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5.2. Vocabulary Enrichment

Assignment 1. Give synonyms or synonymous expressions for the following. Consult the dictionary.

  1. accomplish, complete, finish

  2. action, occupation, exercise

  3. make known, publicise

  4. pleasing, interesting, charming, enchanting

  5. tiring, tiresome, weary

  6. uninteresting, dull, tedious, monotonous, flat

  7. domineering, lordly, overbearing

  8. 1) occupation, profession, employment; (2) commerce, trade; (3) duty, task

  9. able, competent, qualified, skilful

  10. profession or occupation, job

  11. careers adviser BrE, career counselor AmE

  12. ability, skill, capability

  13. trader

  14. make up one’s mind

  15. fire, sack

  16. unemployment benefit

  17. capable, able to work well, apt, competent

  18. effectiveness, competency

  19. labourer, worker

  20. urge, stimulate, promote

  21. knowledge or skill acquired from seeing and doing things

  22. just

  23. leader, chief, master

  24. pay, wages, salary, fee

  25. hard-working, diligent

  26. to be unemployed

  27. work, task, labour, toil

  28. to be at work; working

  29. unemployed

  30. (1) direct, run (2) handle (3) get along (4) succeed in

  31. job, post

  32. beneficial, gainful

  33. leave, quit, vacate, give up

  34. duty, obligation, commitment

  35. ability

  36. experienced, trained, competent

  37. complete, entire

  38. difficult;

  39. be different, change

  40. breadwinner

  41. command, supervise

Assignment 2. Guess the word/phrase:

  1. a large amount of money given to someone when they leave their job

  2. a person who applies for sth (esp. for a job)

  3. a feeling that one is called to (and qualified for) a certain kind of work (or a person has a special ability)

  4. occupation, esp. one requiring an advanced education and special training

  5. to give good guidance

  6. a person who employs others

  7. a person who is employed

  8. those who are without jobs

  9. a list of the most suitable people for a job chosen from all the people who were first considered

  10. an oral exam of an applicant for employment or a place at university

  11. working independently for several different companies or organisations rather than being directly employed by one

  12. training, a diploma, a degree, etc. that qualifies sb to do sth or to be sth

  13. to make known to people (by printing notices in newspapers, announcements on TV, etc.)

  14. sth that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages

  15. capable, organized and able to perform duties well

  16. something expected, hoped for, looked forward to

  17. a statement about a person's character or abilities

  18. someone who is extremely successful in their job or in school

  19. a job or profession that one follows with the prospect of advancement (promotion)

  20. middle quality or degree, not extreme

  21. make a formal request

  22. formal request

  23. the general character or feeling of a place

  24. arouse interest or pleasure in (sb/sth)

  25. person’s education, knowledge, experience or social circumstances

  26. giving one’s whole loyalty to a particular aim, job or way of life, devoted to sb or sth

  27. full trust: belief in one’s own or another’s ability; a feeling of certainty, sense of self-reliance,

  28. tackle the problem or task

  29. give work to sb, usually for payment

  30. a person with special knowledge, skill

  31. a person who often changes his jobs

  32. to tell someone officially that they must leave their job in a week, a month, etc.

  33. having an excellent reputation, highly esteemed or respected

  34. increase in wages or salary

  35. belief in one’s own power to do things successfully

  36. an unfilled position or post; unoccupied accommodation

Assignment 3. Give the opposite of the following. Use negative prefixes:

  1. __attract

  2. __capable

  3. __committed

  4. __compatible

  5. __competent

  6. __confident

  7. __fit

  8. __considerate

  9. __convenience

  1. __demanding

  2. __earned

  3. __employment

  4. __encourage

  5. __honest

  6. __experienced

  7. __fair__

  8. formal

  9. __just

  1. __logical

  2. __manageable

  3. __advantage

  4. __obedient

  5. __patient

  6. __qualified

  7. __reliable

  8. __responsible

  9. __rewarding

  1. __ literacy

  2. __sensitive

  3. __skillful

  4. __sympathetic

  5. __tolerance

  6. __trust (v.)

