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§ 7. Артикль

Поскольку в русском языке нет грамматической категории ар­тикля, переводчику приходится передавать различные функции ар­тиклей лексическими или синтаксическими средствами русского языка.

В тех случаях, когда артикли кроме своей грамматической функ­ции (маркера существительного) несут и смысловую нагрузку, выступая в качестве определения, они переводятся обычно при-


лагательными, относительными местоимениями и другими час­тями речи.

I. Определенный артикль

1. Определенный артикль переводится прилагательными(выступает в функции определения): текущий, нынешний, настоя­щий, (ныне) существующий, действующий и т. п., а также относи­тельными местоимениями: тот, тот самый, этот, все, все и дру­гими словами в зависимости от контекста.

The allies took big political risks at home by agreeing to base the new missiles in their countries, and some critics at the time had suggested they should be based at sea. Согласившись на размеще­ние этих новых ракет на территории своих стран, европейские союзники пошли на серьезный политический риск. В свое время некоторые критики проекта предлагали базировать ракеты на море.

2. Часто определенный артикль приходится передавать лексиче­ской разверткой (т. е. дополнительными и (или) уточняющими зна­чение словами). Так, например, существительное war с определен­ным артиклем в зависимости от контекста может означать и втораямировая война, и война во Вьетнаме и др.; the Depression Великийкризис 30-х годов Контекст предложения, абзаца или всего текстаподсказывает правильный перевод.

Despite the performance and growing opposition within the Conservative party, the Prime Minister shows every sign of staying on course. Несмотря на неутешительные результаты и растущую оппозицию внутри консервативной партии, премьер-министр по­лон решимости продолжать свою политику.

П. Неопределенный артикль

1. Часто переводится такими словами, как: один из, один, некий, какой-либо, новый, такой, известный, определенный, любой и др.

Too often the stories about amazing Russian weapons come from people in reporters' services or defense contractors with an interest in


exaggeration. Очень часто источником россказней о необыкно­венном российском оружии оказываются (либо) репортеры (либо) или агенты по военным заказам, которые имеют опреде­ленный интерес (определенно заинтересованы) в преувеличении.

2. Необходимость соблюдения при переводе норм сочетаемостислов в русском языке требует лексической развертки в тех случаях,когда существительному с неопределенным артиклем предшествуюттакие глаголы, как to call for, to announce, to seek, to favour, topropose, to drive, to plan, to wage и т. п., или существительные с темже значением: proposal, appeal и т. п.

The US President plans to call for a new round of global trade negotiations. Президент Соединенных Штатов намеревается при­звать к проведению нового раунда переговоров по мировой тор­говле. '

Примечание. В тех случаях, когда неопределенный артикль употреб­ляется для обобщения (с классифицирующим значением), определяемое су­ществительное часто переводится существительным во множественном числе

In a foreign policy address, the choice of theme is in itself a policy decision, the choice of topics sets priorities; the choice of words is studied closely in foreign capitals. В посланиях по внешней политике выбор (главной) темы — является своего рода политическим решением; выбор (включенных) проблем выстраивает приоритеты; выбор формулировок тщательно изучается в столицах других государств.

3. Когда неопределенный артикль выполняет функцию маркерацентра высказывания (информации), в русском языке это значениечасто приходится передавать синтаксическим способом, т. е. изме­нением порядка слов, так как в русской письменной речи центр вы­сказывания обычно находится в конце предложения. Сравните:

The plan of action was worked out thoroughly and in great detail. План действий был разработан тщательно и во всех деталях (подчеркивается, как был разработан план).

A plan of action was worked out, thoroughly and in great detail. Весьма тщательно и подробно был разработан план действий (подчеркивается, что было разработано).

In view of many Latin American officials an effort to impose a


tighter ideological alliance with Washington would be strongly resisted by the regional leading powers. Многие политические дея­тели Латинской Америки считают, что ведущие государства это­го региона решительно выступят против (любой) попытки навя­зать более тесный идеологический союз с Вашингтоном

Примечание. В некоторых случаях употребление или отсутствие не­определенного артикля изменяет значение слова, так например, a power держава, power власть, могущество, электроэнергия, a government прави­тельство, government управление, a few, a little некоторое количество (положительное значение); few, little мало (иногда просто отрицание).

Не has a few objections, but they are unimportant. У него есть несколько возражений, но они несущественны.

Не has few ideas on that matter. По этому поводу идей у него мало (нет).

They said they have little faith in the premier's promises. Они сказали, что мало верят обещаниям премьера.

Проанализируйте и переведите следующие предложения.

  1. The report does not include a section on rights observance in theUnited States itself.

  2. The issues confronting Europe go to the heart of its great construc­tion.

  3. It would be progress to get away with the notion that oil is scarce — anassumption that led to two decades of energy policy mistakes, such assubsidising coal and nuclear power.

