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30. The main types of semantic relations between mngs.

Lexicon is a system that exists in the mind of the speaker. The Ws divide the semantic space between themselves.

Thesaurus: Ws are grouped according to some common concepts.

Types of relations:

  1. inclusion

  2. proximity (a kind of similarity – closest mngs, partially similar)

  3. oppsition

  4. equivalence (strictly speaking doesn’t exist)

Paradigmatically: proximity = 2 Ws share close semantic features.

Degree of proximity:

Proximity is always a matter of degree. There are cases when Ws share only 1 semantic feature (ex: red, green, father, son). The higher the degree is the more possible becomes synonymy.

  1. Denotations are the same, connotations are different

(ex: foe-enemy – dif.style; father-daddy – dif. emotive connotation).

  1. Denotations are close, but different, connotations are the same. The degree of proximity is lower.

(clever – intelligent)

  1. Denotations are close, but not identical, connotations & pragmatics differ. (economical – stingy)

Ideographic stylistic synonyms belong to the same group, have same connotations. Some syns. are very distant.

  1. Denotations, connotations & pragmatics are close. (ex: to kill-murder; convince-persuade)

Opposition: at some step Ws stop sharing common features, but there’s still smth that unites them. (ex: black-white).

There should be some ground for the opposition. Opposition is the key to antonymy. Ws can be contrasted & opposed, have smth in common. (ex: man-woman).

36. T basic principles of grouping Ws together (см типы словарей)

1. Paradigmatic (or selectional) or syntagmatic (or combinatory) axis of linguistic structure represent T way vocabulary is organized

Etymological dic-ries trace present-day words to the oldest forms available, establish their primary meanings and give the parent form reconstructed by means of the comparative-historical method. In case of borrowings they point out the immediate source of borrowing, its origin, and parallel forms in cognate languages. (Etymological English Dictionary by W. W. Skeat)

2. Classification of vocabulary into thematic groups is based on common contextual associations. Contextual associations are formed as a result of regular co-occurrence of Ws in similar, repeatedly used contexts within T framework of sentences

3 Semantic class-tion of vocabulary items on T paradigmatic axis is T type of M relationship betw Ws

T criterion of common concept serves to classify Ws into semantic fields & lexico-semantic groups

Semantic relationship of inclusion is T main feature of hyponymic hierarchicalhai’ra:kikl structure

Semantic similarity & semantic contrast – T type of relationship which underlines T class-tion of Lex-l items into synonymic & antonymic series

1. Lex-gy as a branch of ling-s

Lex-gy (lexicos+logos) – the science of the w. Lex-gy studies voc.

Central units of lex-gy: ws, morphemes, wgs.

The aim of lex-gy – to systematically describe the voc of a L.

Branches of lex-gy:

1.semantics, semasiology (studies mg)

2.morphology (composition)



5.etymology (origin)


7.dialectology (variants/ dialects)


A w. is the smallest autonomous meaningful unit of the L. It is a 2facet (2сторонний) unit (form + meaning). A morph-m – also 2facet, meaningful, but not autonomous.

Types of lex-gy:

I. 1)general lex-gy studies lex-gy of all Ls

2)special ~ studies 1 particular L

II. 1)synchronic – investigation of 1 instance of time

2)diachronic – studies development of ws.

Links of lex-gy with other branches of ling-s:

a)phonetics may influence the mg of a w: tip- top- tap; hop- hope- hap- hoop;

stress: ‘import- im’port.

b)stylistics (how to chose the w – functional styles): dad- father- parent; shades of mg: notorious- famous.

c)grammar – ws have both lex & gram mg: head- v,n; lex means of expressing future – tomorrow).

d)socioling-s – rels ↔ L & society, differences in society.

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