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  • Criminal detection as a science was unknown before the middle of the XIX century. Earlier ages depended upon two methods: 1) securing a confession by torture of a suspect; 2) catching a man in the act of committing a crime.

  • One of the most common felonies of the period was butchering another man’s sheep, pig or cow. Even possession of the fresh meat did not constitute proof of guilt in such cases. Only when a man was caught with the dead animal, with blood on his hands, could he be arrested with certainty of conviction.

  • So the expression ____________________________________ came to be applied to a person in any act of stealth, whether in violation of law or not.

  • b) Explain the meaning of all the other idioms in the list.

  • Task 16. a) Decipher the texts.

  • A. Role of Intelligence B. Environmental crime

  • Reliable intelligence information is the key stone of successful law enforcement. Environmental crime by its nature is trans-boundary and in many cases involves cross-border criminal syndicates. Globalization at the same time facilitates movement of environmentally harmful commodities unpunished. Organized crime gangs have become highly sophisticated in protecting their operations, thus requiring a great effort on the part of law enforcement to uncover the clandestine activities. A tiger skin or an ivory tusk passes through many hands from the poaching site to the final buyer. A tree sawed down illegally can travel around the world to end up as c luxury furniture. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Office of Intelligence was created to assist in the collection, analysis and distribution of drug intelligence on national and international levels. In many cases, endangered species and tropical timbers are shipped from less developed countries to the developed world, and hazardous waste vice versa. Selected foreign offices have intelligence units that supply narcotics intelligence information both domestically and internationally. Generally, the information that identifies individuals and gives the insight into organizations and their activities is the foundation upon which investigations are built.

  • b) Speak about:

  • - the role of intelligence information for law-enforcement activities;

  • - the way globalization may affect environment.

  • Task 17. Make a written translation of the text.

  • Money laundering.

  • Money laundering has a considerable impact on the social stability and economic development of a nation. It is not a stand-alone crime, but is intertwined with other crimes, such as the smuggling of drugs, arms, stolen vehicles and artworks, the trade in counterfeit goods, bribery, corruption, tax evasion, and so on. This criminal activity generates a significant amount of illegal proceeds that need to be laundered.

  • While money laundering is closely linked with transnational organized crimes, it also often involves Customs fraud operations, particularly the under- and over-valuation of goods and invoice manipulation. In such a scheme, dirty money is transferred across the border by distorting the value of traded goods. For example, by importing over-valued goods and paying for them more money than the actual value of the goods, a money launderer acting as an importer could transfer the dirty money to a partner in an exporting country.

  • The most common way of laundering money is to take it to a foreign country clandestinely, and place it in bank accounts there via repeated international transfers, after which it will be impossible to trace its origin.

  • Given current global security concerns and the possibility that this “dirty money” could finance activity, money laundering is now drawing more political attention than before and remains firmly under the spotlight.

  • Task 18. Make a written translation of the text into English.

  • a) Таможня не отдаёт добро.

  • Золотая медаль, кубок и сертификат о победе российской компании «Московская кофейня на паяхъ» в крупном международном конкурсе второй месяц пылятся на таможенном складе временного хранения. На российской границе ценный груз конфисковали: нет необходимых для оформления документов. «Может поэтому наши спортсмены стали не так часто выигрывать на Олимпиадах и чемпионатах мира? Боязно потом всё это «золото-серебро» через таможню везти!»

  • Прошло несколько месяцев. Медаль всё ещё не нашла героев: с владельцев требуют новую справку – с указанием толщины золотого покрытия медали. Мы и не такое видали, а швейцарцы недоумевают: «Кофе Московской кофейни на паяхъ» признан наиболее качественным авторитетными экспертами из 112 стран мира, и нам совершенно непонятно, почему ваша таможенная служба делает так, что мы не можем доставить награду её обладателю.»

  • Кстати, за последние годы российская компания, которая поставляет свою продукцию в несколько стран мира, получила более 50 наград как в России, так и за рубежом. Но с описанной ситуацией её руководство сталкивается впервые.

  • («Аргументы и факты»)

  • b) Гаджеты с пиратскими фильмами и музыкой отнимут на таможне?

  • В скором будущем на границе смогут изымать любую технику (включая смартфоны и ноутбуки), если в них обнаружат нелицензионные программы, фильмы или песни.

