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1. Name and describe: a) the major groups of fungi; b) the ways of fungal nutrition.

2. Prepare a report on the topic under discussion. Grammar exercises

Ex. 1. Translate into Russian paying attention to Participle I as an Attribute.

  1. Cells were found to exist independently or as one small part of an organism, consisting of many cells.

  2. Unicellular organisms carry out all necessary lute-supporting functions within one cell.

  3. It is the brain that is responsible for processing most of the incoming information.

  4. Blood is a fluid flowing through blood vessels throughout the body.

  5. Worms and planaria can regenerate the missing portion of their body.

  6. Viruses may be moving genetic material among plants and animals, sometimes imparting new characteristics that are adaptively significant.

  7. The fronds of the fern containing sporangia are called sporophylls.

  8. There are two opposite forces operating, hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure.

  9. Proteins are the chemical basis of life on earth carrying out incredibly diverse tasks in all organisms.

  10. Diseases affecting basement membranes can have severe clinical consequences.

  11. Increasing contamination by decaying debris leads to hydras’ death.

  12. The most valuable pearls come from the waters bordering Asia.

  13. Mosquito sometimes lays its eggs in hollow trees holding stagnant water.

  14. The instinct enabling the spider to spin cobwebs is its most remarkable feature.

  15. The conference being held at our University is devoted to ecological problems.

  16. The experiment being conducted by the students will give important results.

  17. The new equipment being installed in the laboratory is rather complicated.

Ex. 2. Translate into Russian paying attention to Participle II as an Attribute.

  1. Platelets are membrane bound cell fragments formed from large bone marrow cells called megakaryocytes.

  2. The light microscope is still one of the most important instruments used in biology.

  3. Free radicals derived from oxygen can damage all types of biological molecules.

  4. Hydras are usually found attached by their foot to a leaf or a small twig.

  5. The undigested food is pushed out through the mouth of a hydra.

  6. The toxic fluid ejected from the stinging cells numbs the prey.

  7. The annelid worms have a well-developed body cavity.

  8. Fertilized eggs develop inside a hard cocoon formed around the earthworm’s body from fluid thrown out from the girdle in the anterior end of the worm.

  9. The Pearl Mussel spends most of its life half-burried in the mud usually fixed to one spot.

  10. The mixture moistened with saliva dries fast and forms solid cell walls.

  11. The blood plasma carries salts, proteins, amino acids, glucose, some dissolved gases, etc.

  12. Nutrition is a combination of many integrated processes involved in an organism’s absorption and use of materials.

  13. The energy produced by the raw materials is usually measured in calories.

  14. One calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise one gram of water one degree centigrade.

  15. This is a specialized tissue made up of thin and flattened cells arranged like paving stones.

  16. The plants affected by unfavorable conditions underwent a thorough treatment.

  17. The scheme insisted upon proved to be satisfactory

  18. The substances so much spoken about find application in medicine.

  19. The conclusion arrived at was correct.

  20. The first experiment followed by a series of others provided us with many valuable data.

  21. The nature of the mutations involved is unknown.

  22. The rate of a reaction depends on the specific nature of the substances involved.

  23. The problem concerned proved to be rather complicated.

  24. None of the authors concerned bases his experiment on the method discussed.

  25. The nature of the cells concerned has not been determined.

Ex. 3. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to different forms of Participle as an Adverbial Modifier.

  1. Many plants reproduce vegetative sprouting new plants from leaves, roots, or some other part of the parent.

  2. The vascular cambium divides producing the secondary tissues.

  3. Being hormones, antibodies, membrane receptors, protein molecules control cellular metabolism.

  4. Flowing though the epithelia vessels the blood absorbs oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide.

  5. The capsule remains in the soil protecting the eggs from dryness.

  6. Destroying grapevines and leaves, the snail does great damage to plants.

  7. Vapors dissolve in the mucus causing nerve impulses to be sent to the brain.

  8. Neurons respond to stimuli transmitting messages to one another, to muscles and to endocrine organs.

  9. Depending on the organism blood is usually slightly warmer that the animal’s body temperature.

  10. Breaking down the nutrient materials involves a series of processes that are known as digestion.

  11. The relative amount of plasma in the blood depends on the organism’s health when being examined and a lot of other variables.

