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Follow-up activities

1. Describe: a) how angiosperms are pollinated; b) the life cycle of conifers.

2. Prepare a dialogue with your partner discussing:

  1. the most successful group of living plants

  2. the history of conifers, their reproduction and the features distinguishing them from other groups.

3. Write essays on the topics: a) conifers; b) flowering plants.


Ex. 1. Use the Infinitive with or without the particle ”to”.

  1. I helped him (to find) his things.

  2. He made me (to do) all the work again.

  3. My neighbour let me (to borrow) his own car.

  4. When I was a child I was made (to go) to the doctor whenever I felt ill.

  5. I can’t (to think) what made him (to do) such a thing.

  6. I felt the insect (to crawl up) my arm.

  7. Let’s (to watch) the boys (to dive).

  8. She heard him (to open) the door.

  9. You’d better (to try) not (to think) about it.

  10. I asked him if he was willing (to help) me (to do) the job.

  11. Why not (to allow) her (to do) as she likes?

  12. Why not (to let) her (to do) as she likes?

  13. They were seen (to come) to the corner.

Ex. 2. Use the Infinitive or Gerund

  1. He used (read) a lot of "fantasy" books when a teenager.

  2. He is not used (watch) soap operas on TV.

  3. Please stop (speak) so loudly!

  4. After two hours we stopped (have) a snack.

  5. My grandmother remembers (see) this famous actor in many parts at the theatre.

  6. Do you remember (see) John and tell him that we can't meet today?

  7. I started (speak) at the age of two.

  8. Oh, look! It is starting (rain).

  9. He went on (read) newspaper as if nothing had happened.

  10. I couldn’t (find) a cheap flat in the downtown.

  11. The child was so nice that people couldn't help (smile) at him.

  12. I like (pay) bills without delays.

  13. Do you like (play) cricket?

  14. When we have a birthday party, my mother likes (play) games with children.

  15. I heard my mother (walk) up and (turn) on the radio.

  16. When I woke up at four in the morning, I could hear my mother (cough).

  17. When she looked out of the window she saw a stranger (sit) on the bench.

  18. Can you hear two men (have) an argument?

  19. I've never seen anyone (eat) as little as you do.

  20. When he entered the office he watched the secretary (talk) on the phone.

  21. It is clear mat they haven't heard me come in.

  22. When she saw me (go) along the street she came up to me.

  23. I like (look) after my sister's children.

  24. Don't forget (take) your camera.

  25. I remember (see) him at the party.

  26. I’d love (go) abroad this summer.

  27. On the way to the station, I stopped (buy) newspaper.

  28. “Remember (feed) the dog before you leave," she said.

  29. I couldn't stand (see) him again.

  30. I'd hate (spend) all my life in a one-horse town.

  31. I can't bear (be asked) stupid questions.

  32. James looked hurt. Liz regretted (be) so rude to him.

  33. As a child Ted used (ride) his bicycle every day.

  34. Tomorrow I've got to be at work at 7 a.m. but I'm not used (get up) so early.

Ex. 3. Translate from English into Russian. Learn expressions.

  1. Early in the morning — to be exact at a quarter to ten — Hill arrived at the station.

  2. To tell the truth, I lost faith in him.

  3. To be honest, she couldn’t, remember much of you.

  4. To cut it/a long story/ short, the experiment has failed.

  5. To begin with, we’ll do some sketching here and then look for a sunnier place.

  6. To be quite frank, I’m against your plan.

  7. To put it mildly, he hasn’t enough experience in this field.

  8. Strange to say, the novel was a success.

  9. Needless to say, Ernest kept his word.

Ex. 4. Translate from English into Russian

  1. Many important problems are to be solved in the nearest future.

  2. He was glad to have fulfilled his work ahead of time

  3. It is important to know the conditions necessary for the best development of this plant.

  4. One of the most important tasks facing our agriculture is to improve the fertility of the soil.

  5. Take care not to increase the temperature more than 100 during the experiment.

  6. Most plants are able to manufacture proteins out of certain complex nitrogen compounds.

  7. Studying the structure and behavior of nucleic acids, scientists are getting to know how nature creates living organisms.