  • Речь пока не о России, а о ЕС (22 страны) и ещё нескольких странах – лидерах в борьбе с интеллектуальным пиратством. Ещё в 2005году Япония выдвинула идею о необходимости защиты интеллектуальной собственности от нелицензионного использования. На разных этапах подготовки договора, которая заняла целых 6 лет, к Японии присоединились США, Южная Корея, Новая Зеландия, Сингапур, Швейцария и ЕС. Соглашение подписано, но вступит в силу, когда его ратифицируют как минимум в 6 странах. Однако, выяснилось, что многие пункты договора балансируют на грани нарушения свобод граждан.

  • Интернет-провайдеры обязаны будут предоставлять всю личную информацию о пользователях и следить за тем, что они скачивают, защищена ли эта продукция авторскими правами.

  • Таможенникам будет предоставлено право досматривать любые электронные устройства с целью обнаружения пиратской продукции и изымать их в случае обнаружения нелицензионного контента. Причём для этогоне потребуется ни постановлений, ни доказательств.

  • («Комсомольская Правда»)

  • Конечно, такая перспектива обескуражила многих интернет-пользователей. Поэтому большинство стран не торопятся ратифицировать АСТА (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement).

  • Speaking

  • Task 19. Complete the sentences:

  • 1. Criminals break customs regulations to …

  • 2. The most common customs violations include: …

  • 3. When imported goods are subject to a high rate of taxation …

  • 4. To prevent violations and to protect the revenue customs officials …

  • Task 20. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

  • Communication activities.

  • Task 21. Work in groups. Make a list of 10 most common counterfeit articles. Compare with your partners’ lists.

  • Task 22. a) Study the model.

  • Alphabet map.

  • A – The police __________ him at the scene of crime. (arrested)

  • B – She tried to __________ him by saying she would send the photos to the press. (blackmail)

  • C – The detective searched the house looking for __________. (clues)

  • D – He __________robbing the bank and said he had been in hospital. (denied)

  • b) Work in groups. Divide the letters of the alphabet between the groups and make out sentences using “Crime and Punishment” words.

  • c) Write your sentences on cards. Take turns and let your partners complete them.

  • Vocabulary

    • criminal

    • преступник

    • tax evasion

    • уклонение от уплаты налогов

    • licensing

    • выдача лицензии

    • certification

    • выдача разрешения

    • infringement

    • нарушение закона

    • rate of taxation

    • ставка налогообложения

    • scheme

    • план, схема, интрига

    • parts

    • зд. запасная часть, деталь

    • ready-made

    • готовый к употреблению

    • to attract

    • зд. требовать применения

    • chemical composition

    • химический состав

    • to reveal

    • обнаруживать, раскрывать

    • falsification

    • фальсификация, подделка, искажение

    • pseudo-

    • псевдо- , ложно-

    • to imply

    • зд. подразумевать

    • inward /outward

    • движение внутрь страны / из страны

    • economic regulatory measures

    • меры экономического регулирования

    • actual

    • действительный, реальный

    • factual

    • фактический, реальный

    • frontier

    • граница

    • deposit account

    • депозитный счет

    • refund

    • получение возмещения

    • counterfeiting

    • подделка

    • purchase-and-sale transaction

    • сделка, договор купли-продажи

  • Unit 16

  • Customs mission

  • Text 1

  • Task 1. Read and translate the text.

  • Russia has had a Customs Service in some form for about 1000 years and Customs business has always been considered important and prestigious.

  • The Customs mission is actually threefold: to collect and protect revenue; to enforce customs and other laws; and to interdict the illegal flow of narcotics and other contraband.

  • Collection and protection of revenue is the responsibility with which the Customs started. Most of that fiscal activity takes place at different ports of entry where commercial cargo arrives from abroad. The Customs performs inspections to ensure that the merchandise fits the description and quantity claimed on the documents. Subsequent paper processing determines the proper classification and duty assessment. Ultimately, the Customs actually makes the collection of the revenue.

  • The Customs had to establish the legal foundation to facilitate legitimate trade and travel, to encourage business, to safeguard the quality of life and public health. The first Russian Customs Statute was handed down in 1667. It was the first attempt to arrange customs regimes. Nowadays, besides its own laws and intricate rates of duty the Customs enforces a number of laws of other federal agencies, such as: Culture Ministry, Health Ministry, Agriculture Ministry, Tax Service, Immigration Service, etc.

