pitch (2)

a throw of the ball, esp. in baseball and softball

Our pitcher threw one of the best pitches of his life to win the game.


the number of points a competitor or team earns during a game

Do you know how to keep score in badminton?


to hit the ball to begin play (in tennis, table tennis, squash, volleyball, etc.)

Serving the ball is one of the most important skills in sports like tennis.


to kick, hit, or throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal (in soccer, hockey, basketball, etc.)

In basketball, players try shoot from outside the 3-point line to score the extra points.


a person who watches an event

Spectators can add a lot to sporting events by creating an exciting atmosphere.


an attitude of fairness, respect for opponents, and graciousness in winning or losing

Good managers know how to teach their players sportsmanship.


to challenge an opponent who has the ball

Rugby players have to learn how to tackle an opponent strongly but fairly.


the combined action of a group of people

The best teams spend a lot of time on the training ground working on teamwork.


a result in a game in which teams have the same final score; a draw

The score was very close throughout the game, and it ended in a tie with 89 points each.


a decorative object awarded as a prize in a contest or a tournament

The players carried the trophy over their heads as they ran around the stadium.


a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest

In a game of cricket, there are two umpires on the field during play.


a small instrument that makes a high-pitched noise when blown

The referee blew his whistle twice to signal the end of the match.

Sport Idioms

Sports idioms generally originate from a specific sport such as baseball or sailing. Over time these phrases have come to mean something that can be used in everyday life. While most sports idioms can still be used when discussing sports, they are even more common in other areas of life, especially the business world. You can study these idioms just as you would any other vocabulary. Look at the model sentences and practise writing your own. When you think you have mastered all of the idioms, take the quiz and test your knowledge. More importantly, try using them at work, school, and social events. You will sound like a pro!

Idiom sport of origin


Example Sentence

across the board cards

equal for everyone

Ten percent raises were given across the board.

at this stage in the game any sport

at this time

Nobody knows who is going to win the election at this stage in the game.

the ball is in your court tennis

it's your decision or responsibility to do something now

"Do you think I should accept the job offer?" "Don't ask me. The ball is in your court now".

bark up the wrong tree hunting

you've got the wrong person or idea

I think you're barking up the wrong tree by blaming Matt for the missing money.

blind-sided any sport

to not see something coming

George blind-sided Eric with his fist at the bar.

call the shots billiards

make the decisions

While our boss is on vacation, Bob will call the shots.

front runner track

one of the people who is expected to win

Angela is a front runner for the new supervisor position.

get a head start horse racing

start before all others

They gave the walkers a head start in the run for cancer.

get into the full swing tennis

be comfortable doing something after some time

It will probably take a month of working at my new job before I get into the full swing of things.

get off the hook fishing

escape, have responsibility removed

The child got off the hook for stealing because the security camera was broken.

give something or someone a fair shake gambling

try for a while before giving up

You should give Nadine a fair shake before you decide she isn't good enough for the job.

get a second wind sailing

have a burst of energy after tiring

I was exhausted after 3 kilometres of running, but I got a second wind after I passed the beach.

give it your best shot hunting

try your hardest

Give it your best shot and you may just make it to the finals.

go overboard sailing

do or say more than you need to

You can't believe everything Janice says about Rick. She tends to go overboard when she's complaining about him.

go to bat for someone baseball

defend someone

Andy is asking for a salary increase, and I'm going to go to bat for him if the boss says no.

have the upper hand cards

have a better chance of winning or succeeding

The Blues have the upper hand in the tournament, because none of their players is injured.

hit below the belt martial arts

do or say something that is very unfair or cruel

Amanda was hitting below the belt when she called Adrian an unfit father.

hit a snag boating

come up against a problem

The renovations were going along great until we hit a snag with the carpet installation.

hold all the aces cards

expected to win or succeed

The children hold all the aces when it comes to the father-son baseball tournament.

hot shot (big shot) hunting

a person who thinks they are the best

Even though Luke only placed 20th in the ski race, he thinks he's a hot shot.

jump the gun track

start too early

I guess I jumped the gun by buying Pam and Steve a wedding gift. They called off the engagement.

keep one's head above water swimming

try not to fall behind in work or other duties

We are so busy during the tourist season I can barely keep my head above water.

learn the ropes sailing

understand new things

The first week on the job you will just be learning the ropes.

level playing field any field sport

everyone has an equal chance

The spelling bee is a level playing field because all of the kids are in grade nine.

long shot hunting

a very difficult thing to accomplish

Jim thinks we can afford the house, but I think it's a long shot.

neck and neck horse racing

to be in a close tie with someone

George and Stan are neck and neck in the hockey pool. Either of them could win the money.

no sweat any sport

no problem

I told Lily it was no sweat for us to babysit next weekend.

not up to par golf

not good enough for a job or position

I'm afraid your resume isn't up to par for the engineering position.

on target darts

doing the right thing to succeed

We are on target to meet our budget this month.

on the ball baseball

ready and able

The new receptionist is really on the ball when it comes to answering the phone.

out of someone's league team sport

not as good as someone

I'd like to date Maria, but I'm afraid I'm out of her league.

race against time track

there is almost no time left to accomplish something

It's a race against time to find a kidney donor for my cousin.

settle a score with someone any sport

get even with a person after a previous battle

My brother wants to settle the score with that guy who stole my wallet.

shot in the dark hunting

a guess

I was lucky to win the quiz. All my answers were shots in the dark.

skate on thin ice skating

do something risky, take a chance

You're skating on thin ice by not sending in your college application before now.

start the ball rolling ball sports

begin something

Please can everyone be seated so we can start the ball rolling.

take sides any sport

choose a person or group to support

I hate to take sides, but I think Jerry is right about the paint colour.

take the bull by the horns bull fighting

accept the challenge and try your hardest

Even though this new job will mean relocating, I think you should take the bull by the horns for once.

throw in the towel


give up

If they don't accept our offer this time we are going to throw in the towel and look at houses elsewhere.

time out any sport


Let's take some time out and grab a coffee.

under the table gambling


I don't have a work visa, so they have to pay me under the table.

win hands down gambling

easy victory

The other team was missing half of its players. We won hands down.

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