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4. Match the parts of the speech with these brief descriptions:

1) making an appeal to the nation to preserve the values and the spirit of Thanksgiving;

2) reminding us of the origin of the holiday;

3) giving the date when the Proclamation was made;

4) naming the achievements made throughout 200 years;

5) announcing the Day of Thanksgiving and calling the nation to join in the celebration;

6) enumerating the values of the American society.

5. Though the speech is full of generalities because it is not designed to give information but rather to appeal to the nation, we can still learn something specific about the U.S. find at least eight bits of information and formulate them in your own words.

6. Try to read aloud a paragraph observing the rhythm, intonation and tone of the address.

7. Now make a speech of your own (it may be humorous). Decide who you are, where you are, to whom you speak and on what occasion. Try to use some expressions from Clinton's proclamation. Start by making an outline.

4. Guy Fawkes Day November 5th

1. Look at this page. What would you like to know about this day? Write as many questions as you can in 5 minutes.

Remember, remember

The fifth of November,

Gunpowder Treason and Plot.

I see no reason

Why Gunpowder Treason

Should ever be forgot.

2. Read the text and look for the answers to your questions.

At first sight, Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night celebrations may look alike. They are both in late autumn and have a touch of mystery, probably because they take place at night. The stories behind these traditions are, however, quite different.

The central figure of November 5th is, of course, Guy Fawkes. He was a Catholic who played a part in the plot to blow up Parliament in 1605.

3. Look at the pictures which show how to make a jack-o-lantern. Are they placed in the right order? Write short instructions under each picture, e.G.,

Picture d. Cut off the cap.

4. Let's make a pumpkin pie! Look at these actions and choose the ones you'll need:

boil mix cut fry bake

beat peel wash mash

Now think of the necessary ingredients, write a recipe and draw a picture of your pie. Don't forget to treat your classmates!

English as a Global Language

1. How long have you been studying English? Read the following ideas and decide which are true about you.

- for my future work

- it is obligatory

- my parents want me to learn it

- I can read foreign literature

- I can feel at ease when I travel

- I can chat online

- I can surf the Internet

- this language is beautiful

- I need it as I want to live abroad

2. What language is an international one nowadays? What language should English native speakers learn? Read what James says about the English language. Do you agree with him?

People say that English people are lazy when it comes to learning languages, and that when foreigners coming to England speak English, English people should return the favour. Fair enough! I think this is true, but what language should English people learn? Europe is linguistically quite diverse, so even if everyone in England spoke fluent German as well as English, no doubt the French and Spanish would think that we were unwilling or lazy for not learning their languages.

But, no doubt it won't be long before the international language changes again. Only 100 years ago, Latin and French were important languages, 50 years ago, English and Russian, and now only English. It is only a matter of time before another language takes over the role of international languages, and at this rate it looks like it will be Mandarin! The grammar of Mandarin is quite simple. In many cases its vocabulary is too. There are no articles, no genders. Numbers are all easily constructed (55 is five ten five) and dates are as well. The only difficulties lie in the tones. But anyone could pick them up with little practice and a musical ear.