  12. Being provided with protection and favorable conditions bees’ eggs are able to develop into adults.

  13. Combined together the four basis tastes (salt, sweet, sour and bitter) give us a range of subtle flavors.

  14. Asexual reproduction is quite simple compared to sexual reproduction.

  15. Cultivated under favorable conditions the vegetation is getting dense and luxuriant.

  16. Paramecia die when placed in cool boiled airless water.

  17. Carried readily in the encysted states Protozoa are widely distributed to new habitats.

  18. Having survived the winter, the eggs hatch into young spiderlings.

  19. Having penetrated a red blood corpuscle, the parasite grows at its expense.

  20. Having collected all the material he was able to make a report.

  21. Having finished the experiment the students recorded the results obtained.

  22. Having applied some newly developed methods the scientist managed to solve the problem concerned.

  23. Having arrived two days before the conference he had a lot of time to see the city.

  24. Having completed all out preparations we hired a taxi and hurried off.

  25. Unless otherwise specified, each determination involves the use of two or three large specimens.

  26. All of the irradiations described below were carried out with x-rays in the presence of oxygen, except where otherwise stated.

  27. Only experiments on unanesthesized animals, unless otherwise mentioned, will be described.

  28. Except where otherwise indicated, the operations were carried out at 0-5°C.

Ex. 4. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form of Participle.

  1. Breathing is an energy (to consume) process because of the muscular activity (to require) to move the diaphragm.

  2. In cold weather muscles (to attach) to hair follicles tighten, (to make) our hair stand on end.

  3. The (to move) fluid (to contain) in semi-circular canals in the ear send signal to the brain to keep the body balance.

  4. When the proteins (to involve) in clotting are removed from blood plasma, the (to remain) liquid is called serum.

  5. Of the four basic macromolecules (to find) in (to live) things, proteins, carbohydrates and fats have become the primary molecular units (to represent) the food in our diets.

  6. The influenza virus is the fasterst (to mutate) virus (to know) capable of changing the outer protein coat through (to succeed) generations of the flu.

  7. The filtration pressure is the name (to give) to the force (to control) the direction of movement of fluid between blood and tissues.

  8. Some types of heart diseases affect the ventricles, (to cause) them to lose some of the power (to need) to pump blood out of the heart.

  9. (To move) continually, the cilia draw the (to excrete) matter from the body cavity into the nephridia, and pass it out.

  10. Leaf- (to eat) pests can be destroyed with “stomach poisons”, (to spray) or (to dust) onto the leaves of the plants (to attack) by pests.

  11. The spiderlings behave at once as adult, (to experience) spiders, (to spin) and (to wave) with the greatest skill.

  12. Vessels lead away from the heart (to convey) the animal’s blood to all parts of the body.

  13. When (to walk) through a wood in late summer, you may see many spider’s cobwebs.

  14. When (to transport) ferns have little trouble (to grow) in drier environments.

  15. Biological antioxidants are substances capable of reacting with free radicals thus (to present) or (to delay) oxidation of biological molecules.

Ex. 5. Translate the sentences into English using Participle.


  1. Глюкоза, накапливаемая в теле в форме гликогена, представляет собой простой сахар, содержащий шесть атомов углерода.

  2. Противоположный конец, прилегающий к поддерживающему слою, становится удлиненным.

  3. Вода проходит через жабры, неся растворенный кислород и удаляя углекислый газ.

  4. У инфузорий и гидр растворенный кислород из окружающей воды диффундирует в клетки.

  5. Папоротники имеют хорошо развитую сосудистую систему, содержащую клетки, транспортирующие воду и клетки, транспортирующие сахар.

  6. Свободные радикалы – это атомы, молекулы или соединения, содержащие один или несколько непарных электронов.

  7. Вирусы содержат нуклеиновые кислоты, заключенные в защитную оболочку из белка.

  8. Большинство акул и скатов имеют скелетную систему, состоящую из хряща.

  9. Вода, несущая растворенный кислород, поступает в жаберные полости.

  10. Вирусы взаимодействуют с живыми организмами, вмешиваясь в их клеточные процессы.