  8. Attempts were also made to associate growth rhythms in these plants with fluctuations in the chemical composition of the air.

  9. The chemist is usually inclined to regard the appearance of this product as signifying that the reaction is over.

  10. To absorb plant nutrients from the soil the plant must have roots.

  11. Which method to use depends on many factors.

Ex. 5. Translate into English

  1. Сказать так — значит солгать.

  2. Вам пойдут на пользу прогулки по утрам.

  3. Стихи труднее переводить, чем прозу.

  4. Я думаю, вам не на что жаловаться.

  5. Я сожалею, что отнял у вас так много времени.

  6. С вашей стороны было очень любезно пригласить нас.

  7. Я рад, что заблаговременно заказал номер в гостинице.

  8. Мы очень гордимся тем, что победили на чемпионате.

  9. Первое, что вам нужно сделать — это заказать билеты на пароход.

  10. Это я должен задавать вопросы, а вы — отвечать на них.

  11. Здесь несколько трудных слов, которые нужно посмотреть в словаре.

  12. Вряд ли он позволит себе купить такую дорогую машину. Ведь ему приходится содержать большую семью.

  13. Мы остановились, чтобы прочитать объявление на стене.

  14. Они встретились, чтобы вновь расстаться.

  15. Вы помните, кто ушел из лаборатории последним?

  16. По правде говоря, мне было трудно читать эту книгу в оригинале.

  17. Я слишком устал, чтобы идти в кино сегодня.

  18. Было еще достаточно светло, чтобы читать.

  19. Он пошел в библиотеку, чтобы взять журналы и книги, которые ему нужны для экзамена по истории.

  20. Он лег на диван, чтобы отдохнуть немного.

  21. Он положил ключ в портфель, чтобы не потерять его.

  22. Она всегда гуляет вечером, чтобы лучше спать.

  23. Он прочитал правило несколько раз, чтобы лучше понять его.

  24. С ним приятно иметь дело.

  25. Научиться писать труднее, чем научиться читать.

  26. Учителю важно иметь чёткое произношение.

  27. Важно предупредить их вовремя.

Ex. 6. Translate into Russian (Infinitive Constructions Complex Object).

  1. Our scientists want this crop to mature earlier in northern districts.

  2. We know the maximum temperature for germination of tomato to be higher than that required for other crops.

  3. The microscope reveals milk to consist of droplets of butter fat dispersed in watery fluid.

  4. We know phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulphur to be the primary elements.

  5. Diffusion shows molecules of any substance to be in motion.

  6. Although bacteria do have visible chromosomes, no one has ever seen bacterial cells fuse.

  7. We expect every student to know the difference between the roots of the two plants.

  8. They know this plant to live for more than two seasons.

  9. Scientists suppose the wild form of this crop to grow in Africa.

  10. The ancients did not believe the tides of the ocean, the atmosphere and the solid mantle of the earth to be due to the forces of attraction of the sun and moon.

  11. What makes the leaves of any plant reach a certain size and cease growing?

  12. What causes these elements to combine and form compounds?

  13. Analysis of data enables the energy distribution to be deduced.

  14. The new technique permits nuclei to be taken out of mammalian cells.

Ex. 7.

A. Translate into Russian (Complex Subject).

  1. The marine species are said to have alteration of haploid and diploid generations.

  2. The reduction is believed to be caused by the acids of cod liver oil.

  3. Plants are known to absorb most of their nutrients from the soil solution.

  4. This reaction is known to be unfavourable to the growth of higher plants.

  5. Air is believed to be a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen with small amounts of other gases.

  6. This phenomenon is believed to have taken place a few years ago.

  7. Highly infectious virus diseases are now recognized to be transmitted by insects.

  8. Wheat is said to have bean grown in China 3,000 years ago.

  9. This scientist is said to have developed a new drought resistant variety of wheat.

  10. This land is said to produce a good crop every year.

  11. This soil is thought to contain much moisture.

  12. Ground water was found to contain a great deal of impurities.

B. Answer the questions about your friend using the verbs:

to seem, to appear, to prove, to turn out to come out (оказываться), to happen in Active voice.

