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Comprehension check

  1. Choose the right variant for the multiple-choice statements.

  1. The following is thought to be the group that is the direct common ancestor of most modern plants:

  1. Pyrrophyta (dinoflagellates) b. Chlorophyta (green algae)

c. Phaeophyta (brown algae) d. Rhodophyta (red algae)

e. Euglenophyta (euglenoids).

  1. Multicellular algae have

  1. true roots b. true stems

c. true leaves d. considerable tissue differentiation e. none of the above.

  1. The simple body form of multicellular algae is called a

  1. Thallus b . sporangium

c. micropyle d. cone

e. angiosperm.

  1. Because the simple body form of multicellular algae is called a thallus, as a group these organisms are sometimes called

  1. Sporantiophytes b. conifers

c. angiosperms. d. algophytes

e. thallophytes.

  1. Algal reproductive structures lack

  1. a protective wall of nondividing cells

  2. zygotes that develop into embryos after having been released from the female reproductive organs

  3. a protective wall of sterile cells

  4. all of the above e. none of the above.

  1. Bryophytes include

  1. Mosses b. liverworts

c. hornworts d. all of the above

e. none of the above.

  1. The vascular plants include

  1. club mosses b. horsetails

c. ferns d. seed plants

e. all of the above.

  1. The following are mechanisms that help embryophytes inhabit terrestrial habitats:

  1. embryophytes have multicellular sex organs covered with a layer of protective, sterile cells.

  2. embryophyte sporangia produce spores that are covered with protective sterile cells.

  3. embryophytes have a waxy cuticle that usually covers the aerial parts of the plants.

  4. all of the above

  5. none of the above.

  1. Give detailed answers to the questions below:

  1. What phyla of unicellular eukaryotic algae do you know?

  2. What photosynthetic organisms are thought to be the ancestors of most modern plants?

  3. How do green, brown and red algae vary?

  4. What is a thallus?

  5. Why do biologists call algae lower plants?

  6. What are the differences between algae and higher plants?

  7. Why are higher plants sometimes called Embryophyta?

  8. What plants are included in the Bryophyta, the Tracheophyta, seed plants?

  9. The move to land for the plants was accompanied by many adaptations. What were they?

  10. What role did vascular tissue play in the evolution of plants?

  11. Why did reproductive needs have to be modified in terrestrial environments?

  12. What mechanisms have helped make it possible for embryophyte plants to inhabit terrestrial habitats?

  1. Think of 5-7 statements that would contradict the contents of the text.

Language focus

  1. Match the words that are: a) similar and b) opposite in meaning:




to procure


to possess


to term


to include

food reserves


to lack



to use

to encase

to increase

to enclose

vascular plants

to eliminate

to release

tube plant




to benefit

food stores

to curtail


to define




to obtain

to encase



  1. Define the following terms:

true algae


lower plants

higher plants




  1. Match the first half of a sentence in column A with the appropriate second half in column B:



1. Chlorophyta are thought to be

a) transported from their specialized photosynthetic structures to the other parts of the plant.

2. Terrestrial plants had to obtain water by a new means, since they were

b) the ancestors of most modern plants.

3. The photosynthetic products had to be

c) no longer bathed in it.

4. Reproductive needs also had to be modified

d) their reproductive structures.

5. A reason the algae have been kept from the plant kingdom is

e) in terrestrial environments

6. Out of water, plants were met

f) all these problems.

7. Vascular tissues evolved that solved

g) with dry conditions, ultraviolet light and nutritional problems.

  1. Put the parts of the sentences in the right order:

  1. Are fertilized, all embryophytes, the archegonia, have, within, egg cells, that, oogametes.

  2. Otherwise, have been, a hostile environment, to what, the move to land, would, many adaptations, by, was accompanied.

  3. Eliminated from, the classification, means, which, tube plant, has been, Tracheophyta, the name.

  4. True algae, a technical word, the term, no longer, since, is, there are, related, directly, to one another, are not, that, so, many, groups, algal.

  5. Seaweed, species, of, are, most of the, common, brown, red, members of the, groups, algal, and.