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2. Types of lex-l nomination Eng

Naming – ways that L makes use of to name ths & phenomena. The big ?: how ws are attached to ths? Is there any motivation? Some ws are motivated: catwalk – подиум.

Before naming we sort out inf coming from everywhere. Sorting out inf is called categorization. Only ppl are able to name ths. Naming – giving labels (signs) to cats.

Types of naming:

1)lex-l naming – naming with ws, wgs.

2)prepositional ~ – naming with with sents.

3)descursive – naming with texts.

Lex-l naming – process of giving a certain concept a name. We give names to ths, rels, qualities. Most ws are conventional (условный) because ppl agreed to use them. Lexicalization takes place when a unit of speech becomes a unit of lexicon. Not all the concepts are named. Learning a foreign L you learn dif ways of categorization & naming.

Types of lex-l naming:

1)depending on the function: primary naming (hand- часть руки), secondary ~ (the clock has 2 hands).

2)depending on the source: outer (borrowings – пирсинг), inner (in the L means of building new ws – suffixes, convertion, w composition.

Naming is unique & original across dif Ls. Some Ls prefer certain ways of naming. Eng– convertion (n&adj → v: large- to large); w composition (railway).

Ppl are very creative when they give names to dif ths (скворечник – bird-house). A man can rely on dif motivations.

Motivation – connection ↔ the form of a w & the content of a w.

Phononetic mot. – is connected with sound, depends on imitation (buzz, crash);

Morph mot. is found in derived ws (производные) (teach- teacher, sunflower)

Semantic mot. takes place in polysemantic ws (многозначные) through metaphor & metonymy. There is a Picasso on the wall- metonymy.

Demotivation – when ws are not motivated (blackboard – not black, cupboard – not only for cups). In dif Ls the same w may be mot-ed & demot-ed: летучая мышь- bat).

Remotivation – reviving of motivation (connection), but is often wrong: shamefaced- modest, shamefast- fixed.

35. Synchronic & diachronic approaches to variability of w m

Synchronic approach

Synchronically polysemy is

  1. T coexistence of various Ms of T same W at a certain historical period of T development of T Eng L

  2. T arrangement of these Ms in T semantic structure of a W

  1. T order in which Ms are enumerated in the dictionary is not arbitrary

T 1st M is basic/central, all other Ms are minor/marginal in comparison

 table – a piece of furniture

Minor Ms are only observed in certain contexts  to keep T table amused

2. T frequency of occurrence in speech of individual Ms is an objective criterion of their value

 table – a piece of furniture – possesses T highest frequency value

3. ! T stylistic stratification of Ms of a polisemantic W – they may differ in their stylistic reference

 yellow ‘colour’ – neuteral ; ‘sensational’ – both slang & American

Stylistically neuteral Ms are more frequent

diachronic approach

Diachronically polysemy is a hystorical change in T semantic structure of T W resulting in

  1. disappearance of some Ms or/& in new Ms being added to T ones already existing

  2. T rearrangement of these Ms in its semantic structure

A W may retain its previous M(s) & at T same time acquire one or several new ones

Primary; secondary M – derived from T primary & appeared later than T primary

 table ‘a flat slab(плита) of stone of wood’ – primary M

Derived  secondary

T main source of polysemy is a change in T semantic structure of a W

Polysemy may also arise from homonimy

 T human ear & T ear of T corn – homonyms from T diachronic p of view

L auris L acus, aceris

Synchronically – they are two Ms of T same W

Some of old Ms may become obsolete(устарелый) or even disappear, but T bulk of Eng Ws tend to an increase in number of Ms

As T semantic structure is never static T relationship betw T diachronic & synchronic evaluation of T individual Ms of T same W may be dif in dif periods of T historical development of L

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