Model: - Does he go in for sport?

- Yes, he seems to go in for sport.

  1. Is he a kind-hearted person?

  2. Is he a generous man?

  3. Is he older or younger than you are?

  4. Does he love nature?

  5. Did he finish school last year?

  6. Was he born in 1998?

  7. Is he interested in botany or zoology?

  8. Do you have much in common?

  9. Is he fond of travelling?

  10. Does he live in the hostel?

  11. Is he a reliable person?

Ex. 8. Translate into Russian.


  1. Deserts are likely to provide a sufficiency of food.

  2. In terms of the theory, exceptionally wide dispersal is likely to be ineffective.

  3. There are certain to be exceptions to every rule we try to lay down.

  4. The conference will discuss the problems which are likely to be extremely important for conservation of water resources.

  5. These experiments are likely to change our methods of work.

  6. The replacement of the device is unlikely to take place today.

  7. The application of this insecticide alone is unlikely to bring good effect.

  8. I am going to attend a conference which is likely to be of great interest.


  1. The cell wall appears to be nonliving.

  2. Water absorption by lichens does not appear to be a metabolic process.

  3. Substances contained in or produced by placental tissue were not postulated to inhibit lactation.

  4. These species were never found to be of any great size and were observed only rarely.

  5. This fact must not be taken to mean that many plants are out of harmony with their surroundings.

  6. Obviously both heredity and environment are absolutely necessary and neither can be said to be more important than the other.

  7. The collection includes species said to come from the Burton district.

  8. One of the events most likely to result from various treatments of the protein is that some bonds may be broken.

Ex. 10. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the construction "for+noun+lnfinitive”.

  1. For the reaction to take place the temperature should be as low as possible.

  2. For the viruses to be seen a powerful electronic microscope should be used.

  3. For the information to be obtained they had to perform over 200 experiments.

  4. They have created all necessary conditions for the experiment to be continued.

  5. 8 minutes are required for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth.

  6. Certain conditions are necessary for life to be possible on planets.

  7. For the seeds to develop normally they must be placed into proper conditions.

  8. What is necessary for germination to occur?

  9. Three months are needed for these plants to reach their maturity.

  10. For tomatoes to grow well they should be provided with much warmth and light.

  11. It is only for a specialist to draw a definite conclusion.

  12. Certain environmental conditions are necessary for each stage to take place.

Ex. 11. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. Они заставили его сказать правду.

  2. Она умоляла врачей спасти ее ребенка.

  3. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы подождали меня здесь.

  4. Он хочет, чтобы его сын стал учителем.

  5. Мы не ожидали, что он приедет так рано.

  6. Все думали, что они поженятся.

  7. Она не любит, чтобы дети готовили уроки вечером.

  8. Никто не ожидал, что погода изменится так внезапно.

  9. Ожидается, что студенты проведут конференцию, чтобы отметить это замечательное событие.

  10. Предполагается, что докладчик не будет затрагивать эту сложную проблему.

  11. Лучшее, что ты сейчас можешь сделать, — это извиниться перед ней.

  12. Этот чемодан слишком тяжелый для меня.

  13. Только специалист может сделать окончательный вывод.

  14. Я оставлю словарь, для того чтобы вы им воспользовались.

  15. Эксперимент, который ему предстояло провести, был очень необычным.

  16. Кажется, все студенты читали эту статью.

  17. Он, по-видимому, не знает английского языка.

  18. Кажется, что этот завод производит такое оборудование с 1986 года.

  19. Маловероятно, что они закончат свою работу до конца мая.

  20. Она обязательно примет участие в соревнованиях.

  21. В какой день вы вероятнее всего будете в Лондоне?

  22. Когда-нибудь Тони обязательно узнает об этом. И я не думаю, что он одобрит такой поступок.

  23. Джек хорошо рисует и, возможно, его имя когда-нибудь станет известным.