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50. In pairs copy the table and fill it in for your partner by asking him/her questions. Then find out what he/she did or is going to do to get out of them? Give your advice.

My life

10 years ago

2 years ago


Bad habits

51. Project task. Read the article below. What is the main idea? Visit a website on the subject of extreme sports. Make notes for a short presentation. Don’t forget to bring some pictures illustrating your information.

Sports Against Drugs

Once a cool holiday called “Sports against drugs” took place in Sokolniki Park in Moscow. Audience’s attention was attracted with a great number of sports competitions, which both sportsmen and onlookers took part in with pleasure. There is no secret that new generation is striving for dynamic life. But where can they spend their life activity except sports? Now extreme sports are very popular among the youth. Roller-skating is one of the most popular among them. Where else can you feel sensation of high speed, no matter whether a roller skates good? Who would ever expect that there would be so much volunteers who would be eager to take part in Open Roller Skates Tournament?

There were competitors at the age of 5 to 45. Just fancy how it looked! The atmosphere of the competitions was astonishing: modern music, extreme sport and fine weather, what else does advanced youth want? I decided to have a chat with one of these advanced chap nickname Bruise to know what he differs from others:

What is your life motto?

– Onward to success, stop at nothing.

What do you think about while you skate?

– Nothing. When I skate I forget all my problems and troubles, I air my head. It lets me be happy in my own way.

What do you feel when you see a roller-girl doing excellent tricks on a high level?

– Oh, self-respect. Don’t let me leave it alone. I’ll try to do the same better then she.

Do you prefer to wear the same clothes when you don’t skate?

– Yes, of course. My clothes are my distinctive feature. People see that I’m a roller even though I’m without roller skates. It’s cool.

I heard that roller-skating divides into two directions – fitness and aggressive. What is the difference?

– Well, if you like to skate without any tricks and feel that it’s enough for you, this style is called fitness. But if you want adventures, you can choose aggressive one, which also has two directions, called “street” and “rumpa” Make it plain, “street” is skating on spring-board, and “rales” and “rumpa” is half-round area, where rollers show their skills. To put it in a nut shell, it’s your own choice.

I really didn’t regret that I visited this holiday. I convinced myself in reality that the world without drugs exists. You have to seek it yourself.

By Elena Arkhipova