  • The Customs is responsible for traditional border-related law enforcement responsibilities and one of the primary missions nowadays is anti-terrorism. That is why Customs officers screen all people, vehicles and goods entering the country. To act efficiently, the Customs has to upgrade the skills of inspectional staff; set up special enforcement teams; develop intelligence gathering techniques; solidify cooperation with other law enforcement agencies; carry out controlled deliveries and international operations.

  • Today the Russian Federation has a modern, multi-functioning Customs Service which provides the bulk of the federal budget, is the expert authority in the movement of goods across national boundaries, vigorously carries out its enforcement activities and enables this country to be an equal member of the world community.

  • Working on the text

  • Task 2. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

  • таможенное дело; обеспечивать поступления в бюджет; препятствовать перемещению контрабанды; обязанность; наименование и количество; оформление документов; законодательная база; сложная система тарифов; одна из главных задач; оперативные подразделения; технические средства получения оперативной информации

  • Task 3. a) Find words in the text corresponding to the following definitions:

    • 1) to examine something and make a decision about it

    • 2) to make people obey a rule or law

    • 3) to make it easier for a process or activity to happen

    • 4) to protect something from harm or damage

    • 5) to change something so that it is better or more modern

    • 6) to check things to prevent something harmful from passing through

    • 7) to do a job or a piece of work

  • b) Use the words below to make word combinations with the verbs above:

  • the skills and technology; legitimate trade; duty; inspections; people and merchandise; customs laws; public health

  • Task 4. a) Make the words negative using prefixes:

  • accompanied, commercial, possible, declared, dependent, important, direct, inform, legal, legitimate, paid, polite, load, responsible, represent, tariff, understand, regular, valid

  • il - __________, __________

  • un - __________, __________, __________, __________

  • ir - __________, __________

  • in - __________, __________, __________

  • im - __________, __________

  • mis - __________, __________, __________

  • non - __________, __________, __________

  • b) Use the negative words in the sentences:

  • 1. The trucks took an __________ route avoiding the town centre.

  • 2. The Russian Customs Service carries out the regulation of foreign trade by means of tariff and __________ methods.

  • 3. It would be ___________ not to get a permission for export of valuables.

  • 4. A vet.passport without a photo of the dog is considered __________.

  • 5. The driver __________ some boxes from the back of the truck.

  • 6. There must be some __________. I have placed the imported merchandise under a different customs procedure.

  • 7. It would have been __________ to detect that drug concealment without using a drug detector dog.

  • 8. I am afraid you have been __________ about the functioning of the dual-channel system.

  • Task 5. Answer the questions:

  • 1) For how long has Russia had its Customs Service?

  • 2) What was the first responsibility of the Customs?

  • 3) How does the Customs carry out the fiscal function?

  • 4) When was the first legal act handed down?

  • 5) What does law enforcement function involve?

  • 6) What do customs officers do to fulfill their border-related responsibilities?

  • 7) What measures are taken by the Customs to act most efficiently?

  • 8) How can you define the Russian Customs Service today?

  • Task 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

  • 1) Большая часть дохода поступает от сбора пошлин в портах прибытия коммерческих грузов.

  • 2) Таможенники проверяют, соответствует ли товар наименованию и количеству, указанным в документах.

  • 3) Многие из обязанностей таможенной службы имеют отношение к защите экономических интересов страны.

  • 4) Сотрудники таможенных органов постоянно повышают свою квалификацию, чтобы эффективно выполнять свои обязанности.

  • 5) Российская таможенная служба существует дольше, чем аналогичные службы многих других стран мира.

  • 6) Помимо сбора налогов и пошлин перед таможенной службой стоят серьёзные задачи по борьбе с контрабандой и терроризмом.

  • 7) Для таможенных органов очень важно сохранять равновесие между содействием развитию торговли и туризма и обеспечением соблюдения законов и правил.

  • Text 2

  • Task 7. a) Read and translate the text.


  • Ranked first in the UK, the port of Felixtowe was the birthplace of a new way of working with containers – risk assessment.

  • Prior to arrival of the ship, the work starts with looking at shipping manifests – documents supplied by the shipping companies – which contain information such as the origin and the destination of the goods which can give vital clues to a preventive officer’s assessment.

  • Then team members make credibility checks on incoming traffic and determine which containers to target for examination. Checks can be made on the suppliers or companies receiving the goods. Contact is also made with police officers throughout the country who build up local knowledge of the businesses in their region and can verify whether a trader is legitimate, suspect or unknown. Preventive officers are encouraged to use their initiative when it comes to establishing targets. Any information which can throw more light on the company or the individual responsible for an incoming container is taken into account.

