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English part 2.docx
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  1. Vocabulary

    1. storage

    1. хранение

    1. to process

    1. обрабатывать, перерабатывать

    1. temporary admission

    1. временный ввоз

    1. public / private warehouse

    1. зд. открытый / закрытый склад

    1. to facilitate / facilities

    1. облегчать, способствовать / возможности, оборудование

    1. state

    1. зд. состояние

    1. to improve

    1. улучшать

    1. packaging

    1. упаковка, пакетирование

    1. marketable quality

    1. товарный вид

    1. repacking

    1. переупаковка

    1. sorting

    1. сортировка, отбор

    1. grading

    1. сортировка, отбор, распределение

    1. breaking bulk / in bulk

    1. дробление партии / большими партиями

    1. grouping of packages

    1. формирование партии

    1. advantage

    1. выгода, преимущество

    1. discount

    1. дисконт, скидка

    1. to negotiate / negotiations

    1. вести переговоры, обсуждать условия / переговоры, обсуждение

    1. favorable

    1. зд. выгодный

    1. terms

    1. зд. условия

    1. to gain / gains

    1. извлекать пользу, выгоду / прибыль, доход

    1. to combine

    1. объединять, комбинировать

    1. identical

    1. идентичный, тот же самый

    1. order

    1. зд. заказ

    1. home producers

    1. отечественные производители

    1. wholesale

    1. оптовая торговля

    1. favorable terms

    1. благоприятные условия

    1. to consolidate

    1. объединять

    1. to obtain refunds

    1. получить возврат денежных средств

    1. actual

    1. зд. действительный, реальный

    1. cash flow

    1. оборот валютных средств

    1. employment opportunities

    1. рабочие места

    1. handling

    1. обработка

    1. to render servicies

    1. зд. оказывать услуги

  2. Unit 15

  3. Customs violations

  4. Text 1

  5. Task 1. Read and translate the text.

  6. Criminals use different types of violations of customs regulations. The most common of them are aimed at tax evasion as well as evasion from licensing and certification from the authorities.

  7. False declaration – is an infringement, when goods are not declared or are declared under the wrong commodity description. When imported goods are subject to a high rate of taxation, various schemes are used by criminals, for example:

  8. - some categories of goods may be declared as their parts because the rates of tariffs for parts are lower than for ready-made goods;

  9. - some goods may be declared under the wrong description when goods with similar functions and similar classification code attract lower rates of duty;

  10. - one type of commodity may be claimed for another when due to complex chemical composition, it cannot be defined during visual examination and only laboratory tests can reveal falsification (wood, metal, chemicals, etc.).

  11. To prevent such violations customs officers check the supporting cargo documents, screen the goods, make tests at customs laboratories.

  12. Pseudo re-export. According to the Customs Code, re-export is a customs procedure which implies that goods are imported into the customs territory of the Russian Federation to be re-exported not later than 6 months since the date when cargo declaration was accepted for inward customs clearance. The merchandise is exempt from import duties and other economic regulatory measures. In case of violation, foreign goods are imported free from duty and sold on the customs territory of the country but the documents are cleared under re-export procedure without actual export of goods across the frontiers.

  13. To protect the revenue and to guarantee the payment Customs authorities require that placing his goods under Re-export procedure the trader must transfer to the deposit account of the Customs the amount of duty to be paid when importing goods for Home Use. The whole sum remains there till the goods are cleared and factually exported from the customs territory. Then the trader can get a refund.

  14. Other customs violations include: undervaluation, counterfeiting, clearance of goods with forged supporting documents, violation of currency regulations during purchase-and-sale transactions, etc.

  15. Working on the text

  16. Task 2. Put the words into the correct column:

  17. privilege, target, damage, legislation, legal, cargo, technology, guilty, register, storage, drugs, infringement, figure, budget, general, envisage

    1. [ g ]

    1. [ dз ]

  18. Task 3. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

  19. таможенное правонарушение, уклонение от уплаты налогов, недостоверное декларирование, наименование товара, ставка пошлины, запасные части, готовые изделия, сложный химический состав, зрительный осмотр, сопроводительные документы, занижение стоимости, сделка

