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2 Semester

Unit 1

Educate- to teach or train somebody especially in school

Grant – money that is given by the government for a particular purpose.

Graduate –a person who has a first degree from a university, to get a first degree.

Unit 2

Qualified – having passed an exam or having the knowledge, experience in order to be able to do something.

Workshop – a period of discussion and practical work on a particular subject6 when people share their knowledge and experience.

Science-the study of and knowledge about the physical world natural laws.

Unit 3

Curriculum – all the subjects that are taught in school, college and university.

Nursery – a place where small children and babies are looked after so that their parents can go to work.

Handwriting– a person`s style of writing by hand.

Unit 4

Fresher – a student who is in his her first year at university or college.

Lecture – a talk that is given to a group of people to teach them about a particular subject especially as apart of a university course.

Tuition –teaching , especially to a small group of people.

Applicant– a person who makes a formal request for something, especially for a job, a place at a college, university.

Unit 5

Enroll –to become or to make somebody a member of a club, school.

Achievement – something that you have done successfully, especially through hard work or skill.

Reputation– the opinion that people in general have about what somebody is like.

Unit 6

Award – a prize that somebody gets for doing something well.

Allowance– an amount of money that you receive regularly to help you pay for something that you need.

Scholar– a person who studies and has a lot of knowledge about a particular subject.

Unit 7

Fee– the money you pay for professional advice or service from private doctors , lawyers, schools, universities.

Term – a period of time which a school or university year is divided.

Toboggan– a type of flat pieces of metal underneath that people use for traveling down hills on snow for fun.

Unit 8

Track event– a sports event that consists of running round a track in a race rather than throwing something or jumping.

Shooting – to hunt and kill birds and animals with a gun as a sport.

3. Содержание практических занятий и методические указания по их изучению



Text: Rules of introduction.

Grammar: The verb “To be”.

Rules of introduction.

When people in the US have a company or when they're invited to formal or informal get-togethers, they usually make a point of trying to make others feel comfortable and relaxed. On the whole, they tend to be informal.

Men shake hands, but usually only when they're introduced. Male friends and business associates who haven't seen each other in a while may shake hands when they say hello. Women usually don't shake hands when being introduced to each other. When a woman and a man are introduced, shaking hands is up to the woman. Americans rarely shake hands to say good-bye, except on business occasions.

Handshaking is rather rare in Britain as well, but it is a correct thing to do on the Continent. When an Englishman passes a friend in the street he only touches his hat. He doesn't shake hands when he stops to talk.

At parties, interviews and other formal and informal situations you meet people you haven't met before and have to introduce yourself to them, or they introduce themselves to you. You also have to introduce people you already know to one another.

Here are a few rules or introduction which are useful to remember:

  1. men are introduced to women;

  2. young people to older ones;

  3. old friends to newcomers;

  4. a young girl to a married woman

  5. women are never presented to a man.

Topical vocabulary.

1. get acquainted with smb познакомиться с кем-либо

(become acquainted with smb;

make smb acquaintance;

make the acquaintance of smb)

2. acquaintance (n) знакомый

3. have a nodding acquaintance только раскланиваться с кем-л

4. introduce smb. to smb. представить кого- либо

5. be introduced to smb. быть представленным кому-либо

6. introduce oneself представиться

7. meet (v) smb (зд.) познакомиться с кем-либо

8. address (v) обращаться к кому-либо

9. know smb. быть знакомым с кем-либо

10. know by sight знать в лицо

11. letter of introduction рекомендательное письмо

12. visiting (calling) card визитная карточка

13. shake hands пожимать руку

14. spell (one’s name) назвать по буквам

15. friend друг

16. close (intimate) friend близкий друг

17. bosom friend закадычный друг

18. make friends with smb . помириться

make friends again

19. make a friendly chat поболтать

Forms of Address:

First name - to friends

Mr Brown - to a man we don 't know well

Mrs Brown - to a married woman we don't know well

Miss Brown - to a girl or unmarried woman