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46. Try to combine two corresponding sentence parts without looking into the text.

1) Education today is not purely a question of the education of youth; it is a question of the education of

2) One reason for this is that they insist on laying down the law without allowing a

3) I believe that as we grow older we gain some wisdom, but

4) We cannot simply expect them to say, "Our older people have had experience

5) I think it would have been far better if she had established a type of genuine relationship with

6) But if the relationship is such that youth has no desire to talk to older people,

7) We don’t need to idealize things that are past; they look glamorous,

8) It is easy enough to impart book knowledge, but it is not so easy to build up the relationship between youth and older people which is

9) Everything that is human needs that

10) I think that we should welcome their help, and find places where this tremendous energy that is in youth – If

11) My own feeling would be that the most important education is the education which will enable us,

A) then, I think, it is entirely impossible to help the youth of today – and they need help badly.

B) it cannot be used immediately in making a living – may at least be used where it is so greatly needed today.

C) essential to the working out of their problems – very difficult problems on which young people need our leadership and our understanding.and they have proved to themselves certain things, therefore they are right."

E) both in our homes and in our schools, to understand the real problems that our children have to meet today.

F) free intellectual interchange of ideas between themselves and the younger generation.

G) I do not believe that we can take it for granted that our wisdom will be accepted by the younger generation.

H) parents, because so many parents, I find, have lost their hold on their children.

I) particular kind of enthusiasm.

J) but perhaps they were not so glamorous when we really lived through them.

K) her children which would have allowed them to be honest with her.

Correct combination

1 -__ 2 -__ 3 -__ 4 -__ 5 -__ 6 -__ 7 -__ 8 -__ 9 -__ 10 -__ 11 -__

47. There are some other opinions of solving youth problems. Some young people prefer reading books, listening to music, going in for sports to smoking, drinking and taking drugs. Read Irina’s story and compress it using the prompt below.

Free Time Activities

Most teenagers in Russia like to go out with their friends or simply talk. There are a lot of topics to discuss. Friends can help you find new records, computer programmes or just new opportunities to enjoy your free time. I feel I could share all my feelings with my friends and they would understand me very well. We usually go to McDonald’s, the city centre, or a disco club. We talk. For instance, my friend Viktor is nuts about Tolkien’s novels. He often tells us about the adventures of the characters from The Lord of the Rings. It’s great when teens form positive subcultures (e.g. Tolkienists) or listen to some positive music.

I know some teens who are fans of a music group or a singer. They collect posters and records, visit concerts regularly, and exchange pictures and news. They like to sing songs of their pop or rock idols and find information about them in the internet. On different websites, admirers can find pictures, and lyrics. Some even download the music.

Other teens are sport fans or go in for sports themselves. British boys and girls play their traditional sport games, such as cricket, soccer, rugby, golf, and tennis. American boys and girls usually play American football, baseball, and basketball. Cheerleaders are also very popular in the USA.

My friend and I like to play basketball and volleyball. In summer we play beach volleyball, badminton, and table tennis. But I would not like to join a sports team. I want to play just for fun, not to become a champion.

Some teens spend a lot of time with their pets. One of my friends Ivan trains a puppy in his free time.

I know that in Britain and the USA many teenagers earn money after school or during vacations. They work for their pocket money or to support their families. They can work in a local pub, a shop, a supermarket, or a golf club. The majority of kids prefer to deliver mail. Some work in stables, if they like horses; some work as baby-sitters, if they like babies. If I could, I would work too, though in Russia teens have fewer job opportunities. I could babysit, deliver letters. It’s great to acquire some working experience while you are still at school. I believe I could even work abroad.

The best way to relax for me is travelling. If your parents are made of money, you are a lucky dog. You may have the most breathtaking holidays at the resorts of Spain, Turkey, or the Bahamas. As a matter of fact, some travelling and working experience is rather important, because universities and potential employers are very much in favour of students who have it.

48. Decide whether these statements are true or false according to the text.

1. Friends can help you enjoy your free time.

2. British boys and girls play baseball, and basketball.

3. American boys and girls usually play cricket, soccer, rugby.

4. In Britain and the USA many teenagers earn money after school or during vacations.

5. In Russia teens have a lot of job opportunities.

6. The best way to relax for Irina is travelling.

49. What do you do in your free time? Your friends? Can your friend help you when you are in trouble? And you? Can friendship be the cure for drinking or drugs taking? Continue the dialogue discussing these problems.

– Who is your best friend?

– Phil. I can always rely on him.

– Do you have similar interests?

– Yes, we are never bored with each other. I can learn a lot of interesting things from them. Besides he is a person who stands by you to the end. And who can you turn for help to?

– To Jane. She never ignores my problems. I always share my troubles with her. She is supportive. Once…