  20. Task 4. Look through the text and find synonyms to the following words:

  21. a) goods e) usual

  22. b) crime f) analysis

  23. c) rules g) name

  24. d) real h) quantity

  25. Task 5. Insert prepositions:

  26. 1) the actions are aimed _____ tax evasion

  27. 2) goods are subject _____ a high rate of tariff

  28. 3) various schemes are used _____ criminals

  29. 4) to declare goods _____ their parts

  30. 5) the falsification was revealed _____ visual examination

  31. 6) one type of commodity may be claimed _____ another

  32. 7) not later than 6 months _____ the arrival date

  33. 8) the merchandise is exempt _____ import duties

  34. 9) the money remain on the bank account _____ the actual exportation

  35. Task 6. Find words in the text corresponding to the following definitions:

    1. a) someone who is involved in illegal activities or has been proved guilty of a crime;

    1. b) an action that breaks a law, agreement, principle, etc.;

    1. c) a clever plan, especially to do something that is bad or illegal;

    1. d) an official organization that has the power to make decisions, and has particular responsibilities;

    1. e) a special room or building where different tests are made;

    1. f) an amount of money that is paid into a bank account;

  36. Text 2

  37. Task 7. a) Read and translate the text.


  39. It may be verbal or consist of a slogan and/or a logo for example. There are even color trademarks, three-dimensional trademarks, sound trademarks relating, for example, to the shape of a product or its packing. The main purpose of a trademark is to distinguish the goods or services of one company from those of other companies. In addition, the trademark also provides information to consumers about the quality of the goods and services with which it is associated. Any use in trade, without the consent of a trademark’s owner, of a sign identical or similar to that trademark for identical or similar products, is prohibited.


  41. It can cover anything from an artistic creation to an industrial item. Therefore the packaging of a product, or its shape, could be copyrighted provided that they are original. The purpose of copyright is purely to reward the creativity of the author of a work. Any reproduction or communication to the public, without the author’s consent of the elements which give the protected work its originality will constitute counterfeiting (or “piracy”).

  42. C. DESIGN

  43. It has to do with the appearance of the whole or a part of a product, resulting from features of the lines, contours, colours, shape, texture and/or materials of the product. As a general rule, designs are eligible for protection under design rights only if they are absolutely new.

  44. D. PATENT

  45. It protects the technical results of a product or process which is new, involves an intensive step and is capable of industrial application. The patent also gives its owner exclusive rights over the use of an invention in the course trade.

  46. (WCO NEWS)

  47. b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

  48. c) Complete the table with the words from the text.

    1. 1) copying or imitating an industrial, artistic or literary work to the detriment of its author or inventor

    1. counterfeiting

    1. 2) protects the identity of the manufacturer or trader

    1. 3) infringement of intellectual property rights

    1. 4) protects an innovation

    1. 5) the use, reproduction or plagiarism of a work protected by copyright

    1. 6) protects the creator of an intellectual work

  49. Vocabulary and Grammar

  50. Task 8. Give the opposites to the following words:

  • entry

  • outgoing

  • natural

  • legal

  • rights

  • supply

  • to prohibit

  • to reveal

  • to hide

  • Task 9. Use your intuition or work with a dictionary. Insert the right word.

    • dummy manipulation fraud forged

    • counterfeit deceit fabrication simulation

  • 1. Immigration control noticed the __________ passport.

  • 2. The watch was __________ though it looked like the original.

  • 3. The evidence he gave in the court was complete __________.

  • 4. __________ is keeping the truth hidden, especially to get an advantage.

  • 5. They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a __________ of statistics.

  • 6. He was not deceived by her __________ of sorrow.

  • 7. That department discovers and takes action against commercial __________.

  • 8. We had no idea whether the gun in his hand was a __________ or real.

  • Task 10. Find the word that doesn’t fit the group and explain why.

  • 1. criminal – violator – broker – smuggler – thief

  • 2. regulations – conventions – provisions – undervaluation

  • 3. genuine – false – fake – artificial – counterfeit

  • 4. commodity – merchandise – effects – belongings – tools

  • 5. complex – difficult – hard – valuable – intricate

  • 6. when - after – before – as soon as – while

  • 7. assess – charge – calculate – count - confirm

  • 8. ingredients – members – substances – components - parts

  • Task 11. a) Find in the text nouns formed from the following verbs:

    • VERB

    • NOUN(S)

    • to store

    • to apply

    • to assist

    • to facilitate

    • to employ

    • to serve

    • to authorize

  • b) Make 5 sentences of your own with the words from the table.