  • With structured risk testing, containers are identified as “high-risk”, “medium-risk” and “low-risk”.

  • Once a target has been established a team will either go out to examine the container or have it brought into their own shed. The container team works in close cooperation with other teams at Felixtowe and the National Investigation Service. An important part of the examination is health and safety precaution because a container can be unstable, or can contain infested products or hazardous substances – so teams adhere to stringent checks before undertaking the examination.

  • Potential smugglers may try to transit their goods through a known “low-risk country” to avoid customs checks. For example, South Africa was first listed as “a medium-risk country”. But after customs officers had had one seizure of cannabis, another one of half a million cigarettes, they recommended it to be seen as “a high-risk area”.

  • b) Make a glossary. Choose seven words to remember.

  • c) Find in the text the words corresponding to the following definitions:

  • 1) to estimate, to decide;

  • 2) a list of cargo or passengers carried by a ship;

  • 3) a place to which a person or goods are going;

  • 4) acting in accordance with law;

  • 5) contaminated (products);

  • 6) dangerous, being a source of danger;

  • 7) the delivery of goods, especially by ship;

  • 8) fact or idea giving a guide to the solution.

  • d) Translate and answer the questions:

  • 1) Какой новый метод работы с контейнерами был разработан и применен в этом порту?

  • 2) Какая информация содержится в грузовом манифесте?

  • 3) Как эта информация может помочь определить подозрительные контейнеры для дальнейшей проверки?

  • 4) Как определяются контейнеры повышенного риска,

  • 5) Кто может подтвердить, занимается ли участник ВЭД легальным бизнесом,

  • 6) Почему большое внимание уделяется вопросам безопасности при досмотре контейнеров?

  • 7) Как скажется на внешней торговле применение нового метода таможенного контроля, основанного на «оценке рисков»?

  • Vocabulary and Grammar

  • Task 8. Match the synonyms.

    • to get

    • legal

    • great

    • to estimate

    • to produce

    • surveillance

    • legitimate

    • continuing

    • to value

    • enormous

    • gain

    • to obtain

    • ongoing

    • to manufacture

    • enquiries

    • profit

    • check

    • investigation

  • b) Make 5 sentences of your own with the words from the table.

  • Task 9. Find the word that doesn’t fit the group and explain why.

  • 1. this – those – that – these – there

  • 2. huge – enormous – large – substantial – essential

  • 3. suppliers – manufacturers – nurses – traders – wholesalers

  • 4. permission – conviction – imprisonment – arrest – prosecution

  • 5. inspection – examination – rummage – check – trial

  • 6. heroin – opium – garlic – cocaine – marijuana

  • 7. price – value – cost – money – weight

  • 8. import – export – transit – processing - passport

  • Task 10. Insert prepositions, if necessary.

  • Exemplary cooperation _____ two Customs administrations led _____ the seizure _____ anabolic steroids and the arrest _____ a South African man in Cape Town.

  • The South African Revenue Service’s Customs administration (SARS) received information that the French Customs authorities had intercepted a parcel _____ Taiwan destined _____ South Africa containing suspected illegal anabolic steroids. The parcel was being transported _____ a well known international courier company and was declared as containing gifts, specifically, a teddy bear and potato chips _____ the value _____ $87,000.

  • A decision was taken to conduct a controlled delivery _____ the consignment _____ the enforcement divisions of SARS. The parcel was received _____ Commander Taljaard and preparations were made to deliver the parcel _____ its owner. The next day Commander Taljaard – dressed in a loaned T-shirt _____ the courier company – delivered the parcel to “Mr.D.Jan” as indicated _____ the delivery note.

  • _____ acceptance _____ the parcel, “Mr.D.Jan”, whose real identity was Mr. Johan van den Berg, had the parcel opened _____ his presence and was arrested _____ the Organized Crime Unit. Customs officials found a teddy bear, and Pringles potato chip tubes stuffed _____ 50,000 illegal anabolic steroids.

  • A raid later resulted _____ the seizure _____ other substances, including liquid steroids, as well as tablets and syringes.

  • Task 11. Complete the sentences.

  • 1. In some countries, _____ can be conducted solely under the auspices of the Customs Service, while in others, The Customs Service is required to work with the Police.

    • A. shipping of goods

    • B. drug shipment

    • C. controlled delivery

  • 2. In the future any physical intervention to inspect cross-border goods will only affect a small minority of consignments and their selection will be based on _____ techniques.

