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Figure 6.47: Installation Confirmation

This step completes the procedure of installing packages by using Synaptic Package Manager. You can access the installed package by selecting a particular menu, depending on the category of the package. The following figure shows Abiword, which has been installed using this procedure.

Figure 6.48: Launching the Installed Application - Abiword

6.8 Installing a Single Package File

Note: Note:

The preferred method of installing programmes is by using package managers. If some packages or files are not available, you can download and install them from Web sites. These files are associated with the package managers of specific Linux distributions and are referred to as single package files. Examples are Debian package files-.deb files and tarballs-.tar files.

You should download files that are not present in Ubuntu archives only from a safe source.

Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]