  • Task 12. Choose the word or form that best completes the text.

  • Are you 1__________ music? One of the most common crimes among the young is illegal 2__________ of music. Lots of people are doing it, even though we know that really we are 3__________ the law, but as long as nobody is ever punished, there is little incentive to stop doing it. But the people in the music business are starting to fight back because it is the biggest threat to their industry.

  • Fifteen-year-old Melissa Clarke was one of the first to be taken to court for intellectual 4__________. She had transferred over twenty hours of music to her computer and had been adding to her collection for over four years when her luck finally 5 _________ . Her computer was taken away as 6__________ when the police came to arrest her. The fifteen-year-old girl was found 7__________ and given a fine of £4,500.

  • Her father will be paying the fine as he is legally responsible for his daughter. He was usually calm about the situation. While he agreed with the judge’s decision, he didn’t blame her. “All her friends 8__________ the internet these days and download music without paying. It’s the first time she has ever 9__________ a crime and we’re sure she’s learnt her lesson.”

  • A spokesman from the industry was happy with the court decision. “We are all 10__________ the changes that we see in the media business, but we have to make sure that artists receive fair payment. The only way we can guarantee the quality of music in the future is to make sure that people who want to listen to the music pay a fair price.”

  • It’s a message Melissa has learnt very well.

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • D

    • 1

    • on

    • in

    • into

    • for

    • 2

    • downloading

    • clicking

    • surfing

    • uploading

    • 3

    • failing

    • breaking

    • cutting

    • keeping

    • 4

    • steal

    • thief

    • theft

    • stolen

    • 5

    • ran up against

    • ran out

    • ran through

    • ran into

    • 6

    • force

    • suspicions

    • arrest

    • evidence

    • 7

    • guilty

    • innocent

    • suspect

    • witness

    • 8

    • ride

    • travel

    • surf

    • click

    • 9

    • committed

    • do

    • steal

    • take

    • 10

    • over

    • into

    • for

    • about to

  • Task 13. Translate the words from Russian into English:

  • The Interior Ministry обвинило two senior executives at the Bank of Settlements and Savings (Bank Raschyotov i Sberezheny) of отмывании more than 1.6 billion rubles ($5.1 million).

  • The ministry said 20 raids on the филиалы of the Moscow-based bank and the residences of сотрудники had turned up доказательства that bank vice president Vasily Korchinsky and bank manager Ivan Reshetnikov laundered the money в обмен for commissions of 3.5 to 7 percent of the revenue, earning 56.5 million rubles ($1.8 million).

  • “Both подозреваемые are under house arrest,” the ministry said in a statement. Следователи found that the bank переводил clients’ money to the счета of fly-by-night companies through the use of поддельные payment orders submitted to the Central Bank and made cash withdrawals through its depositary.


  • Task 14. Put the verb in brackets into the correct form. Use III type conditionals.

  • Model:

  • If you (to inform) us of the accident on time our firm (to suffer) big losses. –

  • If you had informed us about the accident on time our firm would not have suffered big losses.

  • 1. If the representative of the firm (to make) an application for 2 p.m. we (to exam) his goods already.

  • 2. If the traveler (to declare) restricted goods the fine (not to be imposed).

  • 3. If you (to read) the instructions carefully you (not to damage) the cargo.

  • 4. If you (not to travel) with a false passport you (not to be arrested).

  • 5. If he (not to smuggle) precious metals and stones he (not to be taken) to court.

  • 6. If I (to know) the customs regulations I (to fulfill) all the formalities.

  • 7. He (to get) the information for you if you (to ask) him to.

  • 8. If you (to fill in) the declaration you (to clear) by the customs.

  • 9. If you (to work) hard you (to get) a promotion.

  • 10. If he (not to know) the customs regulations he (to have) problems.

  • 11. If she (to try) to smuggle her valuables out of the country she (to catch).

  • 12. If the passenger (to exceed) tax free allowance, he (to pay) for the excess.

  • 13. If the cargo (to damage) in the customs zone the Customs (to be responsible) for it.

  • Task 15. a) Read and translate the text, use a dictionary. Choose an idiom to complete the text.

  • a) beat about the bush

  • b) ear to the ground

  • c) wash one’s hands

  • d) catch somebody red-handed

  • e) lose one’s temper

  • f) blow off steam

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