  4. Even as prices fall, governments of oil consuming countries shouldbe guarded against the dangers of oil dependence.

  5. Unless Europe and Asia are able to keep the US committed to openmultilateralism, the Asian crisis may yet produce nasty results.

  6. The debate over the House of Lords reform has so far missed themain point. [Britain]

  7. The decision set off a furor in the publishing industry on both sidesof the Atlantic.

  8. «Nestle» confirmed its earlier warnings that the coming year sales-volume growth fell below the company's 4% growth target. The Swisscompany blamed the results on economic turmoil in emerging markets.

  9. The poll echoes a warning from the Trade and Industry Secretary,that Britain may be vulnerable to charges by fellow EU countries that it isturning its back on Monetary Union and therefore Europe.


10. Initially I thought she was copying pictures out of books. Then thepenny dropped: it was not a copy, but the original.

11. Official figures showed yesterday that the economy, despiteslowing under the weight of higher rates, the strong pound and the eco­nomic crisis in Asia, is still creating jobs.

  1. As the country's deepest postwar recession continues, with indus­trial production plummeting and unemployment soaring at rates last seenduring the Depression, fears are growing that Prime Minister's medicinemay be permanently disabling rather than curing.

  2. Doomsayers predict a decade of lost growth in East Asia, like theone that Latin America went through after its debt crisis in the early1980s

  3. «Which candidate are you against?» ... «All the candidates havegiven me a reason to vote against them.»

  4. Democratic economists believe that at a time when business is op­erating with considerable slack, the nation could stand even larger deficitswithout much risk of accelerating inflation.

  5. After a treaty intended to establish a permanent International!Criminal Court was negotiated in 1998 in Rome, the British Foreign Of-ifice said «the institution would help to tackle the grotesque paradoxwhereby the killer of one person is more likely to be brought to justicethan the killer of thousands.»

  6. His aides made clear that the ideas, disclosed in an interview, werenot fixed in stone and were simply the start of a « free-thinking» exerciseon possible EU reforms.

  7. Legal advice will be available from booths in Community centres,doctors' surgeries and public libraries under plans outlined by the LordChancellor yesterday.

19 Diplomats fear an influx into Western Europe this summer of ille­gal immigrants being released from Italian detention centres under loop­holes in new immigration laws.

  1. The Government, besieged by criticism of its handling of theeconomy, yesterday gratefully pounced on news of a fall in unemploy­ment to its lowest level for 18 years, combined with an easing in wagepressure which had been responsible for interest rate rises.

  2. The new doctrine, approved by President Clinton last month,marks an important step forward a world in which the United States relieson fewer nuclear weapons for its defense.

  3. A president who spends most of his working hours figuring outhow to buy votes with public money is not likely to be very critical of amultilateral agency (the IMF) that does pretty much the same thing.

20. 23 The new administration has decided to propose a relaxation of air pollution regulations to make it easier for oil refiners, steel producers and other basic industries to expand and modernize their plants, Vice Presi­dent announced.

  1. UN officials report that seven Arab oil-producing countries in theGulf are about to announce a $250-million annual fund for UN aid agen­cies.

  2. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions plans a national rallyon May 1st, a traditional day for workers ' agitation.

  3. The European Union's industry ministers Friday called for a linkbetween all state subsidies to the steel industry and cuts in capacity. Butthey were unable to agree on a deadline for phasing out subsidies.

  4. The Labour Party leader called the figures «tragic and terrible»and called for a debate in Parliament.

  5. EU finance ministers agreed Monday to seek a common policy onthe stabilizing of interest rates before the economic summit conferencescheduled for July in Ottawa.

  6. Some Planning Ministry official favor an income tax not becausethe government needs the money, but because they believe Kuwaitisshould understand the relationship between effort and reward.

  7. Under mounting political pressure to do something to stimulateGermany's economy, the Berlin government Wednesday announced a se­ries of incentives to boost business investment, particularly in energy andnew technology fields.

31 The Federal government can borrow from the Federal Reserve to finance immense deficits, has done so, and surely will again when eco­nomic downturn calls for fiscal stimulus.

32. Government cutbacks in state spending have badly hit localauthorities, and most have started _ big cutbacks, including layoffs thathave worsened unemployment, currently at 2.06 million, or 8.5 per centof the work force.

  1. The Bundesbank said Thursday that it does not see any room for aretreat from its tight credits policies despite an economic downturn,which has spurred repeated calls for_lower interest rates to stimulate theeconomy and fight unemployment.

  2. There are legitimate questions about the stability of MonetaryUnion and the drive for a federal Europe that will not be resolved by theinstinct to embrace the « modern» option.