  7. __trust (n.)

  8. __vulnerable

Assignment 4. Sort out the words of the columns A and B to form compound words.





1 Back


15 Job


2 Back


16 Long


3 Before


17 Low


4 Blue


18 Moon


5 Bread


19 Moon


6 Chair


20 Nine


7 Draw


21 Part


8 Flexi


22 Point


9 Full


23 Proof


10 Go


24 Self


11 Hand


25 Self


12 Head


26 Self


13 High


27 School


14 Job


28 Side


29 Shift


32 Up-to


30 Short


33 Wage


31 Up


34 Work


Assignment 5. Give the opposite. Use a different word.

  1. badly-paid

  1. blue-collar

  1. get sb on the wrong foot

  1. full-time

  1. within one’s income

  1. give up

  1. low-status

  1. out of work/ job

  1. set sb off on the right path

  1. boss

  1. indoor activity

  1. accept

  1. work nine-to-five

  1. negligent

  1. benefit

  1. lazy, idle

  1. quit

  1. certain, timed, shy

Assignment 6. Complete the sentences below with a preposition, postposition, adverb or conjunction where necessary.

  1. He was accepted _______ the course of typing.

  2. I wish we had better access _______ the Internet.

  3. What standards _______ achievement did the students show?

  4. Nowadays they advertise a lot _______ new goods _______ television.

  5. Our schools aim _______ the development of the child.

  6. I would appreciate if you advised me _______ what our next step should be.

  7. Does teaching appeal _______ you?

  8. You can apply _______ the local careers officer_______ guidance.

  9. Would you fill _______ the application form, please?

  10. Why did you turn his application _______?

  11. He was appointed _______ the post some time ago.

  12. He is a real asset _______ our Company.

  13. When are you available _______ the job interview?

  14. She is a great teacher. She has got a bag full of tricks _______ her sleeve.

  15. Is there much money _______ this profession?

  16. If you do this course, it will be _______ your own good.

  17. He has been _______ _______ work for quite a time.

  18. I told him I was _______ _______ my eyes in work and could not go out with him that evening.

  19. He is definitely fond of bossing people _______.

  20. They placed the small child _______her care.

  21. Why don’t you take _______ the career of a journalist.

  22. He is hardly capable _______ cheating.

  23. He was placed _______ charge _______ recruitment.

  24. Why did the cinema have to close _______?

  25. Don’t walk with you head in the clouds! Be reasonable! Come _______ _______. _______ Earth!

  26. He is committed _______ his students.

  27. It generally takes some time to become competent _______ your profession.

  28. It is no use complaining _______ the bad conditions of work – everybody knows it.

  29. Your application is still _______ consideration.

  30. He contributes a lot _______ the friendly atmosphere in this group.

  31. I’ll be available any time _______ your convenience.

  32. I hope that he won’t be _______ a great inconvenience to the staff.

  33. He failed to convince the employer _______ his good professional and business qualities

  34. How long did it take you to cope _______ the task?

  35. The child should be taught how to cooperate _______ his peers.

  36. When in trouble, you can always count _______ your true friends.

  37. During the recession businesses had to cut ______________ the amount of employees.

  38. Isn’t she cut _______ _______ this career?

  39. What does he do? – He deals _______ cars.

  40. I would hate to deal _______ machines. I definitely prefer people.

  41. It is time to decide _______ that.

  42. I am still undecided as _______ my future career

  43. It took them long to arrive _______ the decision

  44. People with knowledge of foreign languages are _______ demand in business, industry and public relations.

  45. We can’t demand _______ people’s abilities.

  46. I would like to discuss this _______ person.

  47. Why was he dismissed _______ work?

  48. The headmistress regarded it as a major breach _______ discipline.

  49. He is not ambitious. He can even live _______ the dole.

  50. Some kids need encouragement _______ the part of the teacher.

  51. He has been _______ of regular employment for quite a time already.

  52. Some graduates of our University seek _______ employment _______ advertising agencies.

  53. You won’t experience any difficulties _______ finding employment.

  54. You will learn _______ experience.