  11. Майские жуки наносят большой вред лесам, поражая корни молодых сосен.

  12. Непереработанные материалы, растворенные в воде, легко выделяются из сократительной вакуоли.


1. Не зная номер его телефона, я не могла позвонить ему.

2. Люди, ожидающие врача, сидят здесь давно.

3. Работа, предложенная мне недавно, кажется мне интересной.

4. Я чувствую себя очень уставшей, проработав целый день на солнце.

5. Будьте внимательны, управляя автомобилем.

6. Полученные новости всех взволновали.

7. Ожидая тебя, я просматривала журналы.

8. Он был растерян, так как до того никогда не испытывал таких затруднений.

9. Не застав ее дома, я оставила ей записку.

10. Стоя у прилавка, он сомневался, не зная, что выбрать.

Ex. 6. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to Complex Object and Complex Subject.


  1. We watched fungal spores germinating under favourable conditions.

  2. Scientists can make most bacteria “growing” in culture media.

  3. Many centuries ago people noticed some plants treating pain and inflammation.

  4. Investigators found such plants containing salicylic acid.

  5. We assume aspirin playing a major part in the treatment and prevention of heart attacks and strokes.

  6. Scientists fond insulin synthesizing in the pancreas.

  7. We found most of the algae living all their life immersed in water.

  8. During application of negative pressure to the electrode we have seen electrode resistance increasing.

  9. They defined the angiosperms as origination and slowly diversifying for millions of years.

  10. It is customary to speak about chromosomes as being present in homologous pairs.

  11. In living cells chondriosomes can be seen constantly appearing and disappearing.

  12. Cells had been recognized as being constantly present in the bodies of living organisms.

  13. Plant and animal tissue can be seen divided into a great many small compartments called cells.

  14. Slime molds are usually found growing on decaying organic matter.

  15. Parasites can be seen attacking living plants or animals.

  16. Fungal spores are considered dispersing the fungi to new habitats.

  17. Some hyphae were found having many nuclei within the cytoplasm.

  18. Fungi are often seen living in lichens.

  19. Dietary requirements are assumed varying according to age, sex and lifestyle.

  20. Most often a few roots can be seen developed from the lower portion of the seedling.


1. I must get the book published.

2. Have you had your watch repaired?

3. He had the letter sent yesterday.

4. I’m going to have my hair cut tomorrow.

5. I must have my tooth fixed.

6. I want my car repaired.

7. When will you have the piano tuned?

Ex. 7. Translate into Russian. Pay attention to Absolute Participial Construction.

  1. Oxygen and nutrients move from the blood to the cells, carbon dioxide and the other waste products moving in the opposite direction.

  2. Energy being required by the body, glycogen is converted back into glucose.

  3. Platelets having stuck to each other in the punctured blood vessel, blood flow stops very quickly.

  4. Platelets being activated, membrane-bound granules holding reactive molecules are released.

  5. All proteins are synthesized from only 20 amino acids, the composition of a specific protein being determined by the way amino acids are linked together.

  6. Having been folded correctly, proteins are transported to their final location.

  7. The egg proteins being highly digestible and containing all the essential amino acids, eggs are important compounds in man’s diet.

  8. Worker-bees do not lay eggs, their reproductive organs being insufficiently developed.

  9. The queen stays in the hive laying eggs, worker-bees collecting food and taking care of the young grubs.

  10. The chitinous cover being rigid, the process of growth is linked with periodic mouldings.

  11. A range of compounds in out diet posses antioxidant activities, vitamin E, carotenoids and vitamin C acting as antioxidants.

  12. The amount of lime, nitrogen and phosphoric acid being insufficient in the soil, manuring is necessary.

  13. Hydrogen burns in air with almost colorless flame, water being produced.

  14. The method of harvesting to be applied depends on many factors, the stage of maturity being one of the most important.

  15. The losses caused by plant diseases having been enormous, the cultivation of some crops has been stopped.

  16. Other conditions being equal, the closely packed type will have a honeycomb structure.

  17. Other conditions being equal, the balance between the two forces is disturbed.

  18. Other conditions being equal, long chains of cellulose are bundled together into microfibrils.