  3. A research officer at the department of economics at BirkbeekCollege, looked forward to forging links with groups in Eastern Europe in


preparation for a European convention to be held possibly a year from now.

  1. The ambitious plan of the Bolivian government calls not only foran end to new planting of coca plants, but for unprecedented eradicationof existing crops. Compensation to individual farmers who voluntarilyeradicate their plants is to stop by the end of this year. An alternative« community» scheme will be phased out by 2011.

  2. All this boiled down to a demand, not yet explicitly stated, for aprogram of aid and reconstruction on the scale being planned for Europeat that time by the incipient Organization for European Economic Coop­eration (OEEC).

  3. The coalition began campaigning for a tax to get at excessive oilprofits early last fall.

  4. It is time for a decision: without it, in the end, there will be nopossible solution.

  5. Twenty-four American political figures, most of them of Irish an­cestry, Tuesday urged an end to «the fear and the terrorism and the big­otry» in Northern Ireland and proposed that the administration find a wayto promote a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

  6. The conference produced what's been described as the most prob­ing discussions on plant closings that have yet been conducted in theUSA. There was 100% support for a new federal agency to handle theshutdowns epidemic, and the conference adopted a plan outlining theneed for a new Job Preservation Act in Congress to set up such anagency.

  7. This is indeed a new world. But not one that needs a new Colum­bus to claim it or reshape it.

  8. The disclosure that a Pulitzer Prize-winning account had been fab­ricated has focused attention on the steps a newspaper or a broadcast sta­tion takes to verify a story when a reporter says the main participantscannot be identified.

  9. Justice Department officials are developing a package of legisla­tive proposals to increase the federal government's ability to fight violentcrime.

  1. A German Jewish leader stepped into the nationality dispute,warning in an interview Friday that it had given a dangerous boost to far-right groups, Agency France-Press reported from Bonn.

  2. A bacterial outbreak linked to a Michigan meat processing planthas claimed eight lives, federal officials reported.

  3. Taiwan's central bank has been considering lending to the central


banks of Indonesia and Thailand. A negotiating team from Indonesia is expected in Taipei soon.

  1. While the break-up of old fixed-wire monopolies preoccupiedmost consumers and investors, a quiet revolution was happening in wire­less service.

  2. The immediate cause [of the violent riots in Harare] was a steeprise in the price of Zimbabwe's staple food, maize meal. A committee hasnow been appointed to review all recent price rises.

  3. An array of cheap government loans and services was made avail­able to encourage investment in industry.

  4. An IMF team will visit Brazil «promptly» to set new economictargets in light of the new currency regime and will soon open a perma­nent office in Brazilia.

  5. Although few expect a quick upturn for the Chinese economy, thelong-term optimists about China continue to rely on rosy economic fore­casts.

  6. The merger trend is roaring full steam ahead in the world auto in­dustry, on a scale not seen since the 1920s. Back in 1921, there were 88auto manufacturers in the U.S. By 1928, only 32 remained. Today thereare only 25 auto manufacturers in the world! And by all indications, onlya few of these will survive the next few years.

  7. Few diseases have been as politicised as AIDS. And in few othercases is political correctness such a danger to the disease's victims.

  8. To the average housewife, who can see for herself that the pricesin the supermarket are edging up, the Labor Department's bulletin lastweek was hardly a surprise.

But few housewives or their husbands either, were aware of another, «invisible» form of inflation — namely, reductions in the size of pack­ages that are not accompanied by reduction in price.

  1. Few industries can boast such rapid growth as this one.

  2. Few other international problems have such a complex structure orsuch wide repercussions.

  3. That in turn has left him with little immediate choice but to be­come more repressive still: to re-establish his authority by force of loyalsoldiery.

  1. The Labour leaders never faced up to what was involved inbreaking the grip of the giant monopolies on the British economy. Theyshowed little understanding of the nature of the state, or of the kind ofbattle needed to transform it.

  2. Yesterday's proceedings were an antiquated farce, enjoyed by no


one, and serving little purpose. The sensible way to wrap up a parlia­mentary session would surely be to vote a closure on the last day of the summer term.

  1. Certainly there was little evidence that he would be able to shiftthe State Secretary from his fundamental lack of enthusiasm for the proj­ect.

  2. In his address on the House floor Mr. Levigston said Thursday:«To my friends on the left: ...Government left unwatched can lead to in­justice. To my friends on the right: ...Government is not inherently evil».

  3. After the sense of drift during John Major's years in power, it is arefreshing change for Britain to have a government which inspires wide­spread public confidence.

  4. The government has begun a program in which people aged 18 to24 who have been unemployed for at least six months face losing theirdole money unless they get a job or enter a training program, although thejobless rate among the group is 13.5 percent.

  5. The rise of East Asia in the late twentieth century may ultimatelyprove to be a more important world-historical event than the collapse ofcommunism.