  55. He is a real expert _______ rock music.

  56. A teacher should be fair _______ his students.

  57. Some women prefer to be _______ flexi-time.

  58. Jonathan does not feel fit _______ any job.

  59. The idea was to make the applicant feel _______ ease.

  60. He raved about following diplomacy _______ a career.

  61. Why follow _______ your father’s footsteps? Try something else.

  62. When _______ the job, don’t let anything distract you.

  63. Jane used to be slow in class, but now she is getting _______

  64. This salary is not enough to get _______.

  65. Joseph is frustrated with the results. – What actually gets him _______?

  66. Unless you want to get your kids _______ _______ the wrong foot, you should not neglect careers officer’s advice.

  67. To get _______ _______ life one must acquire some good professional skills.

  68. Getting _______ _______ your boss and colleagues is a key to success

  69. Our headmistress did not punish severely those who got OUT _______ hand. She was not much of a disciplinarian.

  70. It is time he gave _______ his attempts.

  71. Isn’t it a great picture? Why don’t you go _______ _______ Art?

  72. I am afraid, you will have to call the head office some other day. The staff went _______ strike

  73. She is a great conversationalist, especially on the phone. The receiver seems to be grafted _______ her hand.

  74. I went to the career counselor for guidance _______ how to start my job search.

  75. Why did you hand _______ your notice?

  76. The teacher handed _______ the papers she graded.

  77. While hunting _______ a job, stay optimistic.

  78. They will interview you _______ this position on Monday.

  79. Business isn’t good this year and we had to lay _______ some workers.

  80. We learn _______a teacher more than the subject he teaches.

  81. What line of business is his _______?

  82. My parents hope I will make my way _______ the world

  83. People _______ manual occupations seem to suffer less stress.

  84. Currently she is not working – she is _______ maternity leave

  85. I won’t be able to do it _______ such short a notice.

  86. The agency has an opening _______ a position of a sales manager.

  87. You will pick _______ typing as you practice.

  88. The guide took us through the city, pointing interesting sights _______.

  89. He was appointed _______ the post he wanted.

  90. He was hoping for a good position _______ a company.

  91. He did it _______ profit.

  92. He provided a good reference _______ Carol.

  93. The breadwinner is a person who provides _______ the family

  94. She promised to pull her socks _______ and do her best

  95. A perfect boss seldom, if ever, puts scorn _______ his subordinates.

  96. Being receptive _______ new ideas will benefit you a lot.

  97. Eventually you will be recommended _______ a promotion

  98. He provided a good reference _______ Carol.

  99. In what way does your previous experience relate _______ your present occupation?

  100. Did Bertrand resign _______ his post?

  101. He asked _______ a rise.

  102. He acted _______ his own responsibility.

  103. We expect you to set Jim _______ _______ the right path/

  104. Janet set her heart _______ journalism.

  105. He did not shine _______ his job interview, did he?

  106. Shouting _______ people does not help.

  107. I wish you had more practical skills to fall _______ _______.

  108. You should really learn how to do a couple of things, that is have some skills _______ your belt.

  109. Our graduates are skilled _______ computers.

  110. A teacher is expected to be skilful _______ the subject he teaches.

  111. He skipped _______ the list of products.

  112. He really stacks _______ _______. other applicants.

  113. Don’t be embarrassed to stand _______ _______ others.

  114. Have you considered starting _______ your own business?

  115. I take special pride _______ my work. .

  116. I wish John took _______ that job.

  117. Regrettably, the proposal was turned _______

  118. This work is useful _______ society.

  119. One has to have a vocation _______ medicine to make a good doctor.

  120. He has worked _______ this company since he graduated from the University.

  121. I found it difficult to whittle _______ that list.

  122. He has been _______ _______ work for quite a time.

Assignment 7. Choose the right word. Make sure you know the difference between the words given.

