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Ubuntu Desktop Training

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Chapter 7

Making The Most of Images and Photos


In this lesson, you will learn to:

View and edit images

Scan and send images

7.1 Introducing Graphics Applications

Graphics applications form an integral part of Ubuntu. They enable you to organise your photo collection, create and edit photos and images, scan and send objects and more.

In this lesson, you will learn about the various graphics applications available on Ubuntu and which one to use when. These graphics applications are available either with the Ubuntu installation or in repositories (those libraries we mentioned earlier).

Applications Available with the Ubuntu Installation The following applications are included in the Ubuntu installation package:

GIMP Image Editor: An image editor used for advanced image creation and editing such as changing the contrast, colour or the texture of an image.

F-Spot Photo Manager: A photo manager used to organise and manage photos. F-Spot enables you to tag (label), categorise and sort photos.

XSane Image Scanner: An image scanner which also enables you to photocopy documents and fax or e-mail scanned images.

Applications Available in Repositories In addition to the default applications, you can search through the repositories and install applications using the Synaptic Package Manager or the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Some of the graphics applications are available in Ubuntu software repositories:

Agave: A colour scheme designer. After you select a base colour, Agave suggests the appropriate complementary colours or shades of the same base colour. You can also drag and drop a colour from another application, such as GIMP. Whether you are designing a Web page or a pamphlet or painting your house, this programme enables you to identify the appropriate colour scheme. Visit the Web site http://home.gna.org/colorscheme/ for more information on Agave.

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