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  1. Answer the questions:

  1. What business did Ronan start?

  2. Why did he want to be his own boss?

  3. What does he say about the advantages and disadvantages of working for yourself?

  4. What kind of person might start their own business and enjoy working on their own? What kind of skills do you need?

Is starting a business for me?

You don't have to be a certain type of person or have particular qualifications to start a business. It takes a mix of qualities to succeed, almost like being several people at the same time. Here are some skills which may be needed to run a business. Which skills do you think you might have?

  • Manager: responsible, decision maker, leader, planner

  • Salesperson: winning customers, understanding people, knowing how to talk to them, winning confidence

  • Worker: as you're unlikely to have any employees to start off with, could you do all the work yourself-cope with long hours and pressure?

  • Administrator: keeping accounts, organising paperwork

  • Learner: keeping an open mind and always prepared to learn

  • Thinker: coming up with bright ideas, problem solving

  • Entrepreneur: identifying new business opportunities, wanting to succeed, taking calculated risks

Different businesses require different balances of these skills. If you're lacking in a particular area, you can get support from a specialist adviser. You may be able to get training to gain the skills you think you need. If you have one or more business partners, you should agree who does what best.

  1. Discuss the questions:

  1. Which of the skills do you have?

  2. What other business ideas can you suggest? (For example, cooking, secretarial work, language teaching, computer support, bike repairs, dog-walking)

What could I do?

Use a pen and large sheet of paper to write down all of your ideas. It doesn't matter how crazy your thoughts may seem, write anything that comes into your mind as you work through the following sections. You'll be amazed with how many ideas you come up with!

What could you do? Ask yourself:

  • Have I got a hobby or interest which could be the basis for a business?

  • What skills have I got?

  • What work have I done?

  • What knowledge or experience have I gained?

  • Could I adapt my existing skills and work for myself instead of someone else?

Can you spot a new idea?

  • identify any opportunities for new products or services

  • provide products or services which would overcome difficulties I or people in my area experience

  • ask local businesses or organisations which products or services they have difficulty in obtaining

Tried and tested - could you:

  • look at an existing business in a new way?

  • copy someone else's idea - make it better?

  • supply goods or services to local organizations which are currently supplied from outside your area?

  • buy an existing business?

  1. What kind of business can you start? Will it work?

Remember - you need to make a living out of your idea! You may find it helpful to talk this through with a friend, Consider:

  • What is the aim of my business?

  • What product or service will I sell?

  • Who are my potential customers?

  • What raw materials do I need?

  • Where will I base my business?

  • What equipment will I need?

  • What price will I charge?

  • How will I find my customers?

  • How will I make them buy from me instead of my competitors?

  1. Do you know anyone who has started their own business? How do these people find working on their own?

You may find further information about LiveWire on its website: www. shell-livewire.org.

  1. 8. Listen to a speaker giving a talk about a new business.

a) Answer the questions:

1. What type of business is it?

2. What is special about this business?

3. What will chefs be allowed to do?

4. How many people will they employ?

5. What perk will employees get?

6. What is the name of the business?

(CD) b) Listen again and make a note of the phrases the speaker uses to start/finish her talk.

  1. Read the How to ... box and put the phrases/ sentences below in the correct place:

To sum up,…

Are there any questions?

Good afternoon.

The most important thing for us is…