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44 Or above

You definitely have the necessary qualities to become the director of a successful business. You have a strong sense of leadership, you can both organise and motivate and you know exactly where you and your team are going.

Between 44 and 22

You may need to think more carefully before setting up your own business. Although you do have some of the essential skills for running a business, you will probably not be able to deal with the pressures and strain that are a part of the job. You should perhaps consider taking some professional training or finding an associate who can compensate for some of your weaknesses.

Below 22

Managing your own business is not for you. You are better suited to an environment where you are not responsible for making decisions and taking risks. To operate successfully you need to follow well defined instructions and you prefer work that is both regular and predictable.

(CD) 6. Judy Irigoin runs her own creperie, a restaurant that specialises in crepes (the French word for pancakes) in Kennebunkport. Listen to her talk about setting up her own business.

a) Choose the correct details:

  1. Judy opened her restaurant in:

  1. the USA

  2. the UK.

  1. Judy set up the restaurant:

  1. to give her children a new life

  2. because she was bored with teaching.

  1. Judy designed her restaurant:

  1. with a small consulting company

  2. with a friend.

  1. Judy's children:

  1. like the creperie

  2. don't like the creperie.

5. The restaurant:

a) didn't make a profit last year

b) made a good profit last year.

(CD) b) Listen again and answer the questions:

  1. Why did she set up the restaurant near Boston?

  2. How long did it take Judy to set up the business?

  3. Why do so many visitors come to Kennebunkport in June?

  4. How did the creperie change Judy's children?

  5. Why is it difficult to make a profit?

c) Judy says: 'Change is fun. Everyone should have a small business.' How far do you agree? Would you like to set up your own business? Explain why (not).

7. Read parts of a brochure produced by Shell LiveWlRE, one of the UK's community investment programmes. LiveWlRE aims to encourage young people to consider starting a business of their own. Before you read discuss why people might want to be their own boss, and the advantages and disadvantages of working for yourself.

How was it for you?

Ronan McNamara (24) runs McNamara Tours, providing fun and informative tours of Derry City and some of Northern Ireland's best known tourist attractions.

Why did you decide to start your own business?

It had always been my dream. When an opportunity arose, I had to go for it.

How did you develop your business idea?

I spotted a gap in the market for a local private tour operator whilst working for the City Council. I ignored those who told me I was mad relying on tourists visiting Northern Ireland!

What help/advice did you receive?

My local business agency put me in touch with Shell LiveWlRE. My adviser helped me develop my idea, conduct marker research, create a business plan and helped me gain financial assistance.

What are the main advantages of being your own boss?

You learn about business fast! You don't have to answer to anyone (except the Bank Manager!) and it's far more rewarding than working for someone else.

What are the worst aspects?

You have to be prepared for long hours - your social life can suffer!

What advice would you offer to other young people thinking of starting their own business?

Get as much advice as you can - but remember it's you that has to make the final decision.