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Master’s Program


Master Degree

Length of study

1 - 2 years, full time

Academic entrance requirements

3 year Bachelor Degree; or Combined Bachelor Degree; or Bachelor Degree with Honours; or Graduate Diploma; and/or relevant employment experience.

Language of tuition


Average cost of study per year

$12,000 - US$15,000

N.B.: A person who does not hold an undergraduate degree from a recognized college but has an experience of more than 10 years can also seek admission in MBA program or a person who has three to four years of undergraduate degree but has less work experience is also eligible for MBA in Australia.

Some Master degree program are purely research based, which comprises of at least two-third of the research work which are often externally assessed in the form of thesis. Minimum qualification requires undergraduate degree and research based work experience.

English language proficiency is necessary for international students especially for those who are not from English speaking countries. For these IELTS (International English Language Testing Service) is admitted with a minimum score of 6.5 to 7.0. But along with all this GMAT (General Management Admission Test) is also compulsory for admission into B- schools in Australia.


13. You do a Master’s degree. Present the name of your master’s program. Speak of mainstream directions and core topics you are offered to learn during this program. Tell what skills and research habits you are going to improve. Say some words about the subject of your future research. Speak of the main goals of the master’s degree program.

Unit II Master’s Degree and Career Prospects for the Future

1. Read and memorize the active vocabulary.

to keep up with – идти в ногу, не отставать, быть в курсе

to enable – давать возможность или право; обеспечить условия для; позволять; способствовать;

to meet the requirements – удовлетворять требованиям

to offer/give an advantage – давать преимущество

interdisciplinary background – междисциплинарные знания

to assess – давать оценку, судить о качестве ч.-л.

to appreciate – высоко ценить, принимать во внимание; повышать в ценности

value – важность, полезность, значение;

to be of great value to – представлять большую ценность для, иметь огромное значение для

benefit – преимущество, привилегия; польза; прибыль

to benefit from – извлекать пользу из;

to aim at – стремиться к, добиваться

2. Give Russian equivalents to the following word-combinations from the text below. Pay special attention to the prepositions in bold.

to meet modern standards/requirements/demands; upper level career opportunities; interdisciplinary approach; result in a higher salary; pretend to higher positions of leadership; in-depth research and assessment; possess domain-specific knowledge; aim at career advancement/ promotion at work; aim at academic improvements.