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A 16-year-old German pupil died after drinking over 50 tequila shots.

His death brought attention to the rising problem of teenage alcoholism in Germany and led to some legislative changes.

The bar owner who served the boy was arrested and is awaiting trial. He is charged with causing grievous bodily harm resulting in death.

The government also decided to ban "drink all you can" parties, where guests could pay a certain amount to drink until they literally drop. It was at such a party where the 16-year-old had died.

Although the overall consumption of alcohol here has declined during the past years, some now drink more than ever. German teenagers are number two consumers of alcohol in Europe, topped only by British youth.

The problem is blamed on the fact that drinking is still a big part of German culture and that the alcohol industry is specifically targeting young people as new customers.

Nadja Korinth


While Britain's teenagers have gained notoriety for binge drinking, their Latin cousins have always been renowned for their restraint.

The quickest way to lose respect of your Italian friends and neighbours is to get drunk in public. Drinking on the streets is considered disrespectful.

But in the past few years, this more reserved, continental etiquette to drinking has been changing.

Over the summer the Italian government commissioned a series of reports which reveals a worrying new trend.

According to figures from the health ministry 17% of the Italian population are binge drinking at least once a month. One in five teenagers admits to being drunk regularly.

In 1996 there were 19,000 alcoholics in Italy receiving regular treatment – now there are 54,000.

And this, says Emanuele Scafato, from the Italian Institute for Health, is merely the tip of iceberg.

"Young people no longer drink for enjoyment," he said. "They drink to get drunk.

"The relationship with alcohol is very different to what it was 10 years ago.

"We blame the growth in the sale of alcopops, the way the industry encourages young people to drink to be 'cool'. These days you can't be 'part of the gang' in Italy unless you drink.

"The second problem – is the breakdown of the traditional family unit. Drinking in moderation was something you learned from your father.

"Young people were encouraged to enjoy a glass of wine at dinner. Now parents work longer hours, the rhythm of life is changing and so is the father-son relationship."

The authorities in Rome have tried to crack down on binge drinking and the related violence, forcing bar owners to close early and to sell drinks in plastic beakers instead of glasses.

Last month the Ministry for Transportation forced through new changes to the law. It is now illegal to sell alcohol in discos after 2am.

By Christian Fraser

20. What effect does alcohol have on the body? Read the following information and mark in the picture (Pic. 9) the organs that are affected due to excessive drinking:

Pic. 9