    • A. controlled delivery

    • B. risk analysis

    • C. customs valuation

  • 3. The responsibility for _____ illicit drugs is one that is almost everywhere shared by the Customs Service with the Police and other Law Enforcement Bodies.

    • A. interdicting

    • B. undertaking

    • C. facilitating

  • 4. When they select certain consignments for inspection, customs officials use all available _____ including information from legitimate traders.

    • A. intelligence

    • B. vigilance

    • C. surveillance

  • 5. Today’s world trade is growing fast, and _____ this trade is very important.

    • A. to conduct

    • B. to facilitate

    • C. to interdict

  • 6. Complaints may be of several kinds, and may arise from _____ of damaged goods, wrong goods, or deficiency of goods.

    • A. insurance

    • B. delivery

    • C. application

  • 7. Before you can sell or make use of the goods, you have to obtain _____ from the Customs, showing that customs duties and taxes have been paid.

    • A. clearance

    • B. bills

    • C. receipts

  • 8. As a representative of the importer, the customs broker prepares and files _____ and supporting documents.

    • A. the import license

    • B. the Cargo declaration

    • C. State Protection List

  • Task 12. Rewrite the following sentences using the model.

  • Model: It is a pity the cargo was damaged during repacking.

  • I wish the cargo hadn’t been damaged during repacking.

  • 1. It is a pity you are not going to pay customs duties today.

  • 2. It is a pity you are not a representative of the company.

  • 3. It is a pity you don’t know what cargo documents to submit.

  • 4. It is a pity the permission for unloading wasn’t given yesterday.

  • 5. It is a pity you haven’t made out a receipt for me.

  • Task 13. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

  • 1. Жаль, что вы не попросили вписать товарный чек при покупке этой картины.

  • 2. Жаль, что ваша фирма не может забрать свой груз со склада временного хранения сегодня.

  • 3. Пассажир сожалел, что его багаж потеряли.

  • 4. Жаль, что инспектор не дал вчера разрешение на разгрузку нашего транспортного средства.

  • 5. Жаль, что ваш друг опаздывает на рейс.

  • 6. Жаль, что вы согласились на предложение нелегально провезти эту антикварную вещь.

  • Task 14. Translate the words from Russian into English:

  • According to the Administrative Code movement of товаров across таможенные границы of the Russian Federation without оформление и контроль, or by submitting в таможенные органы поддельные документы or documents полученные незаконным путем or недействительные documents as well as недостоверное декларирование shall entail a fine in the количество of ½ to 3 times the value of commodities which are the subject of административное правонарушение with or without конфискация товара или транспортного средства.

  • Task 15. a) Decipher the texts.

  • A. French Training Programme for Customs

  • B. The Slovak-Ukraine border control

  • There are three national academies which ensure basic training of new recruits and continuous training of officers during their career. The Tourcoing Academy trains all middle and upper management stuff. Since 2007, when Slovakia was admitted to the border-free Schengen Area, the the Tisa, Uzh and Latorica rivers which all cross the Slovak-Ukraine border, have been under heightened surveillance, including the use of thermal cameras and night-vision devices. In Rouen clearance officers and trade operations officers are trained and the National Academy for Customs Units in La Rochelle trains surveillance staff and specialists (dog handlers, marine officers, motorcyclists, shooting instructors …). Yet smugglers continuously seek any opportunities and holes in the system. Slovakia shares a 97.8 km border with Ukraine whose deep forests mean it is commonly used by criminal syndicates to smuggle drugs, cigarettes and people into European Union. About one thousand trainees go through basic training in these schools every year. The cartons are often hidden in pipes disguised to look like tree trunks or covered with floating refuse or foliage, relatively common to these rivers. The training is a mix of theory and practical courses in the main Customs fields (clearance, accounting, enforcement, taxation, IT and management). Police achieved success last when they discovered a vessel containing 13,000 cartons of cigarettes on the River Tisa.

  • (WCO NEWS)

  • b) Say what you can remember about:

  • - the training schools for French customs officers;

  • - methods of smuggling at the Slovak-Ukraine border;

  • - reasons for large-scale border-related crimes in that region;

  • - methods of interdicting contraband.

  • Task 16. Read the text and complete the sentences.

  • Lois Bleriot – the first man to fly across the English Channel, (1) __________ in England at the coast of Dover in 1909. Upon landing, he (2) __________ by a British customs officer. Uncertain what (3) __________, the customs officer (4) __________Bleriot’s aircraft as a yacht.