  1. Regrettably, I can't accept/except your offer.

  2. Do all the student have access/excess to the library?

  3. It is sure to affect/effect your future.

  4. His dream to become the chief/chef in this restaurant came true.

  5. He is not likely to launch a complain/complaint

  6. He is a considerate/considerable person.

  7. The victory was won at the expanse/expense of his life.

  8. He became head of our personal/personnel department.

  9. Their principle/principal goal was to make profit.

  10. He set/sat a goal for himself to succeed whatever the cost.

  11. This applicant does stick/stack against other applicants.

  12. Our staff/stuff are enthusiastic people.

  13. He is looking for a job/occupation.

  14. I would like to follow my father's career/line.

  15. His weekly wages/salary is/are not enough to make both ends meet.

  16. Our total family income/profit is growing.

Assignment 8. Chose the best alternative to complete the sentence:

1. Unfortunately he _______ the sack.

a) received b) catch c) got d) handed in

2. Do you get any _______?

a) perks b) profits c) interests d) gains

3. Are you in charge of _______?

a) enlistment b) recruitment c) hire d) renting

4. Is it a very _______ job?

a) excessive b) demanding c) requiring d) asking

5. Make sure he has all the right .......... for the job. a) certificates b) degrees c) diplomas d) qualifications

6. A lawyer is a member of a respected ................. a) occupation b) profession c) trade d) work

7. Why not think about choosing a .............. before leaving school. a) business b) career c) living d) profession

8. You have to ................ for this job in person. a) applicate b) apply c) ask d) request

9. If you hear of any ___________ in the company, I would certainly appreciate knowing about them.

a) closings b) openings c) changings d) breakings

10. We regret to say that a careful examination of your resume does not indicate your suitability for the position under ___________ .

a) analysis b) consideration c) consignment d) concern

11. I don't believe the interview would ___________ either of us.

a) reward b) promote c) benefit d) indulge

12. You are expected to give the names of two or three .............. a) hostages b) judges c) referees d) umpires

13. I wonder if there is any job that you may feel ________ for.

a) ready b) fit c) compatible d) appropriate

14. If you’re a(n) ................... you have to do what your boss tells you. a) director b) employee c) employer d) manager

15. Working ............. you can earn more money. a) extraordinary hours b) overhours c) overtime d) supplementary hours

16. You will be required to do several months’ ................ . a) coaching b) education c) formation d) training

17. The purpose of running a business is to make a .............. a) contribution b) money c) profit d) service

18. Great news! I’ve just been ............ . a) promoted b) raised c) advanced d) put up

19. He is looking for new .................. at the moment. a) vacancy b) appointment c) condition d) employment

20. Workers who arrive late will be given three warnings and then ............... . a) refused b) dismissed c) cancelled d) rejected

21. The job ................... dealing with little kids and their parents. a) involves b) concerns c) offers d) encloses

22. The job supervisor was in ................ of nearly fifty men. a) charge b) direction c) leadership d) management

23. She was promoted to the .................. of under-secretary. a) job b) profession c) position d) vocation

24. I’m on the dole now - I was ................. when the company started to lose money. a) laid off b) put off c) called off d) sent off

25. I am afraid there is very little ................. to work hard. a) inspiration b) advantage c) gain d) motivation

26. It’s not very interesting work, but at least it’s a .................... job. a) regular b) continuous c) firm d) steady

27. He had a degree _________.

a) under his belt b) under his collar c) behind his shoulders d) between times

28. A career counselor is to provide ___________ on how to start a job search.

a) instruction b) guidance c) direction d) teaching

29. The reporter took notes in __________.

a) longhand b) shortlist c) shortfall d) shorthand

30. The applicants are expected to have strong verbal and written communication _________________.

a) gifts b) crafts c) manners d) skills

31. I am sure Mrs. Hilbig would be a(n) ___________ to any company.

a) asset b) credit c) gaining d) finding

32. It would be necessary to discuss the matter of salary with the manager at a _______ interview.

a) personal b) individual c) personnel d)person-to-person

33. In your letter you should ________ the three required member recommendations

a) enclose b) provide c) send d) insert

Assignment 9. Match the words from the two columns so as to make verbal collocations.

  1. to turn in/consider/turn down resignation

  2. to make/schedule/ cancel money

  3. to manage/run/direct/handle charge

  4. to follow/take up diplomacy as credentials

  5. to put/place sb in problems

  6. to make/take a post

  7. to be skilled/clever with position

  8. to provide/request an appointment

  9. to arrive at/come to/make/reach redundant

  10. to get/set sb on the wrong a responsibility

  11. to look/hunt/search for computers

  12. to earn/make skills

  13. to accept/to reject a vacancy

  14. to leave/quit/vacate/give up one’s work

  15. to get/have/hold a good/ bad a job

  16. to apply for/appoint to a career

  17. to cope/deal with an application

  18. to be made/become/find oneself choices

  19. to hand in/offer/turn in/send in/give in one's foot

  20. to assume/to accept/to take post

  21. to develop/improve/refine one’s business

  22. to free/fill a decision

  23. to be suitable/fit for an offer

Assignment 10. Write English equivalents of the following.

  1. достичь успеха, добиться прогресса, преуспевать (6)

  2. выбрать профессию (3)

  3. перспективы, возможности карьеры (3)

  4. принять, взять ответственность (2)

  5. решить, прийти к решению (6)

  6. опытный, искусный, натренированный (3)

  7. дать работу, нанять на работу (4)

  8. занять место, заполнить вакансию (2)

  9. зарплата, оплата, доход (5)

  10. справедливый (2)

  11. увольнять (5)

  12. трудный (3)

  13. скучный, неинтересный (7)

  14. босс, наниматель (2)

  15. способный, компетентный (3)

  16. забота, ответственность (3)

  17. шеф, руководитель, лидер (4)

  18. доверие, вера (3)

  19. искать работу (2)

  20. работа (задание) (5)

Assignment 11. Translate into English:

  1. Просмотри, пожалуйста, страницу объявлений.

  2. Поскольку зарплата была низкой, было мало желающих получить эту работу.

  3. Обстановка на собрании была деловой.

  4. Не будь такой занудой!

  5. Ты умеешь обращаться с компьютером?

  6. Джеку не хватает уверенности в себе.

  7. Увольнения привели к забастовке.

  8. Пора тебе самому зарабатывать на жизнь.

  9. Тебе не следует поощрять его плохие привычки.

  10. Он работает в банке.

  11. Он не смог справиться с работой.

  12. Хочу купить машину, поэтому придется поработать дополнительно.

  13. Я действую из лучших побуждений.

  14. Сделка была выгодна нам всем.

  15. Михаила Петровича заставили уйти с должности управляющего.

  16. Ей повысили зарплату на двадцать долларов в неделю.

  17. Общий доход фирмы составил 200 000 долларов.

  18. Мнения по этому поводу расходятся.

  19. Это физический труд или интеллектуальная работа?

  20. Я не работаю сейчас. Я в декретном отпуске.

  21. В офисной работе мало разнообразия.

  22. Вас привлекает преподавание?

  23. Он отверг мое предложение помочь ему искать работу.

  24. Сейчас я получаю пособие по безработице.

  25. По справедливости говоря, он не будет экспертом по этой проблеме.

  26. Мне жаль, что он сделал этот выбор.

  27. Какие профессии предполагают использование языков?

  28. Когда закроется фабрика, многих рабочих сократят.

  29. Он имеет дело с документами.

  30. Эта фирма подчинена мне (я возглавляю эту фирму).

  31. Не беспокой его, он по уши в работе.

  32. Если бы его рекомендовали на повышение год тому назад, он бы согласился тогда.

  33. Она пошла по стопам матери.

  34. Я не люблю командовать людьми.

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