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V. To do

Глагол to do представляет некоторую трудность при переводе, когда он выполняет следующие грамматические функции:

1. функцию эмоционально-усилительную: 1) глагол to do под­черкивает факт совершения действия или усиливает значение дейст­вия, выраженного глаголом-сказуемым в утвердительной форме Pastили Present Indefinite. На русский язык передается словами дейст­вительно, все-таки, же, ведь и т. п.; 2) подчеркивает побуждение кдействию или просьбу (в повелительном наклонении).

In fact his words did show that he was reluctant to get involved. Ha самом же деле его слова действительно показали, что он не хо­чет участвовать в этом (иметь с этим дело).

Примечание. В инвертированных предложениях (обычно после от­рицательных наречий и союзов nowhere, not, no sooner, nor, not only ... but и др.) глагол to do не переводится. Эмфаза инвертированного предложения на русском языке передается лексическим способом.

2. функцию слова-заместителя, во избежание повторения ранееупомянутого глагола или целого предложения. В зависимости от со­четаемости слов в русском языке переводится соответствующимглаголом, предложением или не переводится вообще. В сочетаниисо словом so чаще всего переводится сделать это (так).


Did the Foreign Secretary know that such an arrangement existed? His replies in Parliament yesterday clearly implied that he did. Знал ли министр иностранных дел, что существует такая договорен­ность? Из его ответов в парламенте вчера можно было ясно по­нять, что он знач.

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.

  1. President Roosevelt might not have done all the things he promisedto do and all the things he did do might not be for the country's good inthe long run — but what he did do seemed so much better than the deedsof any other single citizen in the land...

  2. Those immigrants who do arrive are kept in detention centres,called «welcome centres» in official jargon.

  3. The Turkish Constitution, written seven decades ago by the founderof the modern nation, Kemal Ataturk, does indeed decree that the countrymust be governed along strictly secular lines.

  4. In the past Arkansas did endure a reputation for being backward,and its residents were the butt of jokes portraying them as dim-wittedhillbillies.

  5. The trip did demonstrate that the secretary of state, whatever hispolitical standing in Washington, seems to be highly respected by foreignleaders.

6. These developments (parliamentary elections in Scotland andWales) do not signal the rebirth of Scotland and Wales as independentcountries. But they do signal a historic — and welcome — shift in theway Britain is governed.

  1. What the report prepared by a body of the most conservative char­acter does show is that newspaper economics, and particularly the enor­mous and growing reliance on advertising revenue, puts the whole indus­try into crisis.

  2. The defenders of the present United Nations system point out thatthe agencies do in fact work together successfully on a number of proj­ects.

  3. What does represent a growing danger for the effectiveness of thisorganization is the reluctance of some of its members to render assistancein case of financial difficulties.

  1. The Foreign Secretary did not show any willingness to discuss thisquestion, but he did refer to the responsibility of both governments as co-chairmen of the 1954 Geneva conference.

  2. What our politicians do not talk about — the abuses of the FederalReserve Board, the practices of the lobbyists, the strange actions of many


in the Executive Branch — frequently can be more significant to knowing persons than things the Representatives do say

  1. Yet for large and small nations their record in the General Assem­bly does provide a yardstick with which to measure the application oftheir publicly announced foreign policy principles.

  2. All the same the state of the economy and the general trend of na­tional politics do have some influence on the voters.

  3. Nowhere in America or Europe not even among the great liberatedthinkers of the Enlightment did democratic ideas appear respectable tothe cultivated classes.

  4. Both sides are already moving back toward common ground. Notonly did Beijing finally shut down the anti-American protests, but theChinese President after an initial snub, finally talked by phone with theUS President and discussed ways to rebuild their relationship.

  5. Not only does shipping bring the Greek economy more than $1.5billion in receipts each year but its growth over the last 15 years (with thefleet almost tripling in size) has been almost unparalleled.

  6. The supply of fund managers keeps growing, but so does demandfrom investors.

  1. Economies to-day depend less on oil than they did.

  2. In real terms, oil now costs roughly what it did before 1973.

  1. Non-Asian minorities tend to score lower on standardized testsused for college admissions than do Asian-Americans and whites.

  2. Next year will be another depressing year on the farm. The federalgovernment will try to help out with emergency aid and by opening tradebarriers, as it did recently with a new export agreement with China.

  3. Not until the 19th century did democratic government make itsway in any considerable part of the world — in the great states of conti­nental Europe, in South America, in Canada and Australia, in South Af­rica and Japan.