  • Customs inspectors (5) __________ that constant air traffic between France and England (6) _________ the basis for organized smuggling. Later that same year the British Parliament (7) _________ the law limiting the areas where aircraft (8) _________. And, just like that, airports (9) _______.

  • Ten years later, in July 1919, regular passenger services (10) _________ and in 1920 Parliament (11) __________ for overseas flights that (12) _________ similar to the regulations for shipping. Details of the journey, cargo, crew and passengers (13) __________ to the Customs within 24 hours of landing.

  • Croydon (14) __________ as the location for the first London airport. This was the first airport (15) _________ with customs control in mind, and

  • (16) __________ passengers (17) __________ into the Customs examination room.

    • A

    • B

    • C

    • 1.

    • has touched down

    • is touching down

    • touched down

    • 2.

    • was welcomed

    • has welcomed

    • is welcoming

    • 3.

    • is doing

    • was doing

    • to do

    • 4.

    • treated

    • has treated

    • was treating

    • 5.

    • have decided

    • was deciding

    • decided

    • 6.

    • could become

    • can become

    • will become

    • 7.

    • pass

    • passed

    • was passing

    • 8.

    • could land

    • could have land

    • could landed

    • 9.

    • was invented

    • were inventing

    • were invented

    • 10.

    • begun

    • began

    • have begun

    • 11.

    • set conditions

    • setting conditions

    • was setting conditions

    • 12.

    • was

    • were

    • were being

    • 13.

    • had been reported

    • has been reported

    • had to be reported

    • 14.

    • had chosen

    • had been chosen

    • was chosen

    • 15.

    • designed

    • was designed

    • had designed

    • 16.

    • arrived

    • arriving

    • were arriving

    • 17.

    • to be directed

    • were directed

    • directed

  • Task 17. Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.

  • Trade facilitation is one of the key factors for economic development of nations and links it to national programs on poverty reduction and social well being of the citizens.

  • In the context of the international trade environment the Customs plays a critical role not only in meeting the goals of the governments but also in ensuring effective controls that secure revenue, ensure compliance with national laws, and provide protection for society.

  • The efficiency of customs procedures has a significant influence on the economic competitiveness of nations. In a highly competitive environment, international trade and investment will flow towards efficient, supportive and facilitative locations. At the same time it will rapidly ebb away from locations which are perceived by business as bureaucratic and synonymous with high costs. Customs systems and procedures must not serve as a barrier to international trade and economic growth.

  • Task 18. Make a written translation of the text into English.

  • Нуждается ли бизнес в таможенном союзе?

  • В целом Таможенный союз открывает новые перспективы для большинства компаний стран-участниц, облегчает экономическое сотрудничество и интеграцию. Устранение торговых барьеров позволяет осваивать новые рынки и, возможно, снизит коррупционную составляющую. Одновременно возникают возможности оптимизировать налогообложение. Российские таможенные процедуры всегда отличались своей бюрократичностью, а создание единого таможенного пространства – это шаг на пути к европейским стандартам, упрощению таможенного оформления, увеличению товарооборота между странами.

  • Несмотря на то, что таможенные законодательства России, Белоруссии и Казахстана во многом схожи, есть у них и серьёзные различия. Предстоит серьёзная работа по согласованию юридических нюансов с точки зрения функционирования единой таможенной территории. Европейскому союзу потребовалось на это 35 лет.

  • (журнал «Таможня»)

  • Speaking

  • Task 19. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

  • Communication activities.

  • Task 20. a) Read the quotation. Work in groups. Group A should work out some arguments to support Mahatma Gandhi’s idea, group B – to oppose it.

  • Who is a customer? The customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business, he is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by serving him. He is doing us a favour by giving us an opportunity to do so.”

  • Mahatma Gandhi

  • Task 21. Discuss the following

  • a)Which of the following do you think could happen in the next 50 years? Explain why.

  1. People will have more leisure time.

  2. Few people will have full time jobs.

  3. There will be cities of 100 million people.

  4. Cash won’t be used any more.

  5. People will live and work in space.

  6. Trade unions will disappear.

  7. There will be no retirement age.

  8. Countries will be run by big businesses rather than governments.

  9. Fresh water will be more valuable than oil.

  • b) What other changes do you think are likely to occur?

  • c) How optimistic are you about the future of business in your own country? Explain your answer.

  • d) How do you think your